Screenwriting : Script exposure - would love your opinions! by Dianne Janis

Dianne Janis

Script exposure - would love your opinions!

Hi there, I would love to hear everyone's opinion/recommendation about where you post your scripts. I have material on InkTip and am considering using the Black List platform as well as using more of the Stage 32 resources, too. Ideas? Agreement? Thoughts? Thanks! Dianne

Shellie Schmals

Hey Dianne, this is Shellie from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Acting to Screenwriting, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

Dianne Janis

THANK YOU. Clumsy fingers here.... fumbled into wrong category.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Dianne Janis. You can post your scripts in the Logline Section of your Stage 32 page. People can give you feedback on your loglines, synopses, and scripts and rate your loglines.

You can post your scripts on Script Revolution. Script Revolution is free, but you can get extra features and discounts for $9.99 per month (Rockstar status).

Dianne Janis

THANK YOU, Maurice! I will check it out. I appreciate the advice. Do you post on Script Revolution? I'll look for your work there if you do. Thanks, D

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Dianne Janis. Yes, I post scripts on Script Revolution (

Wendy Appelbaum

Coverfly is great too

B A Mason

Besides Coverfly, I could recommend CJ Walley's Script Revolution - it is up to you help make it stand out amongst all the other scripts though. Best of luck!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Diane: I recently put together a 45-minute video about this very topic. You may want to check it out. It covers ten different websites, including the Blacklist and Inktip.

Evelyne Gauthier

Stage 32, Coverfly, and Script Revolution are very nice. Personally, I find the Black List quite expensive.

Jim Boston

Dianne, I'm more than happy posting scripts of mine on Stage 32, Script Revolution, and Network ISA.

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