Introduce Yourself : New to this... by Adrianne Lovato

Adrianne Lovato

New to this...

Hello everyone! I am new to Stage 32, I don't really know what I’m doing, and I just wanted to say Hi!

All I know is that this is THE PLACE to be when it comes to being an actor, writer, & screenwriter, and I am all of the above. So, here’s to all of us grinding and making moves!

Nihat Altin

Hello Adrianne, I'm also new to Stage32 and like you, I have no idea of what I'm gonna do. I love movies, music has always been a significant part of my life. Best luck :)

James Welday

Adrianne Lovato welcome, and pleased to meet you!

B A Mason

I don't know if Stage32 is THEE PLACE, but it's certainly a great place to network and bump elbows with other creatives for sure. Welcome!

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Adrianne! nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Adrianne Lovato

Thank you guys for the welcome! Idk how to respond to each one, so I’m responding as a whole lol

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community and screenwriting, Adrianne Lovato. Stage 32's a great place to learn, build relationships/network, find opportunities/projects/jobs, pitch your projects, and get support.

Here's a great blog about navigating Stage 32 for the best experience:

You can reply directly to people by pushing the @ symbol. A menu will show up. Sometimes the menu doesn't show up, so people type "Maurice Vaughan:" You can also bold a person's name by putting the asterisk symbol two times before their name and two times after their name.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Nihat Altin.

Wendy Weising


Olivia Drake

Hi Adrianne! Welcome! I’m pretty new too, and I’m glad we get to share all our experiences together!

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