Introduce Yourself : Hello from Liverpool! by Johanne McAndrew

Johanne McAndrew

Hello from Liverpool!

Just saying hi - and any Producers looking for a low budget comedy heist? Pitch deck ready! Script ready! Chariots on stand-by! #BadGladiatorsTheMovie

Maurice Vaughan

"Bad Gladiators" looks like it's going to be hilarious, Johanne McAndrew! :D

Have you tried a Pitch Session ( or a consultation call ( on Stage 32 for your script?

Also, is "Bad Gladiators" a Raunchy Comedy type of Comedy Heist? There's a studio executive looking for Raunchy Comedies through an Open Writing Assignment in the Writers' Room (R-rated or adult PG-13 Comedy features).

Johanne McAndrew

Thank you Maurice! Sorry - I only just realised you had left a message - still finding my way around.

Cheers for the help, much appreciated!



Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Johanne McAndrew. How's the pitching going?

Sydney Summers

I love this pic!

Johanne McAndrew

Thank you Sydney Summers!

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