Screenwriting : Too old? by Gerald Paul Barrett

Gerald Paul Barrett

Too old?

I took a friend out for a Christmas lunch the other day, (he's a freelance Journalist) and our conversation got around to my current comedy/horror screenplay. He say's, "Aren't you worried that you're too old to be writing a Hollywood script?" I answered, "No" then I hit him with my cane and shuffled away.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Good one. Funny has nothing to do with age and everything to do with being talented and a keen observer of the human condition.

Roberta M Roy

Glad you went for it, Gerald Paul Barrett!!

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Gerald Paul Barrett ("I answered, "No" then I hit him with my cane and shuffled away").

I agree with Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique. I've heard of people who are older than you selling scripts and getting jobs.

Stephanie Munch

Lmao well done (of course it has nothing to do with age)

Eoin O'Sullivan

David Seidler was 74 when he won a BAFTA, followed by an Oscar for The King's Speech. He started on the script in 1982, but as he didn't receive the required Royal permission, abandoned it until 2005, after her death.

Craig D Griffiths

My age (58) gives me more to write about. The only caveat is that you have to have the intelligence to understand you cannot write everything. My lovely, wonderful, beautiful and talented daughter is 27, still watches Disney movies and laughs at things that makes me question her sanity. She is never going to be my target audience.

Geoff Hall

I’d have rolled over his foot with my wheelchair!

Sam Mannetti

Agree with all the comments! Not only do we need age diversity behind the camera we also need it in front. There’s a need for more material that focuses on those that would be considered “too old”

Debbie Croysdale

Ageism needs wiping out, a scourge of society along with other "Isms" EG Race, Sex & Size. A card played by people who feel their corner threatened & use the only weapon capable of "sarcasm." The only time one is too old is if six feet under or ashes in a vase.

John David Antesberger III

Sometimes, even at only 31 years of age, I feel like I’ve missed the boat. But then I look back at my experiences and realize the maturity I’ve gained is valuable for good story and storytelling. Imagine what another decade can do for source material for story.

Geoff Hall

John I’m nearly 35 years older than you. So I can add a few more decades to yours and just think of the perspective I’ve gained. Haha!

Sam Sokolow

My mom published her first book last year at 86 years old. And it’s great. Keep writing and creative and making and doing forever. Stay inspired and always believe.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations to your mom for publishing her first book, Sam Sokolow! :D

Ewan Dunbar

I keep seeing a very helpful flowchart on this topic:

Are you dead? - Too late to write

Are you alive? - Not too late to write

Keep going!

Jim Boston

Gerald, I'm glad you set that freelance journalist straight!

Three months ago, we lost Mark Miller (from TV's "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" and the 1982 movie "Savannah Smiles"). When Mark wasn't acting or producing, he wrote screenplays and teleplays...and as a matter of fact, he wrote until he hit 70. (He penned the 1995 release "A Walk in the Clouds" as well as "Savannah Smiles" itself.)

Miller died at age 97 on 9-9-2022.

Thanks for posting this...and all the VERY BEST to you!

Thomas Pollart

. .. and shuffled away, departed, to make myself still more interesting as my smoke lingered behind and swirled about the lip of the ashtray, dissipating slowly in the hazy light of the little cafe.

Marian Betts

I had to pick myself up off the floor after reading your comment! I'm 72 and writing my first script based on a book series I'm also writing. The cane comes in handy - for many things!

Stephanie Munch

Ewan: best answer ever

Trina Jackson

you are never tooo old to write a screenplay. I just finished my third screenplay and I am stilll a rookie at it. I am still learning.

Geoff Hall

*Sam Sokolov** I still believe!

Thomas Pollart

Acknowledging your age as value and an essential part of Who You Are, taking on a hero's journey, scripting a once upon a time. I say bravo and wish you success sir !

Christiane Lange

Age can be a bar to certain things, like competing in the Olympics or performing Swan Lake. With writing, I would venture that it is an advantage. You have seen more, met more people, processed more etc. I also find that my ego gets less in the way of things with age, and that is helpful for all kinds of creative and collaborative projects.

Last night, we had a 90-yo friend for dinner. He is still writing, and his feet may be a bit slower than they were ten years ago, but his mind is as sharp as always. He was soon involved in a lively discussion with a couple in their 30s.

My uncle is 92 and still working as a designer and architect, simply because he likes what he does. I am his spitting image, so I fully intend to follow his example.

A small article about uncle:

Maurice Vaughan

Great article, Christiane! Your dinner guest and uncle are inspiring!

Maurice Vaughan

"Don't stop believin', Geoff." —Message from Journey

Jed Power

Love to hear this Gerald,from another old-Timer!

Shellie Schmals

Gerald Paul Barrett - you're never too old to achieve your dreams!

Jed Power

I hop everyone is eight, but sometimes I wonder,

Bill Albert

Had a friend of 20 years who told me that because of my age and location Hollywood would never be interested in my writing. When I told him how shocked I was by his attitude he doubled down and said I just had to face it. It's hard but you have to get rid of the negatives. They aren't worth your time.

Maurice Vaughan

"It's hard but you have to get rid of the negatives. They aren't worth your time." Exactly, Bill. When they say you can't, don't worry or argue. Just show them you can. I like to say, "Nay to naysayers". :)

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Jed. I don't understand what you mean.

Jed Power

Sorry Maurice! 1-handed typing is tough sometimes! word eight is supposed to be right! Best, Jed.

Maurice Vaughan

Oh ok, Jed. No problem.

Vic Burns

Not too hard, one would hope...

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