Screenwriting : This is a Hostage Situation... by Vic Burns

Vic Burns

This is a Hostage Situation...

... in which I am wishing you a sincerely happy new year.

OK, you are free to leave -

... unless, you just wanna leave some positive thoughts / vibes / plans for next year going forward?

Goals / missions / thoughts / dietary plans / gardening tips / strategies for world domination...

Warm hugs, fist bumps, elbows and kisses - wherever you are! xxx

Vic Burns / Jay.

Maurice Vaughan

"strategies for world domination." Pinky and the Brain. Haha

For the first part of 2023, I plan to finish jobs I have lined up and pitch projects. I'll probably add some mini writing goals and personal goals also.

Best to you and everyone on your goals in 2023, Vic Burns! Unless it's world domination.

Fist bump

Dan MaxXx

Sell a spec to a WGA signatory company and join the guild so I vote for nominated movies end of year, dec 2023/jan 2024.

Stephanie Munch

Lol Vic Happy New year from France - if you get tips for World domination, I'm in - have a wonderful & creative year

Kiril Maksimoski

Write a film Dan M here gonna evaluate so I can pull strings get some prestige award and boost my career...and ego...

Christiane Lange

Happy New Year! My aim is to get at least one short produced in the new year, and, of course, world domination.

Jerel Damon

That was the best opener! LOL! Have a good New Years!!

Wendy Weising

Eat less. Write more.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Ride this old body until the wheel falls off and write mo better screenplays. Happy New Year!

Craig D Griffiths

There are only a few things I keep in mind constantly. I focus on these are the start of each year.

Life is too short to do things you hate when you have choices.

No one (nearly no one) has their CV on their grave stone. They may have an achievement. But mostly it is what they have meant to others. “Loving father, brother…etc”. Be worthy of your gravestone.

Be honest and don’t let bad people do bad things.

Kerson Raymond

Happy New Year to you as well. My 2023 goal is to a) finish writing this banger of a high-

octane action script and to actually shoot a feature. Cheers everyone!

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