Screenwriting : Writing website by Christine Capone

Christine Capone

Writing website

Hi Everyone! Do you think it's beneficial to have a website showcasing all of your work? If so, could you please share yours if you have one? Thank you!

Maurice Vaughan

Interested in hearing what others have to say about this, Christine Capone. I've thought about having a website showcasing my scripts.

Richard "RB" Botto

I had one, but barely utilized it. I've found that having a completed profile here and pointing people to it on all my socials and other materials has been much more beneficial, especially when dealing with executives on the platform. It's one click, it's easy and they get to respond without having to click out.

Christine Capone

Richard, good point. Probably would get more exposure on this site. Thank you!

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely, Christine. Happy to help.

Maurice Vaughan

Great advice, Richard "RB" Botto. Thanks.

Craig D Griffiths

I have for me the best thing is having a customised email address.

Also it is a good idea to have some of your own real estate on the internet. As much as I like to host my work. But if Marvel offered a gig, but CJ had to close SR, he would do it in a heartbeat (unless he is insane). Which means all the goodwill I have built would disappear. So having a website is a safe backdrop. But these are hours a month to maintain. They are not set and forget.

Amanda Toney

I agree with RB, having a full profile here on Stage 32 is key. The executives we work with all are interconnected on the back end so if they are reviewing your material they take that one click and look at your profile. I also do like what CJ did with Script Revolution, it’s a user friendly way to have all your things in one place. @Craig - you’re so right, it’s not set and forget.

L. Tom Deaver

If the website is good - pleasing your intended audience, then yes, it is helpful. IF NOT good or time not spent in making it work, then no, it hurts you like wearing an ugly sweater to a fine dining experience it makes a bad first impression. In short, it depends and there are exceptions to every rule.

L. Tom Deaver

Amanda Toney I agree. Full profiles on Stage 32 are very useful as is Script Revolution, but I, and I welcome differing opinions on this, do not like to post scripts - loglines are good - but entire scripts are too much except for your calling card scripts. I say this for two reasons - overexposure of a script (think having spoilers shared too soon, ie before a movie is released) and, yes, this does happen, risking high concept ideas.

Christine Capone

I definitely would commit the time to maintaining it. I fee like there you could at least provide a more in depth viewing of your work and more about you as a person. Also, maybe a place where you can post actors you have in mind as well as music and even trailers. Who knows. I do love using S32 as it has become a learning tool for me by getting script feedback as well as interacting with other members. I'll have to see about Script Revolution. Thanks everyone!

Debbie Croysdale

Agree @Tom A website making a bad first impression is worse than no website. @Craig “Own real estate” on web is a cool take on thread question. @All I’m in the process of building my own website cos I liaise, live & work in EU & UK but will also put my finished show reels here on Stage 32. I’m a fan of CJ’s innovative maverick Script Revolution which feels more of a movement than a webpage. The availability to meet execs here on Stage 32 is an awesome game changer and without doubt the best place to be but since I’m not in USA I’m trying to toss a hail Mary all up field regionally AND over the pond.

Johnny Brocco

I’ve been using scriptrevolution

Rose G.
Sam Sokolow

I agree that a completed profile here on Stage 32 is the best tool. It’s a great thing to share with anyone you’re working with, or want to, and it’s wonderfully effective when socializing with other community members.

Jim Boston

Christine, I'm late in weighing in...but I'm happy to say I've got a completed profile here on Stage 32...and I'm also on Script Revolution, Network ISA, Coverfly, and LinkedIn. (LinkedIn has a Screenwriting Staffing page, too, as well as a Stage 32 one.)

And...I have my own site, (I just figured every little bit helps.)

But whatever decisions you make, here's wishing you all the VERY BEST...and I'm glad you're here on 32!

Christine Capone

Oh, Thanks Jim! Same to you!

Josiah Bhola Hillaire

You need a website so you can be exposed more. Just the other day I was speaking to a friend of mine who’s a teacher within the arts and he told me that within film, television, radio, or anything within entertainment…if you want to have more opportunities to make it, you need to create your own website and outline everything you’ve done. I’m currently working on mine.

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