Introduce Yourself : An introduction: I am a doctor, former military physician, author, novelist, screenwriter, former ceramic artist, can't sit still... by Curt Samlaska

Curt Samlaska

An introduction: I am a doctor, former military physician, author, novelist, screenwriter, former ceramic artist, can't sit still...

I am a former military physician with fascinating experiences in medicine and military attachments. I have published extensively in the medical literature, and have applied my knowledge and experiences to create vivid fiction in the form of thrilling books and screenplays. I enjoy creating disease entities that don't exist...but could.  Terminal Cascade is my most recent novel, which has been adapted into a screenplay.  To watch a video trailer on Terminal Cascade go here:

I have also written a family drama titled Jingle Bell Rock.  The logline is:  A desperate mother of a severely handicapped child tries to win a Jingle Bell Rock radio contest to support her child. Along the way a mysterious benefactor comes to her rescue.  I am determined to get this made into a feature and have been working all of my contacts in dermatology (DEBRA foundation, Camp Discovery, The American Academy of Dermatology) as well as major investigators in the area of epidermolysis bullosa (EB).  These children are mature beyond their years and often do not survive past the age of 20-30 years.  The feature is dedicated to the memory of Jonathan Pitre.  To learn more about  butterfly children go here:

In closing I would like to quote Thomas McCree:  "More is missed by not looking than not knowing."

Shellie Schmals

Hi Curt Samlaska - so nice to meet you and thank you for your service! There's so much great material here, excited to hear more about your journey into feature filmmaking.

Curt Samlaska

Thank you Shellie! Let the feature begin....

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Curt Samlaska. I like "Jingle Bell Rock" and "Terminal Cascade." "Terminal Cascade" sounds like it'd be a great Horror/Thriller movie! The thrombotoxin sounds like some scary stuff.

Curt Samlaska

Hello Maurice. Yes, the thrombotoxin is based on a review article I wrote on primary and secondary hypercoagulable states published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. It's also an amazing story about Yuri and how he evolves from a brilliant but meek scientist into a mass murderer...fantastic character study.

Sydney Summers

Thank you for sharing and for your service! Welcome to the community :-)

Niki H

Hi Curt, lovely to meet you! Thank you for your service. Make sure to post your loglines in that section on the site as well - I love that family drama logline!

Maurice Vaughan

Have you been pitching "Terminal Cascade" to producers and production companies, Curt Samlaska?

Curt Samlaska

Niki...thanks for the tip...compliance.

Curt Samlaska

Maurice. Pitching Terminal Cascade (TC)? No...I have had it in a lot of screenplay competitions. I published the book a year and a half ago, produced the was marketing that, converted into a screenplay, then I launched into my other two screenplays and have been doing a lot of screenplay competitions. The Reluctant First Gentleman (TRFG) I wrote a number of years ago so I updated that feature also (that script is fun and would do well in the Goonies tribe). Getting a lot of excellent reviews...for all of my scripts and placing very high on many lists. I have more recently been focusing on getting Jingle Bell Rock (JBR) produced since it is low budget, shot here in Las Vegas and I believe would really do well globally, since it has a connection to Berlin. JBR is in the top 2% on Coverfly and has been on the Red List for family dramas for months now. TRFG is in the top 3% on Coverfly and was a semifinalist on Scriptapalooza competition last year. TC was a finalist in Script Summit last year. I am seriously bound to TC since the whole idea came to me when I was attached to establishing telemedicine in Bosnia as part of Operation Joint Endeavor...I was attached to the Combat Casualty Research Center...which is a real organization. If you want to learn more about how I ended up writing TS please go to:

I am open to any suggestions you may have. I have sent JBR out to the dermatology world literally and have been getting it into the hands of physicians and researchers in the field of EB, DEBRA foundation, Camp Discovery, etc. I have contacted and been given permission to dedicate the film in memory of Jonathan Pitre from his mother...she is an amazing woman. I am trying to get it into the hands of Mark Wahlberg, he moved to Las Vegas and is really shooting a lot of films here in Vegas. In my real life I am pretty darn a dermatology practice here in Las Vegas and see around 50 patients a day. I have thousands of clinical photographs which I send to Bill James, Chair of the Department of Dermatology at University of Pennsylvania, he is the senior editor for Andrews' Textbook of Dermatology. I am currently writing a textbook by blog, If you want an idea you can check it out...I hope you are not easily grossed out because some of the pictures are pretty graphic...

The journey continues... Thanks for the post. "Conserve the fighting strength!"

Mohamed Chwitar

Curt Samlaska Welcome home, Sir.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on all the success with your projects, Curt Samlaska! I read the logline for "The Reluctant First Gentleman" today. It sounds like a hit.

Stage 32 has excellent producers, executives, etc. you can pitch your projects to through Pitch Sessions ( If the producers, etc. like your pitches and projects, they might request to read your scripts. The Pitch Sessions helped me rewrite my pitches and scripts, which led to pitch deck requests and script requests. Here are more Pitch Session success stories:

Curt Samlaska

Thanks Maurice. I have made up a pitch deck for Jingle Bell Rock. TRFG to follow. Spent a day doing it, but I like doing this stuff. If I put the pitch deck here will it only be available to industry representatives? Not sure I want it to go out to the world. I love the pitch script services, but it seems to be pretty restrictive on times...thanks for the information. Also I am looking for people interested in family dramas and I'm not finding many...

Curt Samlaska

I don't think you can upload a pitch deck to Stage is the InkTip site that has that feature...DOH!

Sam Mannetti

Hi Curt! I am the Director of Development Services at Stage 32. If me or my team can ever recommend any of our script services to help get your projects in front of the right executives, please email us directly at Always happy to help!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Curt Samlaska. You can post a pitch deck in place of a script on the logline page. If you post a pitch deck, anyone on Stage 32 can see it.

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