Introduce Yourself : Hey there Fellow Writers! by Paula Murrain

Paula Murrain

Hey there Fellow Writers!

I currently work a 9 to 5 in the Federal government (blah!) and I’m now looking to drop the day-to-day and write full time… 

I’m currently still on cloud nine for finally placing in a competition; definitely the confirmation I needed.  I look forward to possibly collaborating with other writers.


Dennis Reynolds

Hey, I have a story to tell and need help telling it. Are you interested in helping? My goal is to make it a book/TV series/ Movie. I can give you quick synopsis if interested

Pradip Atluri

Congratulations Paula. Onwards and upwards :)

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Paula. Hope you reach your goal to drop your job and write full time.

I suggest adding a bio to your profile. A bio will help you build relationships/network on here. You could add things like your experience, the genres you write, your goals, and interesting things about yourself and your projects.

GiGi Raines

What a dream! Congratulations on placing too!

Paula Murrain

Great to meet everyone! Thank you Maurice for the bio advice… working in that now!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Paula Murrain. Here's a great blog about navigating the platform:

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