Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter & Writer new to Stage 32 by Chuck Driskell

Chuck Driskell

Screenwriter & Writer new to Stage 32

Hello gang! I'm happy to join Stage 32. I penned novels for years until a very kind entertainment lawyer (they do exist,) who read all my books, reached out and encouraged me to adapt them into screenplays. Several years ago I took the plunge. The adapting/writing is a blast. Two of my screenplays are currently optioned but don't yet have permanent homes. Another book I ghost-wrote was recently optioned, and I'm helping the director adapt for a series. Anyway, I'm happy to be here. I hope to make friends and key contacts. If I can help you in any way, please just ask. Thank you - Chuck

Ryan L. Jones

Welcome Chuck!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, and congratulations on the options, Chuck Driskell! You live in Greenville, South Carolina. I live in Greenville, North Carolina. :D

Chuck Driskell

Hi Maurice: Great to meet you! I was stationed at Ft. Bragg back in the day...made several trips up to Gville for some fun at ECU. :D

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you for your service, Chuck Driskell. My dad was in the Army, which is why Army is one of my college football teams. Air Force and Navy are my college football teams too. And Alabama and Oregon. Haha

Cool that you've been to ECU. I took my SAT test there. Did you know Sandra Bullock went to ECU?

Chuck Driskell

I'd forgotten that, but I remember hearing about it. Very cool.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Chuck! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Sydney S

Hi, Chuck! Welcome to the community :) I love that you expressed yourself as kind, that is beautiful! Are you interested in taking any classes/ labs about writing? Would love to learn more about you and recommend some to you. Feel free to email me at

Sam Sokolow

It’s great to meet you here in the community, Chick! Excited to see more of your posts and work!

Chuck Driskell

Thanks for the warm welcome. I have much to learn! Appreciate the community.

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, Sandra Bullock came back and did a speech, Chuck Driskell. I think it was a few years ago. She's a talented actress. She can do funny movies and serious movies (like "The Unforgivable").

Ashley Renee Smith

Hey, Chuck! I'd love to hear more about your novels. What genre(s) of books have you written? Are you working on anything new in the book space, or focusing more on screenwriting currently?

Michele Mathis

Congrats Chuck! I’m new here too. I would love to know the kind entertainment lawyer, if you can share.

Chuck Driskell

Hi Michele, he was an NYC based IP lawyer. He worked primarily between studios and publishers. Lots of cool stuff...

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to have you and your talents here, Chuck.

Jed Power

VERY COOL,Chuck. What genre are your novels? I have adapted one of mine also and am looking for a rep.

Kevin Enners

Hey Chuck - and everyone :) - I am also new. I am an author and screenwriter (sorta). What is your genre? Do you have any advice?

Christopher Katz

Welcome aboard Chuck.

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