Introduce Yourself : Hey, I'm Fra... and I'm an aspiring writer! by Francesca Bosè

Hey, I'm Fra... and I'm an aspiring writer!

Hello everybody! I'm Francesca, a 22 years old girl based in Italy and, as I said, I'm an aspiring writer. I just dropped on this website after my degree in Filmmaking and Screenwriting and I have to say I'm feeling pretty small right now :) . I tell stories since I remember, now I'm making my first step, trying to film them. I love every kind of fictional writing but if I could describe my work in a few words I would say that I'm closer to the tragicomic stories, with an eye on everything that can be grotesque. My last works are like those little bizarre stories you could listen from a homless man at the metro station at midnight or from an old woman in kitsch outfit you meet every morning at the supermarket wich have just decide that you should be her next husband. There are thousand of these stories around us, life stories that we may ignore most of the time. I think I'm that kind of author that agree with the sentence "a writer should be a careful observer" and if you get those unusual stories and mix them with a bit of imagination and a pinch of madness, maybe there you can find not only a new plot for your script, but a life lesson. I'm glad to be here and I hope to get to know some of you soon!

Olivia Drake

Hi Francesca! Nice to meet you! I am also an aspiring screenwriter, but I love your definition of your stories being tragicomic. As if life isn't already a tragic comedy nowadays lol! If you need someone to read over scripts sometime, I'd be happy to help!

Francesca Bosè

Hey Olivia! You're really nice, thank you! I would love that and, of course, if you need it too, I'm here :)

Olivia Drake

Francesca Bosè thank you! That would be really nice!

Nathan Woodward

Welcome to the party Francesca! Can't wait to learn more from you as you grow :)

David Abrookin

Welcome to the community, Francesca Bosè! Glad to have you here, and if you have any questions about any of our services or would like recommendations, please email us at and we'll be happy to help.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to Stage 32, Francesca Bosè. Congratulations on getting your degree in Filmmaking and Screenwriting!!! :D

There's a lot to see and do on Stage 32. Here's a blog that'll help you navigate the platform:

I'm sure you'll meet a lot of supportive, encouraging, motivating people on here. Stage 32 is a global community.

Stephanie Munch

Welcome Francesca! Don't feel small you're in good company here :)

Taurai Du Plessis

Lovely to E-meet Francesca

Chinonso Idoh

Welcome Francesca! Don't feel small because I'm sure you're way bigger... and I'm sure I will learn from you.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Francesca! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Francesca Bosè

You're all so warm guys, making me really comfortable, thank you ^^ . I'm sure I'll learn a lot from all of you!

Sam Mannetti

Welcome Francesca! I am the Director of Development Services at Stage 32. My team and I would love to learn more about what you are working on and point you to all the resources we have to offer on Stage 32. Shoot us an email at and let us know a little more about your scripts and goals!

GiGi Raines

Welcome, and thank you for sharing more about you find interesting to write and be inspired by! Look forward to hearing more!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Francesca Bosè.

Shane McAndrew

Nice to e-meet you! Never let yourself small. You're clearly very passionate and talented at writing - you've just got to believe in yourself! Don't let your inner saboteur get you down. :-)

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