Screenwriting : Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism. by Marcel Nault Jr.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism.

Have you ever come at a point where you think your own work is "utter crap"? By reading your script many times in the course of a week or a month, do you ever feel like you're hitting a wall and that your efforts are done in vain?

Not to be a downer, but that's what's happening to me right now. Ironically, this isn't the first time that I put myself in question, whether it's for academic purposes or in this case, screenwriting.

If you have any advice to get over this feeling of dread, let me know, because I hate this!

Steve Cleary

Yes, I think relentless self-critique is part of the process of attaining greatness, so you're in a good place :^)

Don Patterson

I write because I want to create something original for my own satisfaction and not for just a dime. After several basic rough drafts on the work in progress script, I set it aside for a minimum of six months and work on other projects. Then I sit and do a full rewrite. After I am comfortable with the dialogue, pace, plot points and arcs, I hand off to several well-read librarians from my local libraries, they know me and my writing(s). I also read a lot. After they have read and reviewed the script(s), I have a list of questions. They answer and I am educated on my weaknesses within that script. Sometimes, something has not move from my head to paper. After the next full rewrite, I have a small group of actor and film making friends and we do a round-table read. Most are not 'professional talent', but all are film addicts. In the read I listen. I rewrite. After that last rewrite, I copyright. Hope this helps you Mr. Nault.

Don Patterson

Oh, and I have never had writer's block...

Craig D Griffiths

I don’t doubt myself or my craft. I begin to doubt my choices. Am I misleading myself about this story? Is it a piece of crap covered in so much glitter I cannot see it is still crap under the surface.

I know I have stories that I think are good, but in reality am I just being a stage parent cheering on a talentless child.

For instance. I asked myself “what if Batman was poor?”. So I started writing a poor Batman and I made the main character female. I got through the first draft, but it is okay. But I know I love it more than others will.

Greg Wong

I would not go as far as that. Ideas that generally capture my imagination are ones that usually elicit an emotional reaction first. Those are my go to measures. I note the idea down and explore where it could go. If it doesn't have legs, then it stays on the ideas document. I have many that will probably never go beyond this because of one reason or another. The ones that do, have a lot of additional work done first on the ideas document and when I reach a certain point or the idea grows to a point that it merits it's own. So, I don''t think it's a crap idea once I've filtered my ideas. It's had so much thought put into it that the story has already taken shape, the emotional elements in place, the midpoint worked out and the ending or endings written. I know it doesn't help if you've started writing but you could always reach out to members of S32 and bounce your ideas off them.

Ewan Dunbar

Sometimes its good to get away from your work so you can come back to it with a refreshed perspective.

Dan MaxXx

There's a theory about investing a minimum of 10,000 hours (physical labor, studying whatever) for any occupation.

Maybe instead of just writing, go hustle for a film job. Working on someone else's movie might motivate you to keep pushing forward. Or not.

Ugo Cavallo

You're having a very normal feeling, Hemingway himself said that the first draft of his works was "shit". You are allowed to doubt your work but you are not allowed to give up. Rewrite it a few times and then put it away for a few weeks. Go back to it with a fresh mind and you will realize how much you are worth!!

Sam Sokolow

Writing is such an intimate experience between a person, or team, and their work. And like any relationship it’s going to experience a myriad of emotions. Know that you’re not alone in how you feel and that’s it’s OK to go through all of that you’re going through in the process of creating. What you’re doing isn’t easy and is amazing. Stay strong and hang in there and believe that the wonder in your script will find it’s way back to you.

Randy Riddle

I've gone through this many times. You have to just put away the script for awhile - a few days or weeks.- and come back to it with a fresh mind. Usually what I find is that the reasons that script aren't working become more apparent - maybe my mind has been mulling it over in the background perhaps I learned something new.that solved the problems. Sometimes, the unease I felt about the script was because of something I couldn't quite pin down and a break from it helps bring clarity to the issues.

Another thing that helps after taking a break is to read your script out loud - forcing yourself to read it out loud, word for word, imagining what's on the screen as you read can overcome the tendency we have to "skim" when reading to ourselves.

Once in a while I'll come back to a script or something else I'm working on and figure out that I'm not feeling good about it because it's just no longer relevant. t might be that the idea or some parts of the script seemed like a good idea at the time, but, you might find that the concept or something you're doing with the plot or characters will seem trite or "yesterday's news" based on something you've seen or some recent trends going on in the news or popular culture. That's the time to ask yourself if you want to give up the idea or think of another concept, plot points, or characterization that would be more fresh or original or urgent.

Anthony Murphy

Oh yeah. Put the screenplay away for a few days or a week and it will read a lot better. You can't make a script you are burnt out on better, so put it away for awhile

Maurice Vaughan

I wouldn't say utter crap, Marcel Nault Jr., but there are times when I've thought, "This needs to be a lot better" or "this sucks." Rewriting helps me get over those feelings because rewriting is where I make a script better.

And learning (reading scripts, watching webinars, etc.) helps me wipe away the "This needs to be a lot better" and "this sucks" thoughts because I'm getting better at writing. Those things might help you get over the utter crap/dread feeling.

Oh, and writing short scripts for fun. There's no pressure when you're writing for fun. There's no "This needs to be a lot better," "this sucks," or utter crap/dread feeling. And you might be able to turn those shorts into pitchable scripts later.

Ty Strange

Taking the pressure off yourself, Marcel Nault Jr., is a good start. You're fairly new to the screenwriting world so you're still learning the ropes, and not just craft but also your personal process and voice. Allow yourself space to breathe, to explore rather than emotionally bash yourself.

We're here to help you through the rough patches!

Stephanie Munch

All the time XD it happens when you spend to much time re reading and you just can't see why it doesn't work anymore. Just like John said, put that screenplay away for a while and breathe. You're an amazing writer Marcel!

Don Patterson

I write quickly, take notes and make a brief outline of where I want the story to go (in progress). Then I set the story aside for a few weeks or a month (or two), depending on other 'ideas' I am having, (I never have writer's block). HINT: always keep a notebook handy (especially beside the bed). After a period of time, I do a complete 'fresh' re-write. Then set the script aside for six months! NO PEEKS & clear the mind of all residue. I then start over, visualizing each scene as l study dialogue. HOW CAN I MAKE THE STORY ADVANCE BETTER, faster with pace? DON'T say it - show it. After a few rewrites, I have a round table read with friends (who have also acted). I let them develop the characters and listen to their ideas! Another updated rewrite. Then I polish the 'English punctuation'. I hand off my scripts to local librarians who LIKE TO READ, (I have developed over the years with friendship). Also with a brief questionnaire every 30 pages. e.g. Does this sound like a story or a book you have heard of or read before? OR e.g. Did you expect this plot point? What did you think of this character arc? Etc. I have several scripts up on my Stage 32 site, they have been up for years. Give em a read to understand how my technic works for me. Might also work for others... Good luck. Read the novels, short stories and scripts of others. Stay fresh. I read a book a week. IT HELPS!

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