Success Stories: JUL'31 I'm a finalist in Stage 32 Romantic Comedy Contest!

Niloufar Lamakan

I'm a finalist in Stage 32 Romantic Comedy Contest!

I am beyond excited to be a finalist in the Stage 32 Romantic Comedy Contest 2023 with my TV Pilot script for SWIPING AT 60!! Thank you to all involved at Stage 32 and good luck to the other finalists.

Jim Cushinery

Congrats! Fingers crossed for your success. I have a rom-com with 60-year-old leads called "Goes Around," so I may be a little biased in your favor ;)

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on being a finalist, Niloufar Lamakan!

Niloufar Lamakan

Thanks Jim Cushinery A bit of bias never hurts :-)

Niloufar Lamakan

Thanks very much Jim Cushinery and Maurice Vaughan

Niloufar Lamakan

Jim Cushinery let's fly the flag for 60-year-old leads!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Niloufar Lamakan.

Richard Buzzell

"SWIPING AT 60" - Fab title!

Niloufar Lamakan

Thank you Richard Buzzell

Harold Williams

Sounds like a cool project.

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Niloufar Lamakan!

Emily J

Congratulations @Niloufar!!

Niloufar Lamakan

Thank you Ashley Renee Smith

Niloufar Lamakan

Thank you Emily J

Michael Anthony Yates

And good luck to you too, Niloufar. Everyone who writes knows what an achievement it must be!

Niloufar Lamakan
Greg Wong

Hi from London. Well done.

Emily Burrage

Congratulations on being a finalist Niloufar, Good luck.

Morne Patterson

Yes please this is fantastic news well done Niloufar Lamakan

Jack Murphy

That's awesome! Congrats!

Niloufar Lamakan

Thank you Greg Wong

Niloufar Lamakan

Thank you! Morne Patterson

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Great news, congratulations Niloufar!

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