Success Stories: AUG'4 My script is a Finalist!

T Siena

My script is a Finalist!

I am so excited that my feature, MATING PATTERNS is a Finalist in Stage 32's 2nd Annual Romantic Comedy Competition! Thank you Stage 32 and Good Luck to everyone.

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, T Siena!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, T Siena! :D

Mark Garbett

Great title T.

Ariadne Shaffer


Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, T Siena. Oh yeah. Well, congratulations again! :D

Jack Murphy

That's great! Congrats!

John Michael German


Amazingly well deserved. Thankful that your creativity rewards through the imaginations delight that you unwrap.


Thank you for your steps.

God Bless,

John German

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