Introduce Yourself : Hello to all by Simon Hartwell

Hello to all

Hi everyone.

Exciting times.

I'm currently pitching my latest Screenplay "FLEE" a biopic historic adventure seen through the eyes of an eight-year-old girl Maria, as her family lives, adapts, fights, and flees the brutal Russian suppression of the 1956 Hungarian uprising.

I have high hopes for this one.


Navya La Shay

Awesome Simon best to you!

Sai Marie (Sarah) Johnson

That's fantastic. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Simon.

Simon Hartwell

There was an open writing assignment asking for Historical Events with current relevance/impact so this has to fit the brief right?

Maurice Vaughan

A biopic historic adventure seen through the eyes of a little girl sounds interesting and unique, Simon Hartwell. Hope you find the right home for it!

Maurice Vaughan

I'd email Stage 32 to be sure, Simon Hartwell.

Peter Gartner

"Flee" sounds like it has huge potential, especially in the current times.

Marian Betts

Simon, this sounds excellent. I wish you all the best in your endevour!

Simon Hartwell

Marian Betts thanks, fingers crossed.

Simon Hartwell

Peter Gartner Let's hope the industry gods feel the same way. Can't get more current. Putin talked of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising just the other day.

Anthony Murphy

Good luck on the OWA, Simon Hartwell .

Simon Hartwell

Anthony Murphy Thanks John. I'm currently completing the novella that I will seek to publish soon which should be plus for selling the screenplay - I hope :-)

Elena Maro

Nice to meet you, Simon! Your screenplay sounds very captivating. I wish you all the best with your pitch.

Geoff Hall

Simon Hartwell hey, Simon. That’s sounds like a great story and filming it in eastern Europe means cheaper production costs and good tax breaks!

Simon Hartwell

Elena Maro thanks Elena

Simon Hartwell

Geoff Hall I like your thinking!

Simon Hartwell

3 Irons in the fire. One down two to go.

Pitch - passed

OWA - waiting

60min call - waiting

Navya La Shay

Amazing!!! Great news! Success to you!

Simon Hartwell

Navya La Shay Thanks, fingers crossed one of my irons strikes.

Gift Rogers

I pray you get the funding you need for the film

Robin Gregory

Congratulations, Simon Hartwell! Sounds like a fabulous project.

Simon Hartwell

Gift Rogers thanks Gift.

Simon Hartwell

Robin Gregory Thanks, Robin. I'm optimistic with this one given that it's topical/current, biopic and the right time to tell the story.

Sam Rivera

Good luck, can't wait to hear the progress! Simon Hartwell

Simon Hartwell

UPDATE - 3 irons in the fire

1) Pitch - pass

2) 60min Consultation. This was ok. I I didn't get any energy or enthusiasm for the screenplay from the consultant so the Zoom meeting felt a bit flat. However, during the discussion we discussed upping the age of Maria to 15 and making her more involved in the Uprising. This has given rise to a new version of the screenplay called UPRISING.

3) OWA 204 - Historical script that speaks to today (or something like that) - Pending, but I think we should hear soon.

Added a fourth.

4) Having completed the novella FLEE, I have sent this out to four publishing houses to see if there's any interest there.

I will keep you posted.


Simon Hartwell

UPDATE. Iron 3, The OWA was not successful. My hopes now reside with a return to authorship and my novella.

Marian Betts

Sorry to hear that, Simon. I'm also back to my book series. I time will com eventually. Just don't give up!

Steven Gamella

Don't give up! When in doubt, remember why you started in the first place and keep writing!

Simon Hartwell

@Marian & Steven. Thks for the words of encouragement. We'll see what the New Year brings.

Navya La Shay

Hi Simon, never give up. Keep going. Focus on the wins! You got in the room so to speak and that is a win.

Mariam Shahriar

Good luck! It could be interesting. Don't give up.

Robin Gregory

Simon Hartwell Hang in there. You are super talented. Keep believing in yourself, in your work, in the process. You write scripts, but you're also writing your life story. In the best stories, it's when the characters feel nothing is happening, when they believe they're wasting their time, the break through is just around the corner.

Simon Hartwell

@ALL Thanks everyone. I won't quit. I have other scripts still working hard - The Library made it through the OWA process and on to a Producer. The Demon Hunters the same, sent to an A rated Production Company, so my writing can't be that bad. Lol. Right script, right time, right place..... that's all it takes.

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