Screenwriting : First Script by Nora O'Dea

Nora O'Dea

First Script

Hi everyone,

I have polished off my first script! I would love literally any form of feedback I can get. Is there anyone who could read it for me? It's a short film, so not too much reading. I could also read and review another newbies script in exchange.

Thank you

Mark Giacomin

Happy to read if you want to ping it across to me. I wrote a couple of shorts recently for a meet up but then could not attend it, only about 5 pages or so if that works as a quid pro quo.

Eoin O'Sullivan

Hi Nora,

It's best to give people a logline and genre to whet people's appetite. Happy to give it a read.

Greg Wong

Mark and I were going to the same Film Jam 1 month challenge! We get train strikes every so often, I was lucky it was only a 20 min walk. Like him, happy to read shorts. My pitch for the one I wrote for the same event was not voted for and wasn't one of the 5 successful pitches. In any case, a director and DoP really liked the script so we're going to make it anyway!

Emily J

Congratulations!! That's amazing! If you're in the Writers' Room you should definitely check out the Coverage Report in addition to getting your friends here on Stage 32 to read your script. When you're ready for professional feedback, shoot me an email at!

Jack Binder


Thabiso Mtshali

Firstly congratulations....I'd definitely would like to give it a read...

Abeeha Alam

This is wonderful news! What genre?

Carina S. Burns

KUDOS to you, Nora O'Dea!

Dan MaxXx

$3000? I'll give notes for a $50 Starbucks gift card

Nora O'Dea

It is a short film, a dark comedy/drama. The logline is as follows: While visiting a medeival city steeped in the pain of the past, a young couple face their own relics they can't keep holding on to.

Leonardo Ramirez

That's awesome, Nora O'Dea . Congratulations! The logline sounds interesting but I would consider adding stakes. Perhaps be a tad more specific about what the relics are without giving too much away.

Erin Leigh

Congrats, Nora! I've used Stage 32's Script Coverage Services on two separate projects, and the feedback I received both times was absolutely invaluable. Highly Recommend.

Dan Guardino

If you want to send it to me I'll give you some feedback on it. My email address is

Anthony Murphy

I'll read for you.

Mark Giacomin

Doh! I assumed we could DM scripts on S32 Nora O'Dea, oops!

Wardaan T

Congrats for finishing your script. I can review it.

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