Anything Goes : January Phoenix Area In Person Meetup by Suzanne Bronson

Suzanne Bronson
Karen "Kay" Ross

How did it go?

Suzanne Bronson

It's tomorrow, so I'll let you know on Friday.

Suzanne Bronson

It was a bust. 10 RSVPs, 2 showed, no one even bothered to cancel. 1 person who has come to all of them and 1 new person who wasn't one of the RSVPs and all of us frustrated and disappointed that it wasn't what we had hoped. I am discouraged.

Alexandra McLaury


Maurice Vaughan

Sorry it wasn't a big turnout and they didn't cancel, Suzanne Bronson, but on the bright side, two people showed up and one of them was new. :)

Ashley Renee Smith

Exactly right, Maurice Vaughan!

Suzanne Bronson

We had a blast!

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