Introduce Yourself : Caged by Melvin Pattern

Melvin Pattern


Hi, everyone, My name is Melvin Pattern, and I am an award-winning film director, producer, and screenplay writer from Japan. I have made many films. Most of my films have won many awards. You can find me on In the search, type Melvin Pattern. I would like to collaborate and make good films. Please connect with me.

Tasha McLemore

Welcome Melvin!

Melvin Pattern

Thanks Tasha

Sam Rivera

welcome to Stage 32 Melvin Pattern

Emily J

Hi Melvin Pattern! Thanks for sharing! Make sure your profile on Stage 32 is up-to-date, then people can see what you've done even quicker than having to google you :) What's the next project you're working on?

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Melvin Pattern. Congratulations on the awards! Great poster and title!

David Solis

Hello Melvin,

Would love to connect and make some great stuff! I’m an editor with a big emphasis on sharpness and intensity, feel free to take a look at some work:

Let’s connect! New here myself and could use the momentum.


Melvin Pattern

David Thanks. Shoot me an email .

Morne Patterson

Hi Melvin Pattern welcome to the team its great to have you here.

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