Screenwriting : Side Hustle?? by Anthony McBride

Anthony McBride

Side Hustle??

Hey scribes. I'm just curious as to what you guys do for a side hustle.

ChristaCarol Jones

I run my own Montessori school but this is my last year. I sold it and am looking to focus more on writing and side hustle remotely. Currently finishing a Data Science bootcamp. How about you?

Pat Alexander

I sell olives at the farmer's market!

Anthony McBride

I work in the real estate industry.

Maurice Vaughan

Make pitch decks, Anthony McBride.

Craig D Griffiths

Writing is my side hustle. For main cash I work in the data and intelligence field. I also have some real estate.

Adam Brandt

owner/operator The Beastro Burger Food Truck!

Bill Brock

No side hustle. Retired from teaching at age 59 two years ago.

Bill Brock

Adam Brandt OMG! The Beastro Burger Food Truck sounds AWESOME!!! : )

Debbie Croysdale

@Adam In other lounge we were talking about log line. That is great you have your own food truck, literally a moving film set! @All With patience & concentration script reading/editing is a good retreat from own work.

Adam Brandt

Debbie Croysdale yeah, we run for 30 weeks and it's a brutal summer season of grit, sweat, bacon, and beef... I'm lucky enough to have a winter retreat in Florida where I can relax and work on creative projects.

We were having the discussion yesterday with another food trucker about shooting the pilot ourselves! My two units and a couple friends units and we have the whole set!

Jonas Vesterberg

I was an investigative journalist, but I'm taking a break due to a currently complex and serious threat matrix.

Maureen Mahon

I manage the apartment building where I live. It doesn't bring income, but it helps keep my living expenses down so I can concentrate on writing.

Jed Power

Jonas, what does that mean?

Rachel Troche

I have a hybrid 9-5 writing and producing a podcast

Jonas Vesterberg

Jed Power I can tell you more via DM.

E Langley

Cleaning ear wax from the tips of airline headphones then repackaging them.

GJ Harvey

E Langley You're doing an awesome job - my last set was very clean, made my flight.

Niki Galiano

I used to be a pharmacist, but I got epilepsy and I can't work on computer databases anymore, so I have a few different side-hustles now. I do bartending, banquet serving, and write non-fiction books. I also make videos, jewelry and self-hypnosis MP3s. I'm also an amateur inventor, and this year I'm finally filing provisional patents on some of my inventions, and then I'm going to try to license them. (Fingers crossed!)

Pat Savage

I play and produce music

Stephen Folker

Photography & Filmmaking. Honestly enjoy both.

Lisa Isaacson

Writing is my side hustle! I'm the assistant to the President of a nonprofit that builds supportive housing and provides street outreach for homeless New Yorkers. I love my job and screenwriting is a fantastic hobby. I'll be thrilled if it ever turns into more, but I won't feel unfulfilled if it doesn't.

E Langley

Happy you're satisfied, GJ Harvey. The cleaning power of spit should never be underestimated.

Preston Poulter

I sell comics and prints derived from the IPs I created.

Jed Power

Niki, How do you produce short screenplays withg A.O."

Niki Galiano

Hey, Jed. well, since AI is still limited on the length of the animations they can produce, I sort of do a work-around.

First, I use an AI Art Generator to create my scene backgrounds, my characters, and my objects that also need to move. Then I import them all into a video editor, (like iMovie or Canva) and animate them myself using the old-fashioned stop-motion method. Then, once I have the rough animation done, I add the voices. I hired voice actors for most of my voices, but I also used two different voice generators to create a few voices as well, to cut down on cost. Then I added music and sound effects, which you can get for free from many websites.

Now, when I did this last July, I didn't have easy access to a lip sync tool, so at that point, I just decided to call it done without lip-syncing, because I have epilepsy, and I didn't want to give myself seizures from being on the computer too long. So, my first animation was more like a talking comic book than a screenplay. Lol.

But since then, the Runway ML AI tool is now doing lip-syncing, so for my next project, I'm going to add the lip sync tool. Oh, also, I also some of my short screenplays into radio-plays, too. I used real voice actors and a few AI voices, and then I edited them in Garage Band or iMovie.

My biggest hurdle was figuring out how to do consistent characters, so I kept most of my characters in one pose, and then I just added clothes (or created them in an art generator) when I needed them in new scenes. But in the last six months, there have a few more AI tools that have come out that allow you to create consistent characters, so I was going to try to use one of those tools next.

Here's a question for you...I was thinking of making a video for other screenwriters on how to do this and then putting it on my YouTube channel. And then as I got better at using AI, and the new tools, I was going to add more videos. Do you think that would be something you and other screenwriters would like to watch, so you can see my process in action?

Prema Rose

That would be so welcome, Niki! Please do it and let us know when it is ready.

Niki Galiano

Prima, will do! Also, you can subscribe to my blog, and when I put the video up on that, you'll be notified if you want. My blog is

Jacqueline Sandee Valle

I write adventure modules for D&D groups (my last one just won a best seller award!).

My writing partner and I also create pitch decks for folks in the gaming industry and in the animation world for pitching to studios and networks-like The BBC’s Ignite program.

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