Introduce Yourself : From Physical Theater to Script by Daniel Forlano

Daniel Forlano

From Physical Theater to Script

Hi! I am foremost an actor by way of physical theatre. I started film acting at Hampshire College and have returned to it now after touring a couple of acts in varieté and circus venues.

This month I received a certificate of story analysis with an intent to become part of the writing process of making movies. I welcome an exchange with writers willing to have their screenplays covered for an addition to my coverage samples to find work as a Reader.

I currently audition for projects casting for stage and film.

My expertise is foundational theatrical mask training;

Reader training comes by way of Hollywood Gatekeepers.

Have a good day!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Daniel Forlano. Congratulations on receiving the certificate!

I suggest adding more info to your profile bio. It’ll help you build relationships/network on here. You could add things to your bio like why you became an actor/comedian/story analyst, your accomplishments, your goals, and what movies/shows/plays you like.

Debbie Elicksen

Daniel Forlano Oh wow. That's a cool background, especially theatrical mask training. Great to have you aboard.

Amanda Toney

Great to have you here! What theatre plays inspire you?

Morne Patterson

Hi Daniel welcome to the community! Well done on your academic achievements and wishing you a successful future in the space!

Geoff Hall

Welcome, Daniel Forlano I used to do street theatre many years ago, where costumes and props were minimal, but I love the sound of theatrical mask training. Please tell us more about it. The only theatrical masks I’ve read about are the Noh masks of Japanese theatre.

Niki H

Hi Daniel Forlano , Welcome to the Stage 32 community! Be sure to head to the screenwriting lounge to connect with writers on the site - Do you have any film adaptations from plays that you particularly enjoy?

Daniel Forlano

Amanda: in line with my background of short acts, as in vaudeville, I tend to like very active physical plays. But I like heavy topics, too. A Day in the Death of Joe Egg (with Eddie Izzard) was great. Scapin, I liked a lot. I'd like to see some Martin McDonough.

Geoff: Your name resembles one from my memory re: street performers. Well, there is the red nose mask of the clown, of course. I was introduced to the Lecoq pedegogy that builds from neutral mask, larval mask, full mask (human), half mask (comedia). Then I did native American clown masks that are made during the process of exploration unique to the individual, that I recall and rely on regularly.

Geoff Hall

Thanks for your reply, Daniel Forlano. So the Lecoq padagogy is quite different from Stanislavski’s Method/System and focuses on the actor’s creativity in the performance? Or have I misread that?

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Daniel! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Daniel Forlano

(I don't understand how these threads function. Anyway,) Geoff Hall: Yes, much of Lecoq's studies aid the creation of theater without a script. Stanislavski took notes as an actor in preparation for traditional theatre. Lecoq was a scientist who studied movement. This focuses training on the body to tell a story through gesture.

Geoff Hall

Daniel Forlano thanks, Daniel!

Maurice Vaughan

Do you mean name tagging, Daniel Forlano? If you are, you can reply directly to someone by putting @ in front of their name.

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