Screenwriting : No one knows anything - KEEP GOING! by J. Austin Gentry

J. Austin Gentry

No one knows anything - KEEP GOING!

Steve's on my Linkedin, I had to post this. :)

Johanne McAndrew


Jerry Robbins

Too bad he didn't pass on "George of the Jungle."

Sam Sokolow

Hilarious. Keep believing in the projects you really believe in!!

Ian Milne

Love this. My daily motivation. Thank you!

Andy Byrne

Heh heh heh... Love that. Thanks for sharing!

Matthew Kelcourse

Awesome! In the middle of a Venn diagram of submitted and passed-on specs lies the gems :-)

Sydney Summers

Haha! Keep on keeping on :)

Kiril Maksimoski

Business risk anyone with cold head can expect...On the other hand movies get made at 200-300 mill and flop horribly...

Jed Power


Simon Wakelin

this letter never gets old! love it…

Cannon Rosenau

I saw this when he posted it. So encouraging!!!

Bill Albert

Having just saw Alien in a theater last week it has held up wonderfully. Bad luck for American International.

Selma Karayalcin

Never give up! This made my day!

Vikki Harris

Bill Albert That "scene" still gives me the shakes.

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