Anything Goes : Free summit coming soon! The Global Film & TV Production Summit: Current Landscape Brought to you by Stage 32 Certification by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

Free summit coming soon! The Global Film & TV Production Summit: Current Landscape Brought to you by Stage 32 Certification

Join us for an exclusive FREE Virtual Film & TV Production Summit, where top producers, workforce development executives, and film commissioners from the entertainment industry will converge to discuss the current state of production. As the global production business continues to grow, the demand for trained professionals in the workforce is more critical than ever. We will address the challenges faced and highlight the pivotal role of Stage 32 Certification in meeting this demand.

If you aspire to work in film or TV production, this summit is your gateway to discovering a wealth of opportunities, both locally and globally. Learn how to position yourself to secure a job in the industry and gain insights into maximizing production efficiency worldwide, whether you're setting up your own project or looking to join one.

Our distinguished speakers include representatives from the Emmy-nominated television show GENIUS (Disney/NatGeo), The Costa Rica Film Commission, Film USA, Film Columbus, and Creative Industries Hawaii. Take advantage of the Q&A session to ask your burning questions and receive valuable feedback to guide your career or production.

Don't miss this invaluable event—it’s free and packed with expert knowledge to help you thrive in the film and television industry.

Email with any questions

Sign up link:

Geoff Hall

Hi Everyone, I’ll be watching from Bristol, UK. I currently have a film in development, about human trafficking and organised crime. We are currently promoting the film through our YouTube channel:

Bruce Miles

Hi! I'm a producer based in Denver, CO. My main focus is a feature-length Western titled Unbridled Courage. You can learn more about the film at

Sydney Summers

Hi, Geoff and Bruce! Will you guys be attending?

John Daugherty

Looking forward to chatting with the esteemed panel! Thanks to Stage 32 for hosting!

Sam Sokolow

I couldn't be more excited to be moderating this panel with such a fabulous group of talented panelists and the Stage 32 community joining. Thanks for sharing your projects, Bruce Miles and Geoff Hall. See you all tomorrow!

Graciela Montealegre Portuguez

Hi everyone! Very excited to join the panel tomorrow. Greetings from Costa Rica

Tony Armer

Hi everyone, I'm excited to speak on this tomorrow and hope to see lots of new faces on the call!

Sebastian Tudores

Excited to get the layout on global production & many thanks in advance to the panelists for sharing your time and expertise - both projects I'm working on currently have global elements, so understanding what having such elements as international location or story line, characters, etc. may mean in practical terms of production, casting, or distribution opportunities will be extremely helpful. I am also currently enrolled in one of Stage 32's certificate program, so doubly excited about the talk tomorrow.

Eon C. Rambally

Certainly looking forward to this summit, as by detail it is scheduled beneficial by simple participance, witnessing the atmosphere and knowledge gained, to being a pivotal point career wise for many, I'll be tuning in from what is known as the twin island state of, Trinidad & Tobago!

Emmad Butt

Great initiative to enlighten the professionals as well as new talent.

I am excited to join and hear the professional insight of the panelists and looking forward to witness an informative webinar.

Seeing the people involved, i am sure it will be a worth time spent.

i will be attending from Pakistan.

Tonico Climaco

Will attend from Brazil!!!

Pat Savage

Will attend from Greece! Excited!

Roxanne Wright

I’ll be watching from Toronto Ontario (Canada) @ smirkyroxyproductions

Sydney Summers

Can't wait for the summit to begin soon!!

Amanda Toney

Really excited for the Summit! I'll be watching from Los Angeles California!

Jill Wallace

I am excited! Let the Global Games begin! **Cue music from 'Chariots of Fire'!!

Joshua Young

Hi Everyone! I'm watching from Toronto, Ontario, Canada! Although I'm trying to move to California. Feel free to connect - Instagram: and

Martha Caprarotta

Excited to see a speaker from Film Columbus, in the great state of Ohio! I'm an Ohio screenwriter who lives nearby in Dayton! Yes, we have FilmDayton, our own film commission. It's encouraging to see the film industry grow in Ohio. .

Maurice Vaughan

Excited to be at the event! I'm a screenwriter from North Carolina. Thanks for being on the panel, everyone!

Sydney Summers

Tuning in from Manhattan Beach, California, thanks to our amazing panel today!

Jovaun Brown

Hello from Jacksonville FL This sounds amazing so far

Sydney Summers

So happy to hear that Jovaun!

Wahayn Inello Clayton

Hey all, got a project about one gay person and another straight being in love and not having the guts to go for it until later in life. Viewing from Japan.

Jovaun Brown

We have a film community here that is starting to grow and having something like stage 32 here would be a god send LOL

Eugene Mandelcorn

We will be shooting in San Jose, CA, San Antonio, TX, Tasmania, the

South of France, Okinawa, etc. What is the best way to tap into the Stage 32 Certified graduates?

Angel Williams

Amanda Toney thank you for sharing the link.

Jovaun Brown

How does someone go about collaborating with Stage 32 to set up a program at their location.

Dean Taylor

Hi from Columbus Ohio! Would love to connect:

Geoff Hall

Loving this Summit. A QUESTION FOR SAM: Hi Sam, am I right in thinking that it's not just about tax incentives, but when the rebate is giving to productions? Some countries in Eastern Europe were giving those rebates 3 or 4 years after production, which isn't really helpful to the film productions. Thanks, Geoff

Kudakwashe Kingsley Mwatipasa Mpambawashe

Hey Guys tuning in from South Africa,... looking to travel more next year but want to build an itinerary based on Collaborations. Creative Editor/DIT and all round film fanatic. feel free check some of the work there, including some passion projects. which is the focus of 2025... Reignite the passion.

Christa Biyela

Informative session. Thank you so much. Glad that Stage 32 has a partnership with Uganda. We welcome one in South Africa too... pretty please.

Emmad Butt

Very Knowledgeable and informative session.

Its a mid night in my country, Pakistan, but i so wanted to attend it. I am glad i have made the right choice.

Just in case if any one wishes to ask follow up question to the panelists, here is the email, which was mentioned by the Host.

Amanda Toney

Christa Biyela - we actually just announced a deal in South Africa with the Directors Guild!

Sydney Summers

Thank you to everyone who attended today!

Sam Sokolow

Hi everyone - thank you all for attending today's summit panel. It's awesome to see the conversation continue here in the lounge and we're going to keep it rolling. Please keep coming back to the lounge, asking questions and if you'd like any recommendations for Stage 32 Certification courses that are best for you please ask here or email me at

Dean Taylor - John Daugherty, one our panelists today, is the film commissioner in Columbus, Ohio. You can reach out to John via their website since you're in Columbus:

Geoff Hall - yes, tax incentives and rebates come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the state you are in the US or the country you are in globally. Some incentives/rebates come back quickly and can be utilized by the productions as they do their final wrap-out and cost reporting, some are tradable paper that producers can sell or monetize through financial institutions and some come in much later, as you reference, and those usually become part of the revenue waterfall for the project. You can learn all about the nuances and how tax incentives work in the Stage 32 Tax Incentive Certification course - here's a link for the course:

Does anyone else have questions what we can answer?

John Daugherty

Hi everyone, thanks so much for the opportunity to chat with all of you! Definitely check out Columbus! We have a 30% tax incentive ATL & BTL, Fallback Studios coming in 2025, and we're supporting local filmmakers with over $375,000 in grants and competitions available if you live in the area. There are some great incentives if you're thinking about moving here. As Sam said above. check out for more info and feel free to contact us with any questions. I'm more than happy to help and share ideas!

Eon C. Rambally

Certainly enjoyed this summit! Needed an official confirmation to how advanced filmmaking and communication can be done online given new technology also with some concepts of mines. Got the answer, it was already done in a stage 32 blog,, therefore can recommend with confidence and will like to see it's further development. Thanks stage 32 for the summit and the reply to my question. All the best to everyone!

Christa Biyela

Amanda Toney Thanks, Amanda. I will check it out. Do you think you will ever do a certificate on Script Editing... That's what I'm interested in.

Geoff Hall

Sydney Summers I was there, Sydney. It was a very positive overview for the global expansion of production and services. Loved it.

Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow thank you, Sam. That makes sense and now I’ve another course to put on my list. I wasn’t going to do a course until September, but I want to do one on investment contracts soon. Thanks for getting back to me.

Tony Armer

Thanks everyone that joined the zoom. It was great hearing everybody’s questions and hopefully we provided some valuable information and thank you Stage 32 for having me on!

Jovaun Brown

Thank you for such an exciting topic hope to attend more of these in the near future.

Sam Sokolow

Thanks everyone for the great feedback. It's so great to hear from every one of you who attended the summit or who watched the recording. Just so everyone has it handy, here's a link to the Certification homepage where you can check out all of the Certification courses we offer:

What courses do you think would really help supercharge your career right now?

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