Screenwriting : Week 1's Challenge Post - My November Write Club Goals by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Week 1's Challenge Post - My November Write Club Goals

Here's my goals for Stage 32's November Write Club:

1. Finish a Holiday Horror feature script that I already outlined (a script draft that's in shape to get feedback on)

2. Outline and write a Horror/Comedy short script called Ghost Roach

3. Outline a Horror/Action/Zombie feature script

I already reached goal #2.

The challenges for week one of NWC are in today's blog. Complete the challenges to be entered to win a FREE Stage 32 Webinar or Pitch Session!

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, Is that part of the writers room?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Billy Kwack. No, November Write Club is for everyone on Stage 32. Here's the announcement blog that came out a few days ago:

Debbie Elicksen

This is a great outline, Maurice Vaughan. Stealing.

Victoria Brooks

Great job for taking action! Love that poster, BTW.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm calling the police, Debbie Elicksen. Haha You're welcome to use it.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Victoria Brooks! I picked blue so the roach would look ghostly.

Joo Lee

Cool poster! Love the ice blue and how the creepy long antennae (makes my skin itchy) bookends the title.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Joo Lee! Sorry it makes your skin itchy! :D Are you doing November Write Club?

Joo Lee

Yep Maurice Vaughan! I wrote Act 1 of my screenplay in October and aiming to write 30 more pages (to page 60ish) in November (I'm on page 37 as of this morning so making progress!). My second goal as a new member of Stage 32 is to catch up/take advantage of your past webcasts so trying to watch several of those each week for inspiration/motivation.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the progress, Joo Lee! Cheering you on to reach your goals! I have some Stage 32 webinars to catch up on too. I might watch one this month for NWC.

Tina Koutsounanou

Congrats on finishing goal #2. You're fast.

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Tina Koutsounanou!

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan here’s to reaching your goals Maurice. I’m happy to report that only one of them makes my skin crawl!

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Geoff Hall Thanks for the support!

John Mezes

Doing well in NWC, Maurice! Well done on how much you have accomplished so far! I immediately thought of a drug den or house where stoners are passing around a roach clip...a GHOST ROACH! Just my wacky mind a work!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, John Mezes! The house is a homey place, and Ghost Roach has a man cave (roach cave) inside a wall.

Dawn Prato

I'm not going to lie, Ghost Roach is an amazing title and I can't wait to hear what happens with it!

Martha Caprarotta

Wow, Maurice Vaughan , you don't waster time. Four days into November and you've completed one goal! How do you accomplish so much AND manage to cheer everyone on? You are an incredible inspiration!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Maurice Vaughan you rock! I love your creativity and how you can line up your goals. You can achieve that and I want to read your progress :)

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Dawn Prato! Ghost Roach has gotten a lot of attention since I started posting about it on social media. And it was fun to write!

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Martha Caprarotta. Scheduling and prioritizing. :) And I find time throughout the day to jump onto Stage 32 to comment on people's posts. Waking up early sometimes and giving up things (like watching a movie, watching a game, etc.) help me get writing and things done.

Leonardo Ramirez

Wow Maurice Vaughan - outlining and finishing a short script in one week is pretty amazing! Congratulations!!!! And "Ghost Roach" is pretty clever!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Leonardo Ramirez! Ghost Roach is like Joe's Apartment meets Beetlejuice. I like mashing up movies to come up with ideas.

Leonardo Ramirez

Love the mashing! Great idea Maurice Vaughan !

Leonardo Ramirez

Anytime Maurice Vaughan !

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