I read a recent article about a guy who got his script read and sold just from using his twitter account to network and build contacts. I have two twitter accounts, one for personal use and the other with production companies, agents, writers, and directors. So far so good. Perhaps we should all follow each other to help each other help network. Mine is @PinkChroma
Awesome idea. I'm @Trennon0 (Trennon is my sons name)
Me too! @jonoo1
@kenkeegan2 is mine... excellent thought
excellent idea. Thanks!!!!
I'm @PATH2055
I've just created a second Twitter account, @PATH2055. I'm now following all of you, would appreciate the same in return as I don't want any overlap with my other account but still need followers to look at least somewhat legit:)
Also, I would be very interested in starting a discussion about what methods and strategies everyone would recommend as far as reaching out to prod cos, network heads and anyone that can help us realize our respective visions. There's a fine line between reaching out and badgering, so I would love to hear anyone's stories/experiences in this regard. Thanks again, NAL!
@ericktcole if anyone is interested! I definitely think this is a great idea, and have been searching for meaningful ways to leverage social media as a marketing tool. Good call, Nikki! Connecting is always great.
I totally agree. I have one twitter account but it serves my purpose alright . Please follow me on twitter @damilolaamele and I'll follow right back
@damilolaamele Please follow and I'll follow you right back. That's the only handle I have and I believe it serves my purpose alright.
@goziefilms i will follow you back
Great idea Nikki... Mine are @dansolocreative and @thefillim If people want to build high quality followers you should look at using TweetAdder3 It is absolutely brilliant at building followers that are very targeted to your industry or interests. It's not free but works extremely well. Check it out
Ok, I've added everyone. How's everyone doing on their twitters? I hear a few people getting some colabs going on. =D
mine @meetsand
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I think that's a great idea! I was also wondering if we could all go to a chatroom where we could all log into like Yahoo Messenger, AIM, or SKYPE that way it will be live. I talked to one of the big guys behind Stage32 and he said a live chatroom may be on the way. This way we can all chat live, get to know each other better. We won't have to worry about scammers and random idiots coming in to mess up the flow. We'll be in a enviornment filled with passionate writers, actors, producers, and other artists. But..... for now.... we must take baby steps. =D
If it makes me money im in. Just to sit in another site. Boring
@dajarte42 let"s all create
@famebecomesme :)
I've added the new set of adds. =D
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I agree - I have made some fantastic contacts via twitter. I would say also, don't underestimate the power of spending a bit of time searching for and interacting with people - especially if you're working on a project / trying to get funding etc. It's worth searching for people who are interested in things related to your project, following and sending them a tweet just letting them know who you are - I think. Not in a "this is my project, help fund me please!" way - just a "hi, thought you might be interested in checking out a project I'm working on at the moment" way. I'm https://twitter.com/beckishort if you'd like to say hello! :)
I agree too, many useful contacts have been made through Twitter mine is @Mr_Young oh and facebook is www.facebook.com/themoontheeye if that's your thing :)
I'm all in! Thanks! @tylerschnabel @nanoshorts
I hope everyone is also adding everyone on here. The bigger the network the better your chances of meeting people with real experience in the film industry. =D
Hey the more the merrier. Film is a collaborative effort so we actaully all need each other. On twitter I'm @mal2091
I'm @MatchesMalone I also have @Mister_Voice which I use to receive VO work. Just started that one, actually.....
Networking can sometimes be difficult for some so am always in for helping out @mrdfranklin
great advice, Rose. Thanks!
For everyone who is on twitter make sure to follow the hashtag #SCREENWRITING lots of people post links to websites advertising help and tips on writing screenplays. Useful stuff. =D
Just got done adding everyone. I'm still pretty new to Twitter (and horrible at social networking in general), but hopefully I can pick up some good habits from these new connections. @stevinfilm
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Social networking really does work!
Put yours on there and see if it works for you
I'm @chasinglamely on the old twittermajig.
@kamalalane - Holla!
started a second twitter account when I first decided to take screenwriting seriously, follow me @screenwritergav
Yes, Twitter is quite efficient and resourceful.
Nikki, I'm not sure I follow (no pun intended). I mean, unless I'm missing something, won't you just end up with screenwriters following screenwriters? If someone _did_ actually get their script read and sold via Twitter contacts then I imagine that it wouldn't have been through other screenwriter contacts but through a producer, agent or director, no? I tried something similar myself when trying to promote my screenwriting software and wrote a blog post about it which you may or may not find interesting: https://www.moviedraft.com/us/forum/using-social-media-as-a-marketing-to... I'll categorically hold my hand up and say that I just do not understand Twitter from a marketing point of view so perhaps there's something you know which I've overlooked...? All the best, Mark. -------- http://www.moviedraft.com
Hmm. Just tried to report that "Katherine" spam but doesn't seem to be a way of doing so...? Odd. Anyway, yeah that has been my personal experience of Twitter too, Jacqueline. Glad I'm not alone in thinking that. :-) All the best, Mark -------- http://www.moviedraft.com
Ok lets not generalize. Some twitter create a stir some don't each his own success rate..It all is a gamble or who reads what at what time and where and by whom.....You don't know if Spielberg has a secret Twitter account and maybe read your link to a script etc ..Maybe her or other famous movie related people area here on under pseudonym or just read and don't comment etc no one knows...
Haha had to look it up in what context you meant this. I guess it's " To be caught in the act of a crime or by your parents sneaking alchohol. This word can somtimes help in situations of teenage prankery" haha
Keep writing and find good filmmakers who will shoot your stories and I think what you are looking for will find you.
Spielberg (aka Jacqueline) may very well have a "secret" twitter account that he (or she, as it turns out) uses to befriend every single screenwriter that he/she can in order to grab that killer screenplay before it's even got to an agent, but in reality that is pretty farfetched. What you'll end up with (in my opinion, of course) are 100s of spec screenwriters who are "following" 100s of spec screenwriters. If anything, this original post should have been made in the producers, agents or directors lounge, not the screenwriter's lounge for it to have any success of working, and even then it's a big ask for a director to "follow" 100s of spec screenwriters if you ask me. Again, in my Twitteresque opinion. All the best, Mark -------- http://www.moviedraft.com
Just wondering, Mark, if social media really is the way to go. There's so much of it, and it takes up tons of time to respond, time that might be better spent writing. OTOH, it occasionally works--or at least I hear of things like people selling scripts via Twitter, FB and YouTube. I guess it's a question of whether the odds are worth the work. Your thoughts?
@Karla, I think that ultimately no amount of fellow screenwriter contacts on Twitter will make a difference unless that screenwriter is already well connected in the industry, altruistic in nature and crucially, you have a killer screenplay that the fellow screenwriter is not only willing to read but to pass on your details to their contacts. Even _if_ one of your fellow screenwriting contacts _was_ well connected in the industry, the fact that 1000s of other fellow screenwriters would also be following them and vice versa suggests that the probability of anything happening at all (other than you receiving mundane Twitter posts about cats in bows and what people have eaten for dinner from 1000s of relative strangers) is greatly diminished. It just doesn't sound like a recipe for success, or logical, in my humble opinion. All the best, Mark -------- http://www.moviedraft.com
well I don't think it's that bad of an idea. Trying things, even if they aren't the smartest of things, is worth doing. If you don't want to try it then don't. Besides, it's just another form of networking. What could it hurt?
You may find this interesting: http://www.itsfilm.com/2013/04/the-tv-writers-vault-connects-writers-and... All the best, Mark -------- http://www.moviedraft.com
@Nikki - I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea, and I'm on Twitter myself--even my cat has an account. (I think he probably has more followers than I do. Monster. :D) But social media can suck up a lot of time that I could be using to write. I guess I need to find a happy medium between spending hours on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Stage 32, tumblr and the rest, and doing a quick drive-by, which is probably pointless. But as you say, what could it hurt?
cool! @shiningstarlete
Will be adding you guys on twitter. Mine is @JoelJYagual
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Cool idea... will add me shortly.....Way to go Nikki....
I had a friend who posted a script on twitter and got interest. He's a relatively unknown writer. I'm not, but when I tried the same I got nowhere ha ha.
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I haven't sold a script or anything, but I have tweeted with some big names in the industry (actors, producers, etc.) So, Twitter can be a valuable tool.
3 people like this
Could you post the link to the article?
I'm late to the party but looking to build my network, so I'm in! I'd also like to see that article if possible. @greghickey5