Introduce Yourself : 13 year old Production Assistant. by Connor Sale

13 year old Production Assistant.

Hello everyone! My name is Connor Sale, and I'm 13, and located in Scottsdale, Arizona. I know your thinking, "Oh, just another annoying stupid middle school student". Well I'm not the normal Middle school student, I am the president Student Council at my school, I'm in a leadership club, it's something that only some students got into, I'm in NJHS (National Junior Honor Society), all honors classes, and I am a straight A student. Hopefully now your thinking, "Oh, what a nerd." But now to my filmmaking life, I have been a Production Assistant for a few local films. That includes a feature film, a short, and a commercial. But I really wish to get MANY more contacts. If I haven't already convinced you that I'm the most dedicated 13 year old filmmaker then read on, I get home from school, do homework, then I mess around with the lights that I have (clamp lights, woo) and with the light stands that I've built from PVC pipe, and the ones I recently purchased on Amazon. Finally, I'm about to start doing some interviews, and touring houses for sale for a real estate company. I really hope to work with you soon, and if you want to contact me, email me at!

Michael Antonakos

Nice Bro! That's is great, I think it's pretty amazing that you're doing all of that at your age with so much gusto! Would love to add you as a connection. Good job!

Connor Sale


John Becker

Hi Connor, I think it's great that you've already aimed yourself toward success. The people that I've met in this business who are truly talented are genuinely interested in the arts, and none of them would think you are merely an "annoying stupid middle school student." The fact that you're doing this says a great deal of positive things about your character. Great job on your success at school, and having worked on a few films! I wish you the very best!

Connor Sale

Thank you so much!

Sizt Elilo

Thats great. Let all the luck and best be yours.

Robert P. Davenport II

Hello Connor! It is always nice to hear from the future of our industry. If you are a pvc DIY builder there are plenty of support gear gadgets you can construct to give your filmmaking an edge up on pure handheld work. The Real Estate approach is a very good starting point. Best of luck to such an industrious young man, keep those grades up and select a top film program for your college education.

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Connor! Great to have you here!

Connor Sale


Connor Sale

And Robert, I just built a light stand, and soon I'm going to attempt to build a jib.

Melissa Jones

Nice going, Connor! Check out this $30 DIY camera crane/jib. It seems like a good tutorial, my husband wants to make this one.

Exlus Bennett

The kid's got moxy and he'll probably end up like Steven Spielberg. So start 'kissing up' to him now folks.

Connor Sale

Hahahaha thanks everyone, and Melissa I'll check that out!

Eric Raphael Harman

Hire Him! Why not?

Moira Alexandra Burke

Hey Connor, Was in your similar situation at your age (which is only a few years ago). I do respect fellow young aspiring filmmakers and hope to keep in contact with you. Check out my resume on my page to check out the things I did when I was your age. Best, -Moira Alexandra Burke

Andrea Thompson

Wow. You're inspiring Connor! Keep up your great work and dedication to your craft and your school work... I think the Stage 32 community will all agree that with your tenacity you will be very successful!

Rebecca O'Donnell

Hiya, Connor! You're in good company, young artist. Leonardo da Vinci was quite busy at your age too. Never mistake years with talent. Hone what you've got and never stop believing in yourself, regardless of what doors are slammed in your face in the future. Best of luck to you.

Connor Sale


Ozzie Stewart

You're an absolute inspiration. Keep pushing forward. Many great directors today, began down the chain as you have.

Connor Sale

Thank you! That means a lot to me!

Vincent John Conti

Hi Connor, I used to live in Arizona for 6 years before moving to Los Angeles. My suggestion is just continue to make your own films and get as much on set experience you can get because it helps you meet people. Check out Good Faith Casting, she's a casting director there and has a ton of resources. Even if you can get some background work, just go for it. You're passion may not be acting but you are still getting more experience and knowledge about how things work on the set. On top of that, you're building up your network :) Good luck!

Connor Sale

Thanks Vincent!

Max Boyce

Good pitch. Good writing here with a story arc, denouncement and a pronouncement. You left out the part about your wild night life, fast cars and fast women. Keep us updated on that stuff. Along with obtaining technical film-making expertise, remember to read the classic authors and take creative writing classes. You should know the ins-and-outs of Treasure Island, Jude the Obscure, Hunger, Justine, Faust, Slaughter House 5 and dozens and dozens of other time-tested books. Film-making is storytelling or RE-storytelling. Mankind has been making movies since they drew the first pictures, in graphic details of the hunt, in caves, 40k years ago. Go Vincent!

Tracie Lirette

Connor ! Could you find a way to expand your enthusiasm into other kids your age !!! WOW ! We need a nation with your wonderful creative energy. Thanks for showing up.

Shayne Metcalfe

Good for you Connor. If you remain this dedicated I'm sure you can look forward to a fulfilling career in film.

Ozzie Stewart

Hey Max: Tx for your kind review and recommendations. Cheers

Connor Sale

Thanks everybody!

Lina Jones

Ugo boy! Good luck on your young endeavors :D Twitter handle #SWEETWEETS @videoBL

Connor Sale

Thanks! And Janet, I actually make short films with my friend who has had as probably more experience then I do on set. We are trying to finish up a film we've been working on for the past year.

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