Screenwriting : Draft to Studio by Pierre Langenegger

Pierre Langenegger

Draft to Studio

Just a shout out guys that I have finally completed draft 5 of the studio script I have been working on and have now sent it to the studio. Fingers crossed there won't be too many more drafts to write.

Helen Germa

Good luck Pierre.I just finished writing my screenplay and i don't whats next. Can you recommend an agency or a producer.That would be awesome:)

Gretchen Elhassani

Great job! Hope it goes well.

Allison Bruning

Good luck!

Pierre Langenegger

Thanks Helen, Gretchen and Allison, I really appreciate the support. Not sure that I can help you in that respect Helen as I don't have an Agent as yet and I am working with a local studio that concentrates on local projects which is a little far away from Germany. All I can recommend is for you to network as much as possible. Pierre.

Helen Germa

Thank you for the response Pierre.I wish you the best luck:)

Ren Kennedy

Fabulous! I'm curious now that you're at this point with one of your projects is there another that's itching to be written? That's how it happens with me - it's like and THE END and OH what I good idea - I'll just start writing the intro and....Hope you're always full of passion and great ideas :)

Pierre Langenegger

Thanks Helen and thank for the invite to connect.

Pierre Langenegger

Hi Ren. Yes, I always have other projects on the go in fact, I have another one in progress with the same studio not to mention several of of my own projects all at various stages. Thank you for your support.

Pierre Langenegger

The studio may take a little longer getting back to me than expected. They're all on a high right now having just won Tropfest 2013. Congrats to Nick, Michael and all the guys at Truce Films

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