Acting : Audio Books by Heidi Angell

Heidi Angell

Audio Books

How many voice actors have looked int/ considered doing audio books? On the business end of Audibles they have a program where if the author is willing to give 50% to the reader, then audibles gives them 90% of sales. I work with a bunch of authors and we were playing with the idea of casting audiobooks and having multiple readers. Would anyone be interested in doing such a project on % of sales?

Dan McGowan

Hello Heidi - I've been doing that "audible" thanng... for the most part, I enjoy it - but I love your idea and would be interested in chatting with you about it. we can discuss it via email if that works. Find me at I can send you demos, etc. Or you can hear me on acx - search "Dan McGowan" - thanks!

Karleigh Wright

defo! i am a native geordie!

Heidi Angell

Awesome Karleigh! Thanks so much for your interest. Just sent you an e-mail!

Angelia Baxter

I'd be interested in learning more.

Jordan Earle

Im interested. I love doing voice overs. Let me know what i can do.

David Gielan


Geremy Webne-Behrman

This sounds like a great idea. Count me in!

Andrea Baker


Nicholas Camm

I may be a bit late to the party, Heidi, but I'd be very interested. Sounds a little like the ACX royalties model. As I'm a Brit, ACX can't/wont employ me as yet (sob). I can give you a custom demo at any point. My email is and, of course, I've just added you!

Philip Hoffman

Heidi, If I understand the setup w/ I would do the recording myself... Unfortunately, while I can manage shorter pieces, my home studio is not quiet enough for the extended sessions necessary for a book. however, if you have any ideas ... !

Heidi Angell

Phillip, each actor would record separately and then submit the recording to me for editing and piecing together. Meaning that you could record a little bit here and there, save as a wav file and then submit to me. I would be listed as the "recording agent" for each book and you would not receive payment for ACX, but from me. I will also be doing all of the editing work, so you wouldn't have to worry about cleaning up pauses, if you found a line got interrupted by sound, you could simply record the line again. Feel free to e-mail me at if you are interested in learning more.

Rose Caiazzo

Hi Heidi, My last large project was an Smartphone app for Grand Teton National Park. I was glad to read here that you would be doing all of the editing, as I usually hire out for this type of larger project! If you are still looking for specific women's voices, please feel free to contact me at Also, you can hear my voice demos here ~

Stephanie Wulfe

Heidi, I am a VO artist and interested in talking with you about your project.

Terry Anderson

I do Voice Over on a daily basis as well and I am always looking to meet new people and network to new clients. Please feel free to contact me any time. - Terry

Terry Anderson

Great work Rose!!

Kris Keppeler

Hi Heidi, I'm already doing audio books, I just finished my 6th book. ACX, which is part of Audible, has a royalty program where you narrate a book for a % of sales. I'm interested in narrating for % of sales. Thanks! Kris

Terry Moore

Greetings, Heidi. I am interested - please let me know if you are still looking for voice actors. demos, etc: Thanks!

Alby Zink

I have an interest also Heidi.

Heidi Angell

Feel free to e-mail me a sample voice reel at

Alby Zink

I have 2 demos in my profile or would you still rather I send to you?

Heidi Angell

Oh that will work just fine. If I have parts for you, I;'ll send samples for you to read at that time! Thank you!!

Alby Zink

Thank you. I look forward to it.

Gordon Emanuel

Wow! Lots of response :) I'm also very interested in this proposition. Currently based in Bristol, UK.

Edward A Haynes Jr

I would love to do it, since it's something I haven't quite done that before. I'm located in Columbus, Ohio.

Heidi Angell

Edward, feel free to send me your voice reel and any questions you might have to Looking forward to connecting!

Aneaj Bokor

Interesting. Haven't thought about voice overs since broadcasting school. I would be interested

Beka I Am

I sure would! :D I have a demo reel up and several more variances sound up my sleeve!

Moniece Robinson

I am a voice talent, new to Stage 32, that works in audiobooks. You can find my narrative demo on my website and you can search my name on to see the books that have been published thus far. Thank you for the opportunity, Moniece :-)

Marnie Madden

Hello there, I would be interested, if your still looking. Please email a script so I may give you a demo. Thank you and have a wonderful day. :-)

Curtis Davis

I am definitely interested, check out my radio show:

Jessica Felice

I would be interested actually. I have a demo if you'd like to hear. xo-Jessica

Christina Gabbitas

Hi. I have already published two audios , which are sold with the books. I'm an author who writes childrens rhyming books and narrate with different voices. My character accents to date are, Cockney male & female (London), Brummy (Birmingham) Italian, Glasweigan, Somerset, Indian, Jamaican, American (Alabama) and Scouse (Liverpool). I also narrate in my everyday normal accent. I would be interested too :)

Beka I Am

Christina...I am in the midst of finishing a comedic CD to go with my comedy fanatasy book with art...I may want to bend your ear soon!

Jim Feldman

Hi Heidi. Still looking for voice talent? You can find my demos at

Jessica Felice

Good Stuff Jim!

Jim Feldman


Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

Oh yes, count me in. Sounds exciting.

Anastasia Washington

I would love to be involved! You can check out my website or contact me directly here!

Joe Nagle

Heidi Hi, I'm currently in the process of recording my first audiobook with royalty share. It has a very narrow audience, so I'm not expecting to get wealthy on the proceeds, but I think if I can record a number of titles, the combined monthly royalties could be substantial. My preferred genre is generally nonfiction, as I don't have a stable of character voices. However, your idea of an ensemble is intriguing. You can hear my audiobook demo on my profile here, and also on my website: I am curious as to the logistics you have in mind. For instance, do you intend to gather all of the narrators to record in the same space & using the same equipment? Otherwise, couldn't the differences in noise floor would be a distraction to the listener?

Robert Woodard

Hello Heidi, I'm way later than Dean on this but am also interested in what might be available here. Would love to know if you are still on this project. Warm Regards, Bob.

Manny Pedraza

Me me me try me

Heidi Angell

So, there have been some delays with the audibooks, but we will be casting one series soon. I will check out everyone's audio samples and then send those who are good prospects audition samples. I will keep everyone's information for future work as well, as we have 12 books coming out in the next 12 months, and it seems most of them would be interested in doing audiobooks as well! Thanks so much for your interest!!

Beka I Am

I look forward to the next auditions!

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

Heidi how do I send in an audio sample?

Heidi Angell

You can e-mail me at, if you don't have one on your stage 32 reel.

Jessica Rose

Like the idea,but don't have an audio reel to send in. Will work on one and send.

Alby Zink

OK Heidi thank you. I have my demos on my profile. I believe you listened to them.

Kris Keppeler

Hi Heidi, That's exciting news! I just worked on a new multi character audio book today, so I'd love to audition. I think I can upload my audio book demo in my profile, or you check it out at my website, Thanks! Kris

Padma Narayanaswamy

I am interested but though I think my accent is neutral I am not sure how will you accept it . If it is alright I would love to do it.

Kari Wishingrad

Thanks - Yes I would.

Brad Stefani

Thanks - Yes I would be interested in doing these audio books.

Curtis Davis

Yes I would definitely be interested in working in this project. My audi reel is uploaded on my page.

Steve Thomson

I would be very interested indeed. I need to do a new voice reel though. (Anyone know a good studio in West Sussex?)

Giselle Wolf

Most definitely. I have a voice reel on my website:

Rhonda Green

Hi, I would LOVE to do audio books. Please keep me posted

Christina Gabbitas

Hi Heidi. I am just in the process of finishing recording my next book in the series. My voices include Alabama, Indian, Jamaican, Liverpudlian (Scouse) , Lancashire and Cockney (East End London). I would be more than happy to narrate some stories.

Genevieve Donaldson

Hi Heidi, thanks for connecting! I'm definitely interested in contributing to this project. I have some voice clips on my profile, and am from Australia :)

Merlin Fraser

Hi Heidi, I love the idea and as an author I would be happy to learn more and perhaps join in. You might need to check me out as I am a British writer and my Murder Mystery stories are set in England with very British characters and accents. Until you get to book three in the trilogy and then I introduce some American characters.

Heidi Angell

Wow, we had not thought of doing it for other authors, Merlin! To be honest, we've had a lot of delay in getting our authors books going, but feel free to roll through this post, there is some fantastic talent from all over the world! Basically what we are doing with ours is giving the voice actors percentages based on the amount that they read. I am sure if you approached some of these lovely folks they would be willing to negotiate with you! Although, I had heard that British authors have had problems using audibles... you might want to check that out first. In the mean time, I suppose I could talk to my partners and see about us branching out and doing it for other authors as well.

Merlin Fraser

Heidi, One small thing you may not be aware of is the huge difference between what is available in the US when compared to the UK. In some areas the States is light years ahead of us and one of those areas is things like this where people are willing to come together in cooperation, share the risks and also the rewards. I have been aware of Audio Books for some time and wanted my books to be available in this format, when I first researched the project I was staggered at the estimated costs I was being quoted. Short version, I would have had to sell a shed load of books just to recover the initial investment before seeing any return. So now you can see why I was drawn to your original message. If anyone is interested they may wish to read the stories first, they are available on Kindle at very low prices and I would be happy to reimburse them for their investment.

Robert Woodard

Merlin, now much of the cost associated with producing an audio book is to pay for talent?

Beka I Am

Iwould throw my hat in any v.o. audition ring!

Merlin Fraser

Hi Robert... Care to tell me something I didn't know ? Everybody has something they want to sell authors from editing, publishing, cover designers, printing, illustrators, V.O. artists, screenwriters, so on and so on, few if any would get to first base without writers. . Authors, have all the ideas and take all the risks pay all the bills and when it comes to sharing the rewards usually end up with the smallest percentage of earning... always assuming of course we manage to make any sales at all without spending another fortune on Marketing and PR. Any reason why you think that should remain the status quo ? The world of Publishing is in complete disarray, however with the new digital world comes great opportunities for us all but the rules and the playing field are changing and I think this presents new opportunities but for clever teams not individuals. I think if we work together we can create work and a demand for our combined efforts, trust me audio is only the tip of the iceberg.

Heidi Angell

Merlin, I agree with your sentiment, which is the reason we formed Soul Star. But I think Robert was making the point that all creatives are in a similar boat. I looked at the same thing and a lot of actors don't make enough to eat, but the "producers" make the profit... they say because they are the ones taking the financial risk, etc.... but that was the point and idea of this whole thread. Each sharing the risk AND the reward. With the companies I looked at, VO talent was making a set rate, I would get 10% and the production company was raking in the rest. Most artists I know (Actors, writers, V.O talent) can't make a living, whether they are paid in percentages, or by the hour. It is tough.

Merlin Fraser

Hi Heidi, Producers/Publishers two faces of possibly the same coin and in the old days it was true they did take the major risks but they minimise that risk by hyping the product to a Sheep like public. Plus I am not denying that Robert has a valid point, and I also agree with your point that all creatives are in similar boats mostly boats built for one. My idea is that it is time we all got on a bigger boat. With the right team we take the project from concept to market, whatever it is, audio books is but one step. How long will it be before E Reading devices have buttons that take the reader from read to listen ? There is already computer software available that goes from Text to voice, which is fine if you want your stories read by Stephen Hawking... I for one want my books read with all the feeling and emotion the story demands, for the time being computers can't do that. Pretty soon CGI is going to make film acting with real actors redundant, what then....Back to Broadway and the West End ? I have ideas, lots of them what I don't have is the computer skills and the wherewithal to bring them to fruition. I would dearly love to find a group of people who share my vision of where the world of story telling is heading before the rest of the world catches up. .

Stephanie Wulfe

I would also be interested in talking with more authors and other projects. Heidi, have you made your decision on all the voices you need?

Heidi Angell

Sadly, my projects have gotten delayed. We will start casting in September. But we will always be looking, as we are signing new books every day.

Royce Collins

I'd go for something like this.

Janet Scott

I write fairy tales.... and has been suggested, I do audio books. Illustrator suggested I do the voice myself.. as the Scottish accent accentuates the story. I shall be reading this post INTENTLY... to learn how.

Merlin Fraser

Janet, why not download a free copy of Audacity and then you can have a practice.

Janet Scott

Thank you Merlin, I shall do just that. That is perfect for having a bash. Much appreciated my friend.

Steve Stephens

Heidi: If you have any audio book voice artist opportunities, I am available/interested. My resume, pictures and sample audios are available on my Actors Access URL link or review my Stage 32 profile for my background info. Best of success in your audio book endeavors. . Steve Stephens 586-263-3388

Lisa Lelas

I am a voice over artist and author. Won a bronze medal as a finalist nominee for my voice over on one of my books at the Audie Awards in 2005. Keep me in mind as possible voice talent on any upcoming project.

Analiese Anderson

I have done one audiobook, I was several different voices. I would really love to do more of them. I listen to a lot audiobooks, and always think I could do better!! lol

Lee J H Fomes

I would love to. Drop me a line at or on 07939 298152.

Lisa Lelas

Correct email (from above):

Thomas Grube

Heidi, I'm interested. I've read books for the RNIB, ASB & ESL transcripts for Simultrans when I was in Dublin. I could send you samples of my work. Thomas

Mark E Clason

I do audio books in my sleep! Really, this would be my dream come true. Check out my VO demo reel @ S32. I can record your sample script in my home studio and send you a "dry" recording via email, Dropbox, etc.

Tony Krabill

I would love to do VO audio books. I'll send you a demo, Heidi, if I'm not too late to the party!

Debbi Weitzell

Sure, I'd love to support other writers in their work by using my voice skills. Send more info, please.

Mark E Clason

Point me in the right direction. I've done freelance, emphasis on free, audio book work as a classroom teacher for years. I recorded my reading, then used it over and over again in the classroom subsequent years. I'd LOVE to be an audio book guy. Check out my VO Demo Reel on S32, then point me in the right direction. {=0)

Julia May-Brown

Very interested yes! Please see my website for contact details! Best, Julia

Doug Jacques

I would love to do audio books I think it would be a fun project to do would be great if there would be kids audio books tell me more :)

Krista Leona Anderson

I'm very interested.

C.D. Bennett

I would be interested as well. Hit me up.

Stephanie Wulfe

Hi Heidi, Any updates on your projects?

Bob Jordan

I am both an author and voice actor. I have written and recorded four books in the last five years. Here is my input to this great conversation you're having...unless you're recording a book with tremendous sales potential ie. 50 Shades of Grey or j.k. rowling's latest novel, you will make very little taking a percentage of sales. Why? Because the top of the mind awareness of Susie James latest romance novel isn't there. Also, consider the time it takes you to record: first you must pre-read the entire book, then record one chapter at a time ( this usually forty five minutes to an hour ). Think you can keep up the energy for that long? Then you must edit. For every one hour of finished audio it takes another three hours to edit. My opinion is, if a person is interested in recording audio books, opt to be paid for the time you put in, not a percentage of sales. BTW if interested you can listen to an audio clip of my latest novel, Unfinished Business

Heidi Angell

Hello everyone! Thank you for your interest. Bob has an excellent point, and one that we have been looking into. That has been part of the reason for the delay on projects. We are putting together an indie go-go campaign to raise money for the projects, that way we can provide a little up front, and then 50% of sales split between the actors. Once we have the campaign put together, I will let everyone know.

Tony Krabill

Thanks for the heads up, Bob. I think you're also saying this is not a "moonlighting" deal.

Bob Jordan

You're welcome Tony. I'm happy to lend whatever insight I can. I just want folks to know what they can expect to make, percentage vs per hour. Now, if Janet Evanovich calls you and offers you a percentage of sales - TAKE IT!

Merlin Fraser

Wise words Bob but I hope you will forgive me if I say all you are merely giving us is a glimpse of what is while I believe what Heidi is trying to do is show us what can be. As an author you know what we truly Independent writers are up against, we don't have the financial resources to market our wares properly so to expect writers to bet the farm on the possibility of making a living from their writing is unrealistic. Tell me what is so wrong with collaboration between three resources, the writer, the VO artist and the marketeer ? We all know that with the right marketing hype any old crap can make it to the top, you yourself mentioned a prime example, 50 shades of Grey. Have you read any of it ? I would hope that you consider yourself a better writer than that... I know I am. Right at the beginning of this exercise it was established that there are a lot of talented people out there, they may seek fame and fortune but most are realistic enough to realise that may never happen so they will settle for just making a living. Everything here hinges on marketing the product once it is made, finding a way to get the finished work in front of a smaller buying audience instead of wallowing in the massive bog that is Amazon. There has to be another way and I for one hope Heidi might have found it. From the ever growing list of VO artists throwing their hats into the ring I think they think it is a good idea as well. It is always great to hear the cold voice of logic but the world of publishing is changing and it is time the old and conventional thinking and methods changed as well.

Bob Jordan

All good thoughts Merlin. That collaboration you speak of is currently in use at ACX. Author's can choose to pay a voice over artist and hourly wage or a percentage of sales. Check it out for yourself:

Merlin Fraser

Thanks Bob, I've known all about ACX since it started, trouble is it is only available to those wit a US tax code. No idea why, all of my books are available on and have been for years, and Amazon withholds the tax from sales so why audio should be different beats me. I have tried jumping through all the hoops the IRS put in front of me trying to prove I am not a US citizen trying to avoid paying tax but all seems to fail. Recently I have this desire to dress up in a long red coat and toss crates of MacDonald hamburgers and Coke into the harbour while shouting " No Taxation Without Representation" but I fear the irony would fall upon deaf ears.

Heidi Angell

Merlin, lols that mental image will stay with me for awhile! Bob is right, when I sat down and started doing some of the figures after talking to lots of people in the business, even with me doing the edits, it is still a lot of work without guaranteed pay. Although it would be nice to add to your resume, we don't want anyone to feel like they aren't making enough. Hence the indie go go campaign, which we hope to launch in November. I will keep everyone posted on how it goes!

D J Chiles

Regardless of any other aspects I think audio books with multiple readers could really fly. I often enjoy the medium in my car and have often thought that multiple voices could enhance the experience.

Marlon Dance-Hooi

I'd definitely be interested. I have my own recording equipment and can submit through dropbox or wherever.

Nydia Simone

I'm interested, my website is

Adela María Bolet

Count me in for audiobook work. I can record from my own studio in Teaneck, NJ. Check out my website

Foley Western

Hi i am an author and If this is still on going I would like one of my books to be audio read

Heidi Angell

Foley, we are working on an Indiegogo campaign as several people on this thread made the very good point that it is hard to take this leap without a little financial backing. My publishing company already has four books that we have slated, but if this is as successful as we hope that it will be, then I expect that we will open it up to other authors. Just depends on how the fund raising goes. We should be launching the fund raiser in November or December.

Foley Western

Okay thanks

Tony Blackstone

I would be honored, and I have done VO work for numerous on air shows through the legendary Marc Graue Voice Over Recording Studios in Burbank, California

Lisa Lelas

I'm interested! Count me in! As an author and book narrator, I was a bronze medal nominee for one of my books at the national Audie Awards a few years ago. Would love to help you on this project. It's all about artists thinking out of the box for new work.

Chadrick McNeal

I'd love to. But I have no idea how to even get started.

Tony Blackstone

Deeply interested Let's talk!

Beka I Am

Just checking in Heidi, since the last audition I was not able to do, wondering if you have any more opportunities coming up!

Heidi Angell

We are planning to launch a indiegogo campaign in January or February to make this work for everyone. Will keep everyone posted.

Merlin Fraser

Um !! For all those as dumb as I am What's an Indiegogo and is this a step closer to our goal ?

Heidi Angell

Indiegogo is like Kickstarter, except that you get to keep what you make even if you don't reach your goal. It is basically soliciting investors for money. The goal would be to get some funding for the project so that everyone would get a small bit of money upfront, and then still get the percentages of sales. I think that would help to ease the commitment that this project requires and make things a bit more fair for everyone involved. So, I guess the answer to your question is Yes, it will get us closer to our goal!

Edward A Haynes Jr

I'd be very interested.

Merlin Fraser

Time for a New Update Heidi...Please !! Plus are there any British Actors interested in doing something similar here in the UK. IE Setting up a deal of 50/50 with authors ? Let me know in a separate message and let's see what we can do together.

Drew Campbell

I already do audiobooks for Audible and paid up front as well. Love this side of voice over. More info please.

Roy G. Lunel

I have completed my first book and working on my second. I would be interested in working on a project with multiple readers, and I have recently auditioned for a part in a multiple read book. However, in order to make this work, you must have participants that have their own home studio with equipment that is somewhat similar, so that the quality will be equal for all parts read and produced. Just let me know if your project goes further and count me in! Thanks

Merlin Fraser

Bobby, think you might be missing the point here, read the original Message, this is a thread of collaboration between actors and authors not about getting you getting paid up front so the author risks all and then has to sell your work as well as their own.

J. Christopher Dunn

Sounds like it would be a blast! I've done a number of audiobooks through ACX and occasionally came across books that required both male and female narrators. I haven't looked into it and wonder how royalty share payments would be handled with multiple talents involved. Any thoughts?

Merlin Fraser

J C..... I have looked into the ACX thing but for some reason best know to themselves it is not available to us mortals on this side of the pond. As far as royalty sharing is concerned I would imagine it could be achieved simply by the setting up of a small company that acts on behalf of both (or more) parties. I assumed that was where Heidi came in. My interpretation was that all sales goes through Audibles for a percentage and the balance is split between the author and the reader(s). If I'm wrong then I hope someone will jump in and correct me. I think it's a brilliant idea but so far I seem to be alone this side of the pond. I was hoping the idea might get a following over here, I'm ready.

Heidi Angell

We are struggling with the technical issues. One of the things we keep coming up against from our industry professional advisers (guys who will only do it if they get paid in advance) is the exact point Roy made, that we would have to require them all to be recorded at the same volumes using similar equipment. They all keep insisting that we could only do this with everyone meeting in the same place, but I am thinking that if we can set everyone up with the same parameters then we should be able to just trade files. I don't think we could do it the way that I was hoping, having each character read their dialogue and thought process... but I am still doing more research. Sadly, I don't have enough technical know how to manage these projects, and the guys I do know insist that it cannot be done (especially not for royalty only...) Anyone out there who has the technical know-how who would be interested in heading up such a division, feel free to send me a private message and we can talk. If I can get someone on board, I will go forward with the indie go go campaign and we can get this work rolling. Until then, this project is unfortunately on hold...

J. Christopher Dunn

Good points. It's always something. I've been involved with a number of audio productions where the pieces were delivered form different studios. It does take time to match reasonable quality audio so it sounds somewhat consistent. After leveling and compression most times it sounds OK. It does take time and I totally get the disinterest in doing it without payment up front.

Heidi Angell

If I could find someone with the skills, I would give them half the indie go go campaigns, plus 20% of royalties. I had two guys who were interested, but would only do it with "local talent" in their own studios... That isn't really what I was going for.

Kris Keppeler

I've also been involved with audio books and audio drama where I delivered my part from my studio or scenes were recorded as a group. The one audio book where scenes were recorded via Skype just debuted on Audible. Its certainly possible, but you need talent with their own studios. And obviously an engineer willing to put it together. The recent audio book had an engineer working with talent on their set up to get the sound right and put the files together. They're continuing to produce audio books so it works. I can put you in contact with them if you like.

Merlin Fraser

Don't give up Heidi, in my experience those who say something is impossible are usually aside by someone else doing it. A lot of people see the impossible as a challenge ! Have you heard of ELANCE ?

Merlin Fraser

J. C I see exactly what you are saying and completely agree with your comment that such a job should be done by a talented engineer who would have to be a staff member rather than part of the Actor/Author arrangement. Perhaps a better way to look at this issue is like the "United Artists" solution cut out the middle men and make our own !

Heidi Angell

E-lance? Nope, never heard of it. I never give up! Just some things get put on the back burner to be brought out at a later time ;)

Heidi Angell

Kris, that would be great! Thanks so much! At this point, I am open to any possibility!

Kris Keppeler

Heidi, here is the Facebook page, and, for Audible Scripts. They use talent from across the US voicing multi character scenes via Skype and they've published 4 books already this way. I'm sure they'd be happy to talk to you or refer you to their audio engineer as a resource. By the way, Elance is a freelancer site, I bid on lots of work there, but very little audio book stuff.

Merlin Fraser

My suggestion of visiting Elance was more to look for Recording Engineers/Studio rather than V/O artists.

Kris Keppeler

That's a good idea to look for audio engineers on Elance, There are lots. I didn't check to see if any had audio book experience, since its a bit specialized.

Merlin Fraser

Kris, I am only an author who would like to see his books converted into audio books so I am not qualified to judge the expertise of anyone offering their services on Elance I just offered the idea to Heidi as a possible way to move her project forward.

Debbi Weitzell

Possibly. I have questions, though, both as an author and as a reader. What is Audibles' role in the process? Do they choose the readers? Does the author have any input? How do they coordinate readers? As has been mentioned, it might be difficult to get similar quality from several remote locations, though they could manipulate to some degree with software. However, remote input would make it more difficult for readers to play off one another's emotion and intonation. How much does Audibles charge? Do they guarantee the project's quality? Does the author get to hear the finished reading before release? Does the author retain all rights? What venues does Audibles use for distribution? Do they do any advertising, or is that up to the author?

Kris Keppeler

Elance is a good idea and they do have rating system so you know which engineers are good. Have you considered ACX as a way to get your books converted into audio? It does have its pros and cons, I know.

Merlin Fraser

I have Kriss, but for some reason beyond my understanding it is not open to non US citizens.

Kris Keppeler

I knew that applied to narrators but not authors. Its unfortunate.

Merlin Fraser

What I don't understand is why some enterprising British company hasn't ceased upon the idea and copied it for us Second Class Amazon citizens !!!!

Heidi Angell

Debbie, Audibles is an audio book provider (much like Smashwords does e-books) They distribute to several different companies, including Itunes. An author/ publishing company can upload their audio book to the site, and just like Smashwords, audibles takes a percentage of sales. Through ACX (audibles back end) an author who does not have a professional team, can hire someone to do their audio books for them./ You are able to get samples and pricing, but most of them charge upfront costs, as well as asking for a % of royalty sales. If you check out ACX, you can learn a lot more. What I was proposing here is a team outside of ACX's listings to create multi-reader books. At the time that I posted this, there weren't teams like that on ACX. Since then, there have been several companies who have set up to do exactly this. But it is very expensive, and they work with a set group of talent. Some are quite good, but it is difficult for authors to come up with the cash up front. That is what my indie authors are struggling with at this time. I was trying to find a system that would be equitable to all involved. There is plenty of voice talent willing to take the risk, I simply need to find an audio engineer that sees the benefit and can figure out how to make it work. Thanks to Kris and Merlin, I have some additional options to look into.

Kris Keppeler

Merlin, you might try contacting VOPlanet, They're working with Indie authors and have a large roster of British voice talent along with American talent, several with audio book experience. I've worked directly with authors on a few audio books through the freelance sites,, and

Merlin Fraser

Thank you for the link Kris, I assume they will demand payment upfront rather than work in collaboration with the authors. It is this trend that Heidi and I are trying to change.

Kris Keppeler

VO Planet will. With freelancers you may find a narrator who is willing to collaborate. Some upfront and percentage of sales.

Joey Ortega

I would love to do that. Sounds like great work :)

Otis Jiry

I've done some titles for, and have also done collaborations on short stories and audio plays. Have a listen to my stuff on Youtube. Google Otis" Jiry Youtube"

James Christian Jr

I am very interested in becoming a reader. Please forward me additional information on how to get started. I can be contacted at I look forward to hearing back from you.

Jessica Devlin

I'd love to! Thanks for the opportunity!

MJ Brewer

I'm confused, Heidi, as this post reads it was listed ten months ago. Are you still searching for voice actors? I do an array and you can contact me through my email I look forward to speaking with you.

Dan LaRoy

I would be interested in doing this. I am also in the same city as you if that helps.

Luci Gabel

sounds interesting to me

Jeff Goldberg

Hi, I'm a voice talent and have done a couple of books. I'd be interested in becoming one of your readers for % of sales. I have a great studio so, always available. Let me know

Adela María Bolet

Hi , I'm a multilingual character actor and voice talent . I have my own studio and would be delighted to participate in such castings at union rates. thank you for the opportunity.

Marysia Trembecka

Yes ;-) and actually a short documentary I narrated last year Pedigree Poultry has just been nominated for a Royal Television Award - it is super cute ;-) and my showreel

Amy Leo

I would certainly be keen on this! I have two books in publication at present and have toyed with the idea to do both in audio. How do I go about it?

Foley Western

Well I did express an interest in doing 3 books in audio but I do not have any cash to pay, so unless readers/actors can read one on % percentage of sales there will be no moving forward.

Heidi Angell

There are lots in this thread who are interested in doing that. I have been looking into the sound editing process for multiple readers, but if you only wanted one reader, then I am sure any of them would love to be in touch with you! Check out all the excellent samples that were provided and see if you find someone you like. Of course, you would have to provide larger percentages for one reader. I believe a 70% to reader, 30% to author split for audio book sales is pretty reasonable.

Stephanie Wulfe

I would be interested in audio books, but 70%/30% sounds more reasonable. It also depends on the number of voices needed for the characters.

Foley Western

There would have to be at least two readers as there are at least 10 characters within the book. Both male and female, young and old

Heidi Angell

Yeah, that is what we are struggling with as well.

Danny Carroll

Id be very interested have a similar idea.

Jeff Resnick

Sorry, but 50% of $0 = $0, no matter how you slice it

Merlin Fraser

Or 100% risk for the author ? When actors are out of work they say they are resting, or a polite way of saying they are earning nothing. To me Heidi's idea seemed a way for 'Resting' actors to add to their resume and may be get a regular source of income without further effort a bit like repeat fees. How many Movies do you think would get made if the original writer had to finance the whole thing ?

Heidi Angell

Jeff has a point. Writers feel the same way. And Merlin also has an excellent point. Lets all get Sugar Daddy's to pay for everything ;)

Merlin Fraser

Think they're called Angels Heidi.... Not sure I'd be happy with a Sugar Daddy !!!!

Heidi Angell


Al Bianchi


Jeff Resnick

As long as I've already posted my opinion on this subject, you might be interested to see my own solution:

Jason Lantz

I would. That sounds cool.

Ampora McLean

Hello Heidi, I'm interested. Please send me more detail at

Mark E Clason

I have the time, talent, and equipment. Let's go!

Mary Maier

I've done some voice work. I wouldn't hesitate in saying yes to this type of opportunity.

Heidi Angell

Jeff, very cool. How are sales, if you don't mind my asking? Did you pay up front for the readers? Was it all local talent, or did you use Skype or the like?

Joseph Shellim

How many readers, or does one do the audio for both male & female scenes?

Kathrynne Wolf

Surely! Been thinking about expanding my VO work into audio books for some time.

Bettye Zoller

You must know audio recording!

Merlin Fraser

You know what is beginning to annoy me ? 99% of the enthusiasm for this project is coming from people in the US and hardly any from the UK which I find a sad reflection upon the willingness of fellow Brits to work in collaboration with anybody. How Sad ! Makes me want to re write all my British based novels and place them in the US of A just so I can work with people of vision ! Come on Britain, how big does a great idea have to be before we wake up and create opportunities for ourselves ?

Charissa Gilmore Duff

I am very interested. How do I audition?

Heidi Angell

Bettye, that is one of the things I have been working on. I actually have a similar thread up in the audio section of Stage 32. Haven't gotten quite as many hits, but have gotten some positive feedback that this concept is doable from long distance. Will keep everyone posted.

Bettye Zoller

Thank you Heidi. I will go to that section. New to me. The audio book business is totally different than the other areas of vo. I am also a coach and can help people learn that side of the biz. Also, narrators must ave good audio studios and be pro level engineers.

Amy Leo

Thanking you kindly for this information! This appeals to me. My very best wishes - Amy Leo.

Franklyn Galusha

The work is all audiobooks --- If you have a demo reel. I would like to hear it if not we need to bring you into the studio for an audition.

Franklyn Galusha

Hi Jonathan, Good voice work! When you have a chance I'd like to schedule you for an audition here in the studio, So we can put you up on our website.

Robert Woodard

Franklyn, where is your studio?

Franklyn Galusha

North Hollywood, in the District... 5355 Cartwright Ave. Suite #203 North Hollywood, CA 91601 Phone: (213) 426-8431

Franklyn Galusha

We are auditioning...

Alby Zink

I have my demos in my profile or tell me where I can send them to you Franklyn

Franklyn Galusha

Send me a link through Stage 32

Ehrael Rivers

I'm interested! Where do I send my demo?

Bob Barr

Demos on my website

Eddie Johnson

I'm interested. Don't have a demo, but have done voice work on quite a few projects.

Marlon Dance-Hooi

sounds good. what's the email to send to?

Laci Morgan

I do audiobooks through ACX, but I've learned to only do ones that offer stipends or pay upfront, simply because of the sheer amount of editing and time it takes. I ended up having to stay up really late every night working on it to meet the deadline, which turned me into cranky Laci, haha. When there's a stipend, it allows me to outsource the editing/mastering and just focus on narrating, which also takes hours and hours, but feels more worth it. When it's royalty only, it sometimes feels like I'm paying someone else for me to do the work! So that's the tough dilemma with royalty only work.

Franklyn Galusha

I agree it is tough... that's why so many actors don't like working with ACX. We handle a lot of editing and mastering for ACX actors for that very reason. Stipends can help but it's still tough to make a living that way.

Roy G. Lunel

Laci - I feel your pain! But the royalty checks just keep on coming, so there is a pay off after all that work.

John Davenport

It does help Laci if you can edit the files yourself. Its not too hard. I just finished a 22 chapter book on turkey hunting and what I did was went back and edited each chapter as I finished. Most of my work has been in the broadcast area but the audio books arena is a fast growing area.

Sahar Raie

Dear Heidi, I´m a german voice actress. Please let me know, if you work with german voice actors also. Best regards from Germany, Sahar :)

Lori Crawford

For those of you interested in doing book narration, you should consider creating an account for yourself on ACX so authors may contact you directly. Also, Audible is launching an originals line which is going to be similar to the old radio shows. They're going to need actors for that as well.

Bob Barr

Thanks for this, Lori!

Kari Wishingrad

Thank you Lori - great resource!

Mercedes Georgina McQueen

Thanks Lori,great info.appreciate it !

Bettye Zoller

Yes indeed. And I have a reecording studio in Dallas and have done audio books five years now, voiceovers for 35. Problem is, I'm not in NYC to attract attention of publishers who would pay me more than ACX! And their royalties have gone DOWN!

Stacey Bradford Schaller

Absolutely! :)

Bob Barr

Yes interested.

Talece Brown

Love Acx!

Mark E Clason

I'm halfway through my first audiobook through ACX. The author is very encouraging. He wants me to do other titles he has written. I hope this leads to better income for my family.

Mercedes Georgina McQueen

Heidi Angell,Yes I am very interested in this type of project.Thank you for putting this out there for all of us!

Mercedes Georgina McQueen

Mark Clason, Congrats on the work.I hope it brings great financial relief for you & your family.

Beka I Am

Still very interested!

Bettye Zoller

Audible does NOT give readers 50%. Those days are long gone. It stinks.

Roy G. Lunel

Bettye - It just means more books per month, right?

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