I've been been receiving emails from Stage 32 for months now and finally decided that it was time to come over here and see what it's all about. How to introduce myself; this feels like an awkward first date...I'm closing a play tonight in North Hollywood - Exit the King. I am working on my third comedy series. My last series played at Outfest Los Angeles and just won best feature at Lfest London. The one before that, shot for $2500, somehow secured worldwide distribution and a film festival run. I have a vast collection of strange video blogs online where I recap/reenact bad lesbian tv shows (I did get a development deal out of it though.) I am looking to get into producing or development full time. I love cats and the Indianapolis Colts. I think that covers it. Oh, and here's my IMDB profile - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0071825 Nice to virtually meet and greet you all!
Congratulations on what you've done so far Jill.
Lovely to virtually meet you as well. Welcome aboard, Jill.
Jill...LOVE your work and would be interested in chatting about a project in development :)
Welcome! This is an excellent place to network!
Hey, Jill. I'm a football fan myself; a long suffering Cowboys fan, Lol. Looking forward to chatting with you about future projects!
Hi Jill: Nice to meet you!
Hi Jill!