From our Shameless Self-Promotion Department: Over the last year, I have had amazing luck with short play and film festivals. Of the six fests to which I have submitted, my work has been accepted in ALL SIX! That includes 2 plays in the upcoming Miami 1-Minute Play Festival! That is phenomenal! My head is still spinning. Here's the rundown: *New Theatre's Miami 1-Acts, Dec. 2012: "Aiming High" *Theatre League of South Florida play readings at Broward Center, June 2013: "The Sleeper Never Rests" *New Theatre's Miami 1-Acts, July 2013: "75 Cents" *LDUB Film Festival, Lake Worth, Sept. 2013: "75 Cents" (the movie), award winner *New Theatre's Miami 1-Acts, Dec. 2013: "A Fine Arrangement" *Miami 1-Minute Play Festival, Jan. 2014: "Customer Service: a Myth" & "Self-Licking" Imagine if any of these actually PAID???? Oh well, what we do for love ... ;-) The movie version of "75 Cents" and a live performance of "A Fine Arrangement" are available on YouTube. May we all have an amazingly rewarding 2014!
Congrats, David!
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Thank you!!
so.....what's your secret? witchcraft? sorcery? talent? congratulations on your amazing success!
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I think it's just been the willingness to submit my work. In the past, all I could see was what was wrong with my piece, but then I'd see something produced that had many more flaws than mine. I guess the old chestnut is right: you don't succeed if you don't try. Thank you for your kind words.
That's an amazing run of success! WOW! Congratulations.