Screenwriting : PAGE AWARDS - QUARTER FINALISTS? I know you're out there.... by Ingrid Abrams

Ingrid Abrams

PAGE AWARDS - QUARTER FINALISTS? I know you're out there....

My script, "The Return of Adam MacAuley" made the list so far, anybody else out there? It's got to be more Stage32'ers.

Philip Sedgwick

Congrats! Nicely done.

Fiona Hunnisett

Yes, I've just checked the list and I'm on it too.

Ingrid Abrams

Congrats to CJ Walley he is there

Philip Sedgwick

And to you as well, Fiona, and any others!

Danny Manus

Congrats Ingrid and CJ and everyone else. I am hugely happy that I have 17 clients past and present (with 20 scripts) on the list that made the quarterfinals! Congrats to all!

Dave McCrea

Good for you Ingrid, CJ and Fiona! Didn't enter PAGE but looking forward to Nicholls!

Bruce Rose

I have a script, SUBMISSION, on the list! Great contest!

Thomas George Mazzola

There is a great amount of talent out there. Congrats. I also made the quarter finals with "The Spirit Wind".

Paul Zeidman

Sadly, I did not make it, but a hearty congrats to those who did!

Beth Fox Heisinger

WHAHOO! Congratulations CJ, Ingrid, Fiona, Thomas and any other Stage32ers who made it! I didn't enter PAGE this year, but looking forward to your further success! Well done everybody!

Stephonika W. Kaye

Congrats to all. My script didn't make the cut.

Cherie Grant

I did not make it. :( pooey. Still I have some things going on regardless. :) I don't know what the frack is going no with Scriptapalooza, but i sure wish they kept us updated on their website. It's woefully under informed and it does make me think my money is being taken and the contest is not real. I get nervous easily so those fuckers had better work on their website. It doesn't feel professional when contestants are kept in the dark.

Ami Brown


Robert John Chapman

Good to hear you had a positive as well Ingrid. Bob

Danny Manus

Cherie, the top 10 Scriptspalooza TV finalists were announced already. not sure about the features.

Pierre Langenegger

Congrats to all who entered and progressed and to my friend Bruce Rose.

Cherie Grant

Danny what page on their website because i'll be damned if I can find it.

Howard Casner

Yes, I made it with The Last Tree Standing Motel. Congrats.

Laurie Ashbourne

Congratulations, best of luck.

Danny Manus

I'm not sure Cherie... try googling?

Ivan Alexei Dominguez

Congratulation to all of those who make. I didn't make with my short: Benjamin's Bag, but hopefully next time! Best regards Ivan

L.E. Coleman

Happy to make this list with "Assemble the Creators." The same script was a semi-finalist in ScreenCraft. Maybe the Gods are telling me to stay with Sci-fi. In the end whether we're we made it or not, we're getting read.

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