You never know when opportunity, luck, good karma and destiny when will present itself. I have a new manager for my screenplays and the icing on the cake---a literary agent from a top agency is interested in my kid literature. You can't sit still waiting for opportunity to find you--you have to find it and sometimes create it. I've no doubt there will be bumps in the road ahead---there always are, like bugs on a windshield and gum under your shoe---but right now, right this second, it's sweet. I can live with that. :)
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Congradulations PJ! That's awesome! I totally feel you. I put my latest screenplay out into the universe in February and it fell flat. I reworked my query letter and on Friday I got 6 requests for the script. I even spoke to to a producer for an hour and he's totally jazzed about the project. He was talking about karma and paying it forward. He wanted to give a new writer the same opportunity that was given to him years ago. Sometimes the universe does smile upon us from time to time. Good luck!
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Jason, that's great. Sometimes it can take detours and you feel like you're a in a long, dark tunnel. The right script at the right time for the right person. Doesn't mean the script has to be perfect. Or even great. But the RIGHT script.
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Dan, one of the first things my manager asked me: is this a hobby for you? And I answered with a resounding NO! Writing is my life, be it screenplays, children's books, etc. We writers have to adapt to whatever medium we find ourselves in.
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Thank you for sharing that PJ. Very wise insight.
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I hate it when people refer to my work as a hobby! Someone once asked me to tell his friend about my "cool hobby." I said, "Well I love making hook rugs but I don't have time for that anymore now that I am spending my time pursuing my career in screenwriting."
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I have a literary agent! I have the author-agreement in my hot little hands. I am over the moon.
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Big Congrats, P.J. So happy for you.
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F@ck Yeah! Congratulations PJ! That's great news.
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Well done PJ! Perseverance is the name of the game! Best of luck!
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Love it, PJ! Congratulations. The model of persistence. So well deserved!
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Thanks everyone! This has been quite an adventure--and now the fun (and hard work) really begins!
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Literary agent will be submitting book to editors shortly. Manager doing the same with screenplays. Full speed ahead, matey!