Financing / Crowdfunding : Indiegogo vs GoFundMe by Karen Goldfarb

Karen Goldfarb

Indiegogo vs GoFundMe

Hey guys.. anyone have any experience with GoFundMe? I know that IndieGogo is the sexier, more popular site but their fees are much higher than GoFundMe? Any thoughts or experiences you'd like to share?

C. D-Broughton

I'd never even heard of GoFundMe until see this thread, so there's one thing to consider...

Director Rico M. Jackson

I was looking into both Indiegogo and GoFundMe. I like GoFundMe better due to the fact of the fees was lower and it's simple. You can't go wrong with GoFundMe

C. D-Broughton

Well, I'm not a marketing analysis expert on the sites, but browsing GoFundMe and being pretty familiar with Kickstarter and Indiegogo, if we were to go down the crowd-funding road, we'd opt for indiegogo. When certain famous people appeared to take Kickstarter over, taking millions off of the public without even giving a DVD out in return, whilst unknown film-makers were struggling to raise even $20,000 (let alone bigger numbers!), the impression left was that a famous person had to be on board a project with the offer of leaving a personalised voice mail (truly magnanimous) for it to succeed... albeit, it could then (ruthlessly) over-succeed. Indiegogo appears to be the site for the emerging film-maker and seems to be respected on most film-making community sites. Figures asked for - or raised - don't seem to be as high as those on Kickstarter, and the site offers a Keep-All-You-Raise option for those who fret falling just short of their target, in which case, would see them getting nothing due to the set-up of the above site. This stipulation, however, comes at an increased rate (10% versus 15% - or, at least, such was the case when we last looked into it). GoFundMe - at a glance - comes across more as an individual wanting money for whatever reason; there are some films on there but, for whatever reason, they've attracted much less donations than most get on the other two sites. Then again, if you were going to give $10 away, would you give it to someone dreaming of making a film, or to a little girl who needs a life-saving operation? If you've a heart, there isn't even a decision to make. Anyway, I've said my piece on the matter and wish you all the best whichever one of the three you choose to place your campaign on.

Steve Harper

I chose Indiegogo because I got fiscal sponsorship through Fractured Atlas - so the donations to my project are tax-deductible. Fractured Atlas has a partnership with Indiegogo - and that helped me decide.

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