SHORT BIO -- Madeline Daly Puccioni -- April 2023
Madeline Puccioni is happy to be back at her real work, after grading English 1A papers for
30 years. Her first full-length play, TWO O’CLOCK FEEDING, was produced by The Magic Theatre in SF in 1990 and published in West Coast Plays IV. Raising a family and teaching college English full time left no time to write plays, but since retiring in 2014, she’s written over 50 short plays, and has had most of them produced, hither and thither, all over the world. Her one-act, PLAYLAND FOREVER, won a spot in the William Inge Festival in 2018. She’s working on a musical, FINDING MEDUSA, with composer Jeff Dunn, which won a spot in Next Stages in 2020 and has had several workshop productions. Scene One of her new full length -- MONTICELLO 2020 won a spot in PlayHouse Creatures’ New Playwrights Festival, NYC, in January 2022. THE CASSANDRA MURDERS was a semi-finalist in the Bay Area Playwright Festival competition in February 1922, and PIERCINGS, a full-length collection of her “sad and hilarious little love stories,” was published by NEXT STAGE PRESS in April. Her short play, QUEEN OF SORROWS had a full production for Towne Street Theatre’s EXTERNAL FORCES show at A NOISE WITHIN THEATRE in Pasadena in May, and her one-act, THE SATURDAY NIGHTERS, had a full production for B3 Theatre in Scottsdale in June. Her 1913 was up and dancin’ for Spectral Sisters’ New Plays Festival in Alexandria, LA in July 2022. Her WONDER PEOPLE had a full production in the Santa Cruz Actors’ Theatre’s 8x10 @8 FESTIVAL in January 2023, and THE CASSANDRA MURDERS just had a fine staged reading for Ross Valley Playhouse’s R.A.W. Festival, also in January, 2023. West Milford Playhouse in New Jersey produced her new S.F. Noir, SAID THE SPIDER TO THE FLY, in March 2023. THE CASSANDRA MURDERS will have a two week festival production for The Mountain Community Theatre in Ben Lomand, in August 2023, and it is now a semi-finalist in Scriptwriters & Co’s International Film Competition. Her DARK WINDOWS, will be included in the 2023 Ten Minute Play Festival for STAGE IT! in June, 2023, and published in STAGE IT’S
Madeline is a company member of Towne Street Theatre, L.A., and an active member of P.A.G.E.S NYC., Dramatists Guild, Opera America, National Opera Association and Association of Los Angeles Playwrights. She is 78, has a nice little pension and great healthcare (for an American), and she plans to live ‘til she’s 101. Like Dominique Morisseau, she believes that “good writers see themselves in everyone.” She lives with her dear Monroe in Oakland, California. She’s having way too much fun.
Madeline Daly Puccioni
6430 Mystic Street
Oakland, CA 94618
510 318 0410