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By Steve Hayes

GENRE: Thriller, Horror

An underground colony of the last remaining humans becomes engulfed in a government deception to keep the citizens from ever returning to the surface and discovering the horror that has taken over the Earth.


One hundred and forty-eight years after an apocalyptic war devastated the Earth; the last survivors of humanity exist in an elaborate underground complex that has kept them all safe. Two construction workers accidentally learn of a cover up by their government that deliberately suppresses information that the surface of the Earth is once again capable of supporting human life. With all in the complex desiring to leave, the two workers expose the truth to the populous and enthusiastically lead them up to the surface. What they discover though, was that the government’s deception was sparing them from the pain of the truth, and the long-forgotten horror that then becomes aware of the colony’s existence.

Nate Rymer

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Bobby G

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Marcos Fizzotti

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Tasha Lewis

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Matthew Parvin

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Arthur Charpentier

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William Gunn

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Shaun Simpson

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Marcel Nault Jr.

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Marcel Nault Jr.

I love the conspirational aspect behind this. Not your typical post-apocalyptic story, that's for sure.

GJ Harvey

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B A Mason

How does this stand apart from other post-apocalyptic underground society stories, such as Silo, City of Ember, Snowpiercer, Alien from L.A, Reign of Fire, Day of the Dead, etc?

Steve Hayes

Hi Michael, thanks for the thoughts. Your logline suggestion is interesting, but it doesn't reflect the tone, drive, or character intentions in the script, it's also very wordy, I like things short and simple. The characters are hopeful, but not desperate or suffocated at all. I was concerned myself about crafting a sustainable sub-terrainain complex that would last for such a long period of time, so I consulted a doctor of engineering about the general specifics while crafting the first draft. Making the place theoretically feasible without going into a dull Star Trek kind of detail was important as I didn't want to dull the story line and alienate an audience. As to your inquiry, they have a sufficient fresh water lake, a massive farmland, an active lava tunnel that can be harnessed for power and any waste disposal (including the dead), and of course they have a circulated air system. I do have to admit though, that I focus more on the plot than the technical aspects of how the place works. If you'd like to check it out, just mail me.

Steve Hayes

Hi B A, I updated this script in 2019 and I've seen so many similar aspects to it since then. I haven't watched Silo yet or City of Ember or Alien from LA, but I have friends and family that tell me about the similarities. In Day of the Dead, the characters could leave, but have nowhere to really go. This script differs in the sense that they can re-claim the world, if the environment is sustainable, but what unknown and possibly threatening obstacles do they have to overcome? Are they prepared to do battle with those elements (this is a peaceful society, knowing little about war as it's been so long), are they ready or able to deal with outsiders? It's sort of that kind of thing, amateurs who are unprepared for what lies ahead if they dare to go above. In the script, when they take that chance, it doesn't work out too well. If you'd like to read it, just mail me. Thanks for your response.

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