Kaarina Vanderkamp

Kaarina Vanderkamp

Actor and Singer

London, England

Member Since:
March 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Kaarina

Soprano voice, various solo and backing vocals experience. I also sing in a pagan band and we are working on our album.

Street and community theatre experience plus short film, radio and theatre experience. Plays include Last of Jane Austen - Shirl Hendrix - director; Red Hot Cinders, Noir - both musicals - Anne McMaster - director; Facades - Keith Waite - director - Riverside Studios Hammersmith.

I am an actress, singer and dancer. I am fun loving and get on well with all sorts of people. I am easy to work with and have a great sense of humour. I am hard working and enthusiastic. I have excellent communication and listening skills and a lot of life experience which helps me to build the character in a role and find the appropriate emotions for that character/role. I have various experience in performing. My singing voice lends itself to certain styles of music but mostly to songs from musicals, or to songs such as those sung by various artists e.g. Sarah Brightman, Barbra Streisand, Katherine Jenkins, Celine Dion, Sarah McLachlan, some Eva Cassidy and some soft rock like Eleanor and the lost as well as gospel. I am currently in a pagan band and we are completing our first album.

For relaxation, I create pieces of art in oil and watercolour and write and write blogs when the desire/time comes upon me. I have, over the years worked on and off as a trained nurse in addiction with big gaps in-between. I am also a trained medical herbalist.

Other skills: I can do basic archery, I can swim - basic, dance - lyrical ballet, expressive dance and modern - good, I can do certain DIY jobs in the house and some car mechanics - I used to be able to do more on older cars but now everything is diagnosed by computers, it is not as easy! I used to teach basic mechanics to women. I can knit, sew and crochet - should that ever be useful for a role!


The London Centre for Theatre Studies - 2003
Physical Theatre – Desmond Jones - 2004
Acting for Camera - 2001
BND Drama – Performing Arts – City Factory, College, Derry, Northern Ireland – 1999 - 2002
Community Theatre – Magee University, Derry, Northern Ireland - 1999


Vagina Monologues Hair Proud Activist 2016
Happy As a Sandbag Mother M. Maine The Network Theatre 2011
Facades Ludmilla K.Waite Riverside Studio - 2008
Façades Ludmilla K.Waite The Colour House Theatre
Facades Ludmilla K.Waite The Network Theatre - 2007
Last of Jane Austen Mildred Shirl Hendrix The Playhouse, Derry - 2002
Under the Carpet Anna Pat Byrne Sole Purpose Productions


Last of Jane Austen Mildred Shirl Hendrix BBC1 – First Stop - 2002


Flow Katrina Anne Crilly Foyle Film Festival - 2001


Ghost Story English Girl K.McCormick Foyle Radio

Magician Secretary K.McCormick Foyle Radio

Interview Q102.9 Radio Station


Various Gigs - Macha and Morrigan – 2016/18 - Pagan band
Happy As a Sandbag - The White Cliffs of Dover and group WW11 songs - 2011
1940’s for Elderly – 2004/5
Nancy – Oom pah pah – Variety Show 2002
Karoake Fundraiser - 2002
Get Happy – Noir - 2001
Various – Fast Forward - 2001


Fright Night Shakespeare – three witches

Noir Velma A. McMaster City Factory - 2001

Fast Forward Professor A. McMaster City Factory - 2001
Fame Girl

Red Hot Cinders Violet A. McMaster City Factory - 2002

Variety Show Nancy A. McMaster City Factory - 2002


Red Hot Cinders, Fast Forward, Noir
Performance for Dickens Festival

Other Acting and Production Experience:

Under the Carpet - 2000
Conference on Abuse – Short Community Drama Piece – 2000
Bag of Tricks – Street Theatre Group – 1999 – 2000
Discrimination – 1999

Production roles include:
Stage/Set design and Construction, Props and Costume



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