Denise Copasetti plays Mrs. Altevine, Jon Aytac plays Ray Kurtz, John Bates plays Bob Mover, Sau Le plays Carolyn Bluemoon, The narrator is Kalifer Deil, Kalifer Deil plays Old Cop, Jeff Whitman plays Young Cop, Music fabric composed and played by Kalifer Deil and Jeff Whitman Audio editing by Jeff Whitman
Main characters: Raymond Kurtz – fashioned somewhat after inventor/scientist Ray Kurzweil Rev Faintspell – fashioned after any of a number of TV preachers Bob Mover – A semi-neutral TV commentator with a pan religious view. (a Bill Moyer) Carolyne Bluemoon – Movie actress that believes in re-incarnation Mrs. Altavine – a rich elderly heiress that is concerned about her afterlife
This is an audio play about afterlife where the concept of a technological afterlife is discussed. A wealthy widow has invited several well known people to her house to discuss the matter from several disparate points of view. The participants include a thinly disguised Ray Kurtzweil, a popular TV preacher, A Bill Moyers type and an actress interested in eastern religions and the occult. The actors are Engineers that I worked with at Apple computer.