Samurai movies and cinema have captivated audiences both in Japan and internationally for over 100 years. With their rich historical and cultural stories, it's not hard to understand why! In this video I'll be talking about the history of Japanese samurai cinema and its progression over the decades.
A 2-minute comedy monologue of an established sitcom character, written by Lukas Strautins, choosing Ron Swanson of Parks and Recreation (TV Series 2009-2015). Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Comedy Assessment Task 1.1 - Ron Swanson 2 minute Monologue Written by Lukas Strautins A.I. voice created with
My first attempt at creating a motion comic. I chose a section from my samurai feature film screenplay "Under One Sky" to transform into a style of writing I haven't done much of since many years ago. This piece is the fictionalised account of one of the samurai soldiers.