Omar Brown's Reel

HowTo: Create a Dual Viewers in Natron, music added

This video clip is just a demo on how to setup more than one viewer in Natron for side-by-side post compositing workflows. Since that I am not speaking, I ha...

Natron RotoPaint Coming Attaction

Natron RotoPaint Coming Attaction: I wrote and performed the music. I'd also did the voice over for the Natron Rotopaint coming attraction.

Episode 1: John Wesley Work III - Talking Bout The Blues Video Series

I did the voice over work during the closing of the piece.

Eucilid, Ohio: Spring Fling - Voice Over

Euclid Ohio Spring Fling 2014. I did the VO over work for the City of Euclid Broadcast.


I am now testing some new images to further my experimentation with camera mapping and uvprojection modifier in Blender. The first two images are what I am beta testing with and the other attached images are screen shots from blender for the camera calibrations, modeling, camera projections, each model's matte & alpha channels and a test animation render. I am getting closer to my final decision on what I need to do for my "Night Cap: Crimes of Passion." My only bottle neck is that I need...

I wanna be with you-remix

This was an very old track I created in samplitude using my old hardware samplers (Yamaha A4000 & Akai S2000) as a scratch track.


This track was an experimentation of just using only Logic Audio Pro X instruments, Yamaha A4000 hardware sampler for the bass sounds, and the Korg NX5r half rack synth for vibes.

Too far to run

like the title says. It just feel that way sometimes.

Tripping Tripping

just wanted to take a long late night drive. When I got back home, this is was the track that came to mind.

Time For Love

I wrote and performed this track Propellerheads Reason 5. I was experimenting with subtractors and thor filters sweeps and this is what came out. Another one those late night jams in my editing suite.

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