Robin Alexander

Robin Alexander

Author, Screenwriter and Other

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Member Since:
November 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Robin

I am currently teaching ESL in Saudi Arabia.
Previous to that I was in South Korea teaching English for three and a half years.
I used that opportunity to follow a passion I've always had but never had the time to pursue, writing.

I've written, "Bingo Bango: Part 2, A Winter's Day" as a book. It's presently on
Currently I am writing the third part to my series, Bingo Bango.
Part One is a screenplay if anyone's interested.
I would like to write more screenplays, but I'm trying to gain more exposure by writing books at present.

I was born in Cape Town, South Africa. I studied a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Economics and Marketing) while working in the banking and cellular industries in South Africa.
I've worked as a cellular account manager in the cut and thrust of Johannesburg where most of A Winter's Day is set.
With a business background, I've always tried to follow geopolitics trying to understand foreign policy and hidden agendas.
Using my banking and cellular experience, I have used these experiences as a platform for departure to explore other concerns that are of global interest and to provoke thought.
No adult thriller would be complete without a good smattering of action, sex and romance either.

Admittedly not the biggest fictional reader, I have always wanted to write intriguing easy reading stories that people would be able to easily visualize, enjoy, relate to and maybe even learn a few facts from.
I like using real world locations and sharing interesting facts.

I enjoy braais (wood fire BBQ's), spending time with friends and watching a game of rugby with a cold beer in hand.





  • Bingo Bango: Part One

    Bingo Bango: Part One Action Comedy Crime Drama Experimental Thriller The death of a prominent businessman sets off what could be seen as separate random events, but they are not. This action thriller explores international money laundering, corruption, betrayal, corporate politics, and illegal arms dealing, all set against the backdrop of modern day South Africa. Strong characters cross each other in a dynamic multi-ethnic post Apartheid South Africa. It is thought provoking, sometimes dark, sometimes shocking with some dry humor sprinkled in-between.

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