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Thank you for the connection Joseph. Have a good weekend. Cheers!
Republic 88 entertainment group We are currently looking for completed movies shorts no distribution deals in place Looking for Harr style one location Script low-budget $20-$30,000 simple for Amazon pay-per-view
Looking for completed feature films with no distribution Wonder works films Currently looking for completed films no longer than a year old that are still stuck or still looking for distribution Any genre considered were currently looking for 10 completed films any genre horror gets priority Thank you joseph
Twitter badrobot_tv
Dear Joseph, Please check out my new acting showreel I am on #IMDb Best, Giuseppe...
Expand postDear Joseph, Please check out my new acting showreel I am on #IMDb Best, Giuseppe
Wonder works films Currently looking for completed films no longer than a year old that are still stuck or still looking for distribution Any genre considered were currently looking for 10 completed films any genre horror gets priority Thank you joseph
Hi jose we did a film a short one. Drama. Can i sent it 2 u? Hope i can. Thx for ur time Kindly regards regards from Rene R. hansen
Sorry just ur nAme is speelt wrong jos. Lol
Hi Joseph Mary Loss of Soul is seeking distribution. Please contact me. Here is the trailer
Hello Mr. Bechor What are your capabilities? Thank you, - Robert Evan Howard - / Works best in FireFox - - 1-801-856-3200 / U.S.A.
I dont really know anything about this specific process. What is the best way to go about getting representation/an agent? Other than moving to new york or la and walking in to fifty places.
From experience... agents are different at different times in your career. When starting out, they will do little for you. They will just check over your contracts and collect royalties from the proje...
Expand commentFrom experience... agents are different at different times in your career. When starting out, they will do little for you. They will just check over your contracts and collect royalties from the projects you were involved with. If you get more famous and can command more money they will actively pursue work for you b/c they are getting 15%. Think like this...put all the energy you would into getting a rep into getting new projects made. When one of them gets noticed, the agency will seek you out. The other option is to get cast in something that pays, tell the producer you will get the contract back to them asap. Then call an agency, tell them you need someone to rep you and look over your contract asap. Agents (and most people) love getting paid for doing practically nothing. I know two people who have gotten signed doing it that way. Also, when you call a major agency, don't call a major agent unless you are getting paid like an a list talent. Call a lesser known agent. The most important thing when talking to an agent or agency is to remember, they are looking for the next best thing. That and they take craps, too. They are just people like any of us.
you may want to check out my "online" book"Chusa" it's a call for the spiritual especially once the material is taken from us.
Make sure your presentation package is absolutely perfect. Write a friendly, concise, specific letter to every agent you think could possibly be interested in EXACTLY what you do. Don't write a single...
Expand commentMake sure your presentation package is absolutely perfect. Write a friendly, concise, specific letter to every agent you think could possibly be interested in EXACTLY what you do. Don't write a single form letter--this is the sort of letter that gets an immediate rejection. Have a look at agents who represent writers you admire, with whom you have some artistic resonance. And then edit, re-edit and re-edit a piece of writing that others have suggested is strong...and send it forward. You'll probably need to do this about 40-60 times before you get a response.
Wonder Works films Currently accepting Scripps low-budget 1-2 locations dialogue heavy Horror (no FX) Family scripts Home invasion Teenager love stores Preference to Scripps with budget breakdown and actors or actresses that are interested.
Jamie Katonic, Must Love Horror, Social Lodge, Cadillac Hotel The Cadillac Hotel in Venice Beach was the location for the Social Media Lodge SOIREE during AF...
Contact me I re to management IMDB wonder works films
Hey there Joseph do you have a website?
hi Joseph,
not sure you remember me but if you still rep people I am looking.
Thank you in advance