Been writing in earnest since 2012. Since then I've been shortlisted for Bluecat, FilmLondon, Channel4 Coming Up, BBC Writersroom and Screengoldmine amounts others.
2017 starts well with a Stage32 top ten finalist (actually win stuff) and quarter finalist on Stagecraft comp.
2018. My Play: Polite Converstion being put on at the Canal Cafe Theatre, London on 17,18,19th May 2018.
2018. Polite Conversation moves onto the Union Theatre London to a full house!
2018. Shortlisted for Sky Blue Theatre for: In Extremis. Didn’t make final cut!
2018. Shortlisted for Chesil Theatre. 10x10 with play: Underground. Awaiting result.
—- Update on Chesil 10x10. Winner! Play to be staged 12/13th Oct at Chesil Theatre.
2019. INK festival selects my play out of 450 others. Another good start to the year!
Kenneth Branagh award new writing - .Final 3. Play performed.
Short play monologue comp winner. White Bear theatre London
ARTSED short film. Mike’s House.
Play: Polite Conversation. Lauderdale Hse Highgate London.
INK Festival play selected. 3 days at the festival.
Bluecat semifinalist 1hr Pilot
Canal Cafe Theatre Shorts play. London. 3 night run.
Union Theatre London. Play. One night show.
Sky Blue Theatre. Short play: In Extremis shortlisted.
Chesil Theatre 10x10. play: Underground. Winner. Staged 12/13 Oct.
ComingUp Channel4 long-listed feature
ScreenwritingGoldmine. Semi finalist TV Pilot
BBC Writersroom drama long list.
SEDOS Theatre. Shortlisted play
Sky Blue Theatre. Shortlisted play
Blue cat pictures short screenplay. Shortlisted
FilmLondon. Shortlisted for Short film.
Little pieces of gold. Play. Shortlisted.
Psychology BSc Hons