Jim Bolander and his daughter, Jamie, who inspired him to write Chasing Horizons: The Great Air Race that Changed the World
Chasing Horizons-The Great Air Race that Changed the World by Jim Bolander is a historical fiction depicting the aeronautical challenge of 1924 in which four Douglas World Cruisers and eight American crewmen set out from Seattle, Washington, to attempt the first around-the-world airplane flight. One hundred seventy-five days later two of the aircraft and crews became the first to circumnavigate earth. The winner was Lowell Smith, Jim Bolander’s great-uncle. Published by Ecanus Publishing.
Eastgate Keeps On Singing by KD McCrite features Carrie Lockwood as the Assistant Pastor and the “Jessica Fletcher” of Eastgate Church in Hazelray, Arkansas. An obnoxious new choir director lies dead in the church sanctuary. The senior minister and his flashy young wife seem to have skedaddled without a trace. Overworked Assistant Pastor Carrie Lockwood is oblivious to the chaos going on in Eastgate because she's in New Mexico with husband Dan, enjoying their first vacation in three years. They cut short their long-awaited holiday and return home to console hysterical friends and dithering church members while attempting to dig through a maze of long-held secrets that stretch far beyond the walls of the Eastgate Church. The series: Eastgate Eats Its Heart Out (release date February 1, 2018) Eastgate Pushes Up Daisies (release date February 1, 2019) Eastgate Cleans Up (release date February 1, 2020) Eastgate Flips Out (release date February 1, 2021) http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/kd-mccrite/ www.kdmccrite.com
Lin Waterhouse - The West Plains Dance Hall Explosion http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/lin-waterhouse/ This would make for a great 48 Hours episode or a Discovery Chanel story; bringing national and international attention to an incident that killed over 39 people, took out a whole city block and caused eternal pain for all those who were touched by it.
Veiled Virtues by Jan Fischer-Wade transpires in England and has both history and fantasy aspects. It would appeal to teens all the way through adult just as Harry Potter and Inkheart. Told from the two main characters’ different perspectives, the work is a bit of a supernatural mystery and a romantic fantasy all rolled into one.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jan-fischer-wade/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9z5yba2-8s
Stephen Doster - Voices from St. Simons http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/stephen-doster/ www.sdoster.com Voices from St. Simons: Personal Narratives of an Island’s Past is an oral history of the area. Seen and told through the eyes of he indigenous people of St. Simons — born, raised and still there.
Touching Spirit: The Letters of Minominike by James Washburn - Through the writing of one man and the inner thoughts of another, we too live through wrenching pain and revitalizing joy and peace. From death to life giving ecstasy, we follow the life journeys of two men separated by generations and culture as they find meaning and rest for their lives . . .This would be the most incredibly inspirational movies of our time! “This work reveals the spirit of the original free and independent peoples – the roots of our homeland. Touching Spirit: The Letters of Minominike accurately reflects our connection to Spirit and deep love of the land. Using values that transcend the separation and division we see in today’s world, this book inspires one to join the Original Peoples who lead in helping to unite humanity and bring us all closer to the land.” — Dave Courchene (Nii Ganni Aki Inini) – First Nations Messenger – Earth Summit, Rio / Human and Ecological Security, Manila / World Peace Summit, U.N. / G8 Summit, Winnipeg / Bridgewalkers (2013); Founder The Turtle Lodge; Recipient of National Aboriginal Achievement Award; Twice co-speaker with Dalai Lama, USA & Mexicohttp://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/james-washburn/ www.theteacherwithin.com
Treasure by Les Pendleton is a story of high-seas mayhem, drug-smuggling Mexicans, and falling in love all over again. When four friends, whose lives needed a vacation, end up in the Keys looking for mid-life adventure, they stumble upon a sailor named Bones seeking a crew to take out his 90 ft. schooner. Two weeks of nothing but horizon… Unbeknownst to them, there is a clandestine reason for the trip; one Bones fails to honestly share until it all hits the fan. ‘Treasure’ mates, but not what he said it was. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/les-pendleton/ www.lespendleton.com
The Stonehenge Scrolls by K.P. Robbins - The story follows The Monument Builders and how they succeeded in constructing such incredible feats of art with only man and farm animal power, Mother Earth, and the elements. She opens our eyes to the emotional, spiritual, philosophical, and physical aspects of the endeavors. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/k-p-robbins-2/ www.TheStonehengeScrolls.com
In Malcolm Barber’s WWII novel Treasure Quest of the Third Reich, Paul von Hauser, a German naval officer, has stumbled upon information of major importance; so vital to the Nazi Regime that he is given carte blanch orders from Goring, Himmler, and Hitler himself. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/malcolm-barber/
The Man Called Brown Condor is the biography of John Charles Robinson, known in the media of the 1930s as The Brown Condor of Ethiopia. This is the true story of Robinson’s struggles to overcome the racial prejudice that all but closed the field of aviation to Blacks. His outstanding success in accomplishing his dream of flying, his influence toward the establishment of a school of aviation at Tuskegee Institute (there would have been no Tuskegee Airmen without him) and his courageous wartime service in Ethiopia during the Italian invasion in 1935 are brought to life. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/tom-simmons/ www.thomasesimmons.net
The Devil Takes Half by Leta Serfim - An archeological dig near a desolate monastery in Greece is no longer the innocent search for Minoans, the mysterious precursors to the Greek who disappeared without a trace more than 3500 years before; giving rise to the legend of Atlantis. A severed hand and what seems to be all the blood from the missing archeologist, Eleni Argentis, is found in a trench and her teenage assistant, Petros, is found nearby with his throat slit. On such a remote island, there are only so many suspects, then again, Yiannis Patronas, the policeman in charge of the investigation, finds all is not as it appears, and some secrets are as ancient as the site itself. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/leta-serafim/ www.letaserafim.com
The Final Salute by Kathleen M. Rodgers - At a small air base in Louisiana, family man and seasoned fighter pilot, Tuck Westerfield’s life could literally crash down around him. In this business of flying fighter jets, the odds of staying alive are stacked against him. Haunted by the memories of dead friends killed in air mishaps, this Vietnam vet and father of three must deal with a devious commander, an animal-crazed neighbor, whose husband hates pilots, a beautiful, but suspicious wife and a rebellious teenage daughter. The last thing he needs is another war. But when Iraq invades Kuwait in the middle of a muggy Louisiana summer, duty calls. Tuck and the other pilots in his squadron head to the Middle East. Back in Louisiana, Gina Westerfield and other military wives learn that war is hell on the home front, too. Later, when tragedy strikes, everyone at Beauregard Air Force Base must pull together and live on or forever be consumed with grief. Would make a fantastic movie! http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/kathleen-m-rodgers/ www.kathleenmrodgers.com
Shadows on Iron Mountain by Chuck Walsh - What happens on Iron Mountain usually does not leave it, literally or physically… There is an abductor of women with the tendency to silence them permanently when he is no longer amused and he removes any and all obstacles, human specifically. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/chuck-walsh/ www.chuckwalshwriter.com Shadows on Iron Mountain book trailer – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAxC60Z_Jrk
Supercell by Buzz Bernard - When Chuck, a meteorologist, ventures out on his own to form a company which does storm chasing, the big bucks roll in until lightning strikes… literally. Out of work and living in a dive, he is approached by Hollywood with a million dollar deal – lead cinematographers to a violent EF-4 or -5 tornado. But they are not the only ones striking it rich with twisters, a brotherly pair of thieves are looting and killing immediately after tornadoes. Throw in an undercover FBI agent and Chuck’s son, a former Green Beret who is a less-than-willing participant, and you have non-stop, breath-catching, chill-bumps-all-over-your-body excitement page after page. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/buzz-bernard/ www.buzzbernard.com
Shadow Child by Stephen Doster chronicles a historical artifact and the people it impacted from 1597 to the 21st century. Spanning a number of eras in coastal Georgia, the stories vary in scope, ranging from historical fiction to the supernatural. A sub-plot threads throughout the book from beginning to end. In the first tale, Mission Asao (1597), a bronze bell is taken from a Spanish mission during an Indian uprising and is lost in what is present-day Gould’s Inlet on St. Simons Island. The bell is discovered by two slaves two-hundred-and-fifty years later in A Man Whut’s A Man. It hangs briefly from Christ Church after the Civil War in Casagrande and is returned to the Franciscan Order in the final story, Padre’s Run. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/stephen-doster/ www.sdosterc.om
Prodigious Savant by JJ White - Imagine going to sleep one night as a normal person of average intelligence and waking the next day in possession of several genius level abilities. In 1962 Vermont, seventeen-year-old Gavin survives a horrendous explosion, six hours of brain surgery, and thirty days in a coma, to awake possessing not just one savant talent, but several, including art, music, mathematics, and memory, and all without suffering any of the usual mental disabilities associated with head trauma. His genius, paranoia, and increased hallucinations result in some strange and extraordinary encounters with the icons of the 60s, including Bobby Fischer, Nikita Khrushchev, Edward R. Murrow, John Chancellor and even a tragic meeting with John Fitzgerald Kennedy. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jj-white/ www.jjwhite.webs.com
Pyramid of the Lost World by Sandra Page - A Maya archaeological site—Rio Verde—in the lush Guatemalan rain forest is the setting. Shortly after twelve-year-old Carly finds a valuable jade carving of Lord Sun, the piece is stolen and her mother, the site’s archaeologist, is blamed. Carly, best friend Zoë, and Maya friend, Emelio, comb the pyramids and palaces of the ancient city in search of the real culprit. Along the way, they encounter frenzied bats, a highly venomous snake, and a red-lored parrot. The three friends are stranded in a cave, view mysterious cave paintings, and receive help from ancient Maya tools. But will they locate the thieves in time to recover Lord Sun or will the looters slip away and sell Lord Sun on the black market? To make matters worse, serious family matters from the past threaten to explode, causing Carly to grapple with the dangers posed by keeping secrets. By story’s end, Carly has gained crucial insights into the nature of friendship and family ties and has a new appreciation of cultural differences.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/sandra-page/ www.sandrapage.com
Project Keepsake is a collection of short stories told in first-person by both writers and aspiring writers about their treasured keepsakes and mementos. From buckeyes to pocket knives to pound cake pans to rings to fishing lures, each keepsake—and each story—is unique, yet each reveals common attributes that bind us together and celebrate the glorious human experience. Would make a great book to go along with The Antique Road Show. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/amber-lanier-nagle/ www.AmberNagle.com
Plague by Buzz Bernard - Ebola in Atlanta - In 2008, a congressional commission warned, “…given the high-level of know-how needed to use disease as a weapon to cause mass casualties, the United States should be less concerned that terrorists will become biologists and far more concerned that biologists will become terrorists.” In a remote part of Siberia, a lab dating back to the cold war is still active. In its depths are the deadliest viruses known to man. Barashi has his own plans for them; a diabolical one that would affect the world and trump 9/11…http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/buzz-bernard/ www.buzzbernard.com
Countenance by Joy Ross Davis - When a woman’s life is shattered by the loss of nearly everyone she loves in one fell swoop, she seeks solace at her aunt’s historic inn, a place of mystery and magic where she unlocks family secrets that have held the forces of good and evil in balance for generations. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/joy-ross-davis/ www.joyrossdavis.com
Nisei by JJ White - After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States government encouraged all eligible young men to enlist immediately in the fight against its enemies overseas. All eligible young men except Japanese-Americans. Niseiis the story of Hideo Bobby Takahashi, a Hawaiian-born Japanese-American who must overcome prejudice, internment, and the policies of his own government to prove his loyalty to his country. Narrated by Bobby Takahashi and read by his son, Robert, 46 years after Bobby’s death, the story details the young Nisei’s determination to fight honorably for his country and return to the young love he was forced to leave, a girl he cannot have because she is white. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jj-white/ www.jjwhite.webs.com
Maddie's Choice by Joyce Zeller - When a romance novel author inherits half of a cattle ranch in Arkansas, she is a bit surprised. Maddie had only met the elderly man once — when he rescued her from a freak blizzard ten years before. In order to claim and retain her inheritance she is told she has to live at the ranch for three months… What greets her upon arrival is what steals her heart: two teenage boys in need of a mama and a lonesome cowboy in need of a good woman. A cataclysmic chain of events is set into motion just because of a little ol’ blizzard…cattle rustling, drug smuggling, and unexpected love.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/joyce-zeller/ www.joycezeller.com
Murder in Caney Fork by Wally Avett - Wes is caught in the middle as a participant in the killing of Frog Cutshaw. Soon one uncle is being tried for a murder he planned but did not commit and another uncle defends him, circumstances and witnesses threatening to convict the wrong man. Wes knows all too well who pulled the trigger of the 12-gauge pumpgun and fears the woman who could put him on Death Row. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/wally-avett/ www.wallyavett.com
Last Bigfoot in Dixie by Wally Avett - Deep in the peaceful, Smoky Mountains of North Georgia, a huge black bear kills a child in a campground and the hunt begins. Wade, an outdoors-man and backwoods columnist, is quickly deputized to find and slay the massive beast terrorizing tourists and locals alike. In their pursuit, they encounter a cannabis compound, an authentic Appalachian psychopath, an albino savant called White Willie and rumors of buried Yankee gold surface turning the quiet hamlet into a cauldron of death and fear. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/wally-avett/ www.wallyavett.com
Jesus Tree is a southern novel, based on a true story, which follows the life of a black man who was falsely imprisoned and the circumstances and consequences of the crime. In the summer of 1932 Ben, a black man from Georgia, is wrongfully accused of murder. His forty year prison sentence completed, he returns home to where nothing much has changed except the date on the calendar, including the animosity towards blacks and the fact that the real murderer is still living the gentile southern life. Ben’s struggle to regain his life and adjust to society brings one confrontation after another with friend, foe, and a daughter who thinks he is dead. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/stephen-doster/ www.sdoster.com
I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead by Ed Aymar - Tom Starks has spent the three years since his wife’s murder struggling to single-handedly raise their daughter, Julie, while haunted by memories…and thoughts of vengeance. When he learns that the man accused of her murder, Chris Taylor, has been released from prison, Tom hires a pair of ‘hit men’ to get his revenge. But then the tables are turned, Tom is inadvertently pulled into their violent world; trying to stay one step ahead and keep himself and his daughter alive, and the hunters and the hunted become the prey… http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/e.a.-aymar/ www.eaymar.com
Confessions of April Grace: In Front of God and Everybody by KD McCrite (ther first in the Confessions series published by Thomas Nelson/HarperCollins) is a mid-grade novel and the first of a series of stories about a rural community in the Ozarks and April Grace Reilly, who changes everything. Centered on the Reilly Family who has lived there for generations and the St. James who reluctantly moved there to start over, it is a true “country mouse” meets “city mouse”. The challenges of tolerance and acceptance and the miracle of saving grandma because of it make this a endearing novel. You will be as captivated by The Reillys as we all were with The Waltons in the 70s. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/kd-mccrite/ www.kdmccrite.com
Intimate Bondage by John L. Flynn, Ph.D., an erotic thriller which allows access to the taboo world of S & M, internet porn and who is actually participating— regular men and women, politicians, entertainers, and even those we trust with the safety and welfare of our children… What if the person you fell in love with was a serial killer? Kate Dawson, a homicide detective with a past, faces that chilling possibility as she penetrates the seedy underworld of porn shops, internet sex sites, and S&M clubs to catch her man.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/john-flynn/ www.john-flynn.com
Hanahatchee by Trisha O'Keefe - Set in the late 1930’s in a small, southwestern Georgia town, an innocent black is set to be executed for the murders of a store clerk and the Boyer family, who was found shot by a then twelve-year-old boy, Jordan Tanner. Nearly Twenty years later, Tanner receives a distressed call from a dear, old black man, Charlie, who taught him to fish and hunt as a child. Charlie has caught something bigger than a fish – a dead man floating in the Hanahatchee River. Tanner is now a reporter for a newspaper. His curiosity, and the fact that the victim is trussed-up just like another body found in the Hanahatchee years before, spurs him to uncover the truth – something this rural community has been avoiding for too long.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/trisha-okeefe/
Finding Claire Fletcher by Lisa Regan - Fifteen-year-old Claire Fletcher is abducted in 1995 by a psycho pedophile. Ten years later, she has survived the most hideous of tortures to be bound by invisible chains of fear; not for her own safety, but for her family and anyone she tries to contact for help. The last person she reached out to was a police detective whose obsession with finding Claire Fletcher unearths horrific cold-cases and disappearances of a dozen children over the span of 20 years. This is a must read to understand what children who are abducted in real life go through, and what it is like for those reunited with their families after their rescue. Compared to the Jaycee Lee Dugard case, it is made ever more real. You never know who this may help to accept what was done to them, what was done to their loved one, solve a case, or prevent one from happening.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/lisa-regan/ www.lisaregan.com
OCntrition by Robert Hirsch - When Brother Placidus finds young Amanda Lefleur butchered in the attic of the Brothers of Holy Cross, he knew evil had entered their sanctuary…but it was not unfamiliar. Placidus intimately knew of the last person who hung from its rafters. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/robert-hirsch/ www.robertehirsch.com
Eyewall by Buzz Bernard is to St. Simons as Jaws was to the New Jersey shore. Buzz Bernard’s Eyewall, an action-packed novel depicting a category five hurricane that originally is predicted to make landfall around Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, but is discovered instead to be headed for St. Simons Island, Georgia. St. Simons, a barrier island with a population of over 40,000, has not been forewarned… and it’s Labor Day Weekend. An Air Force Hurricane Hunter’s crew, a hurricane expert at the Atlanta-based Natural Environment Television Network, and a family trapped on St. Simons Island all have one thing in common: Hurricane Janet. The unimaginable has just been predicted! http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/buzz-bernard/ www.buzzbernard.com
Forgotten Heroes of WWII by Thomas E. Simmons - Forgotten heroes, they truly are. Men of honor, integrity, and perseverance, love of God, country, and family who fought on many fronts and survived to tell their stories – stories of horrors seen which live on forever in their minds and hearts. These veterans are slowly “crossing to the other side” to be greeted by those who have long been there – welcomed with open arms. Men and women you share combat and service time with, you never forget, especially those you see take their last breath. These are the personal accounts that will live with you till the end of time. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/tom-simmons/ www.thomasesimmons.net
Chasing Horizons-The Air Race that Changed the World by Jim Bolander is a historical fiction depicting the aeronautical challenge of 1924 in which four Douglas World Cruisers and eight American crewmen set out from Seattle, Washington, to attempt the first around-the-world airplane flight. One hundred seventy-five days later two of the aircraft and crews became the first to circumnavigate earth. Would be a fantastic Steven Speilberg movie!!! http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jim-bolander/ www.jimbolander.com/
Escape from Archangel by Thomas E. Simmons - This exciting book acknowledges that the merchant marines, all volunteers, are among the unsung heroes of the war. One of these was Jac Smith, an ordinary seamen on the Cedar Creek, a new civilian tanker lend-leased to the U.S.S.R. and in the merchantman convoy running from Scotland to Murmansk. Smith’s riveting adventures at sea and in the frozen taigas and tundra are a story of valor that underlines the essential role of merchant marines in the war against the Axis powers. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/tom-simmons/ www.thomasesimmons.net
Playing Mrs. Kingston by Tony Lee Moral (published by Zharmae Publishing, Fall 2014)- When actress Catriona Benedict is approached by Miles Kingston, it is much more than admiration for her work…it is the audition of a lifetime. Miles can’t touch his inheritance unless he is married by forty. This international playboy would rather not, but his need for money overrides all else and he asks Catriona to pretend to be Catherine Kingston at all costs. Murder, forgeries, burglaries, stalkings, and the sacrifice of her one true love. What else must she do playing Mrs. Kingston?http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/tony-lee-moral/ www.tonyleemoral.com
Confessions of April Grace: Chocolate-covered Baloney by KD McCrite (the third in the Confessions series published by Thomas Nelson/HarperColllins) would make a fabulous family oriented TV series. - The last thing April Grace wants is more change in her life–but that’s exactly what she gets! Plus, April has a new mystery to solve when Myra Sue starts sneaking around and acting very suspicious! From snooty new neighbors to starting junior high to getting a new baby brother to having her grandmother get a boyfriend, April Grace has had enough change to last until she is at least 87 years old. But when it rains, it pours, and April Grace is in for the ride of her life when her prissy, citified neighbor Isabel becomes her gym teacher and a long-lost relative suddenly reappears and throws everything into a tizzy. On top of that, April’s sister, Myra Sue, has been hiding something and sneaking around. April needs to find out what is going on before her silly sister gets herself into trouble again. More important, will April find the grace she needs to handle her topsy-turvy life and forgive past wrongs? http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/kd-mccrite/ www.kdmccrite.com
Confessions of April Grace: Cliques, Hicks, and Ugly Sticks! by KD McCrite (the second in the Confessions series published by Thomas Nelson/HarperCollins) - Just when April Grace thought the drama was over . . . After an automobile accident, Isabel St. James—resident drama coach and drama queen—needs help putting together the church play. Mama insists April Grace and Myra Sue will help. April’s fall is now devoted to spending every afternoon with Isabel and Myra Sue—if anyone is as big of a drama queen as Isabel, it’s Myra Sue. Plus, she’s dumb. (Okay, not dumb, but “older sister dumb.”) If that’s not enough, Isabel is wreaking havoc in the community trying to get Rough Creek Road paved, the new boy at school will not leave her alone, and then Mama drops the biggest bombshell of all . . . April Grace is no longer going to be the baby of the family . . . Girls will completely relate to April and love her sense of humor as she deals with siblings, boys, and the many changes that come with growing up. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/kd-mccrite/ www.kdmccrite.com
Brace for Impact by Chris Wiliams - This gripping thriller opens amidst a fierce battle between a top Special Forces A-Team and the Taliban on a remote mountain side in eastern Afghanistan in 2002 and takes us to the present day, where a high level al-Qaeda operative is planning revenge for the death of his family.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/chris-williams/ www.jakewalkerussf.com
Bred to the Bone: Deadly Secrets at Hunter’s Water Mill by Lin Waterhouse (published by Deer Hawk Publications, March 2015) - Caroline Hudson, a widow who moves to the Ozarks to start over, works part-time at a renovated water-operated mill turned into a tour stop/shop. She and her boss find a hidden bank safe in the attic. What it contains, certain people would rather not be public knowledge. The extent of their determination leads to stalkings, snakes, and murders. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/lin-waterhouse/ www.linwaterhouse.org
Submarine Stories of the 20th Century by Mary Nida Smith (published by Skyhorse Publishing, 2015) Submarine Veterans of the 20th Century is about teenage boys who left the farms, small towns, and inner cities to go on the adventure of a lifetime during the early 40s to present day. When they returned home as young men, they were older and wiser. These stories were shared by men who rode the submarines to great depths and across the world into unknown strange seas. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/mary-nida-smith/ http://submarinestories.blogspot.com
All About Sylvia: An Autistic Child’s Drawing Journey by Katherine Yu (available for acquisition) All About Sylvia: An Autistic Child’s Drawing Journey is only the beginning of a lifelong process of sharing her world with us. Author, screenplay writer, editor, TV/film producer and mother to three beautiful daughters, Katherine Yu has much to be proud of. When her youngest, Sylvia, was born with autism, she went through the usual roller coaster of emotions— fear, worry, loss, confusion, denial and anger—yet, Katherine took this challenge by the horns and has refused to back down. Art was the key to unlocking the world around Sylvia. From the moment she was three and Katherine put paper and colored pencils in front of her, the lights turned on. Sylvia is nine now.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/katherine-yu/ www.allaboutsylvia.com
A Month of Tomorrows by Chuck Walsh - Based on a true story, it is a memoir dictated to a journalist who gains much more than a story, but also the rebirth of his family. Called to his bedside, Pete is introduced to a simple man whose life is woven between the jungles of the Philippines during WWII and the rolling hills of Tennessee; seen through the eyes of Samuel Gable, a war hero down to his final days on earth. Gable, who is in fact Walsh’s uncle, was accredited for restoring the Ville Verde Monument in 1987 in Luzon which was desecrated after its erection in 1945. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/chuck-walsh/ www.chuckwalshwriter.com
'A Sentence of Death' Words That Killed A President by Robert Shows, MD (published by Ecanus Publishing www.ecanuspublishing.co.uk) is a step back in time. A melded novel of historical fact and fiction surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, it stimulates the reader to a thought provoking analysis of what could have happened before and after that fateful day in Dallas, Texas.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/robert-shows/ www.robertmshows.com
The Battle Cry of Freedom - An Alphonso Clay Mystery of the Civil War by Jack Martin (published by Fireship Press) This is the 2nd novel in the Alphonso Clay Civil War Mystery Series. A traitor, a free-lance female spy, and a murderer-all must be dealt with or the Army of the Ohio is lost. Tennessee, Autumn 1863. Staggered by the loss of Vicksburg in July, the Confederacy has rebounded with a crushing defeat of the Union forces at Chickamauga. The shattered Union army now lies stranded and under siege. Washington has dispatched Ulysses S. Grant to repair the situation. Grant finds that his task is made almost impossible by the presence of a rebel spy high in the Union command structure. Unfortunately, the only officer who could identify the spy is murdered before he can reveal the traitor’s name. Grant assigns Captain Alphonso Clay to root-out the murderous turncoat, but Clay soon finds himself in a nest of intrigue. To identify the traitor, he must solve the murder, deal with a lethal female undercover agent bank-rolled by financier Jay Gould, and overcome a monstrous secret society that is older than the United States itself. As Longstreet’s army surrounds Knoxville, Clay races the clock to keep the Army of the Ohio from being betrayed to the Confederacy. If that should happen, the Confederacy would regain all that it lost at Vicksburg, and will be well on its way to ultimate victory.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jack-martin/ www.jacksmartin.com
A Gentle Sun Coming by Maryann Wakefield (published by Deer Hawk Publications) When Kade Turner lost her husband and son to a freak automobile accident, she tried to commit suicide and was hospitalized for a year. Daily sessions with Dr. Luke Bradshaw brought her back to the land of the living… and also of loving. Or so she made him believe, as an unexpected and suppressed emotion is kindled and an eternal flame ignited on the night of her departure. She flees to Destin, Florida with the goal of being reunited with her family ‘on the other side’; unable to believe Luke could love a ‘lost cause’ like herself. Instead, she is targeted by a serial killer who sees her as a challenge. Unbeknownst to Kade, her worst nightmare is her next door neighbor; a man who knows her every move and hears even her thoughts. Will Luke find her in time? Is what they shared strong enough to turn a determination to die into an undeniable desire to live?http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/maryann-wakefield/ www.maryannwakefield.com This would be a great Hallmark movie!
A Killer Past by Maris Soule (published by ROBERT HALE LTD, March 2015) Mary Harrington doesn’t want to revive her past. She certainly doesn’t want her son and granddaughter to know what she did forty-four years ago. But when two teenage gang members try to mug her, old habits are hard to forget. Sergeant Jack Rossini, Rivershore, Michigan’s lone investigative detective, initially doesn’t believe an “old” woman could have put the punks in the hospital, but once he meets Mary, he becomes curious. That curiosity grows when he discovers there’s no record of her existence prior to forty-four years ago. Mary’s and Jack’s lives continue to intersect as a gang the police have been investigating vows to teach Mary a lesson, and a man from Mary’s past arrives in Rivershore, threatening to reveal her secrets.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/maris-soule/ http://marissoule.com
Aberration by Lisa Regan - FBI agent Kassidy Bishop is brutally attacked by a serial rapist she had arrested two months prior, who had gotten off on a technicality, and decided she would be next. Someone unties her hands when he is out of the room and places her 9mm in her hands telling her, “He’s coming. You have to do this. Listen for him.” Forty-five degrees. Upward one foot. His body hit the floor. Five years later, corpses start materializing with “For you” stuck to their cadavers. Assigned to the cases as they came up, Kass sees a pattern forming but does not connect the dots until it is almost too late. She is the “you”; saved by the one man who is obsessed with her; keeps killing… for her. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/lisa-regan/ www.lisaregan.com
12:19…by Michael Infinito (published by Mues-It-Up Publishing) The time has been set… Violet and Johnny Dotson pull up stakes and relocate to the beautiful countryside near Asheville, North Carolina in an attempt at starting over after series of miscarriages – unbeknownst to them they’ve actually been summoned there by a higher power. Locked away in a mountaintop mental institution, J.C., a mysterious man who was the only survivor found at the scene of a brutal murder/suicide, will only utter five words… “I am the son of God.” Strange events centered around the unknown patient spur Detective Tom Drayton to connect several bizarre deaths to the time of 12:19. Armed with an old priest’s advice and a touch of new found faith, Tom follows a path that could very well lead him to the destruction of all mankind. Is he doing God’s bidding, or could he in fact be the dreaded serpent himself? 12:19…The clock is ticking….Michael Infinito has been hailed as the next Stephen King. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/michael-infinito/ www.michaelinfinito.com
Marching Through Georgia is the 3rd novel in the Alphonso Clay Civil War Mystery Series by Jack Martin (published by Fireship Press). Georgia, the summer of 1864: General William Tecumseh Sherman commands a mighty Union army, tasked with delivering a knockout blow to the Confederacy by rendering the rich resources of Georgia unavailable to the rebellion. Relying on impeccable intelligence, he launches an all-out attack on the Confederate lines at Kennesaw Mountain – and is bloodily repulsed. To make matters worse, his most reliable scout, Captain Ambrose Bierce, is critically wounded, and Sherman’s most reliable general is mysteriously killed under the cover of battle. Sherman is persuaded by Union Army nurse Teresa Duval that these are murderous attacks perpetrated by a saboteur in his army. She urges him to summon Major Alphonso Clay, General Grant’s sinister troubleshooter. However, Sherman is unaware that Duval is a spy for Wall Street financier Jay Gould, and has her own agenda regarding Clay. Clay and his friend Lieutenant Jeremiah Lot find themselves accompanying Sherman’s army on its march through Georgia, desperate to identify the traitorous murderer before he can strike again, and possibly allow the Confederacy to snatch a miraculous victory from the jaws of almost certain defeat.http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jack-martin/ www.jacksmartin.com
John Brown’s Body is the 1st novel in the Alphonso Clay Civil War Mystery Series by Jack Martin (published by Fireship Press). Martin designs and constructs an intricate web of events extrapolated from in-depth research of Civil War memorabilia, journals, photos, and correspondence. Although this a fictional account of the months before and the time during the Battle of Vicksburg, the characters and information are very much real. The John Brown depicted is not the infamous Brown who ignited the War Against the States but a former Boston detective who solved a gruesome child murder case which caught the eye of Abe Lincoln, appointing him to U.S. Grants battalion. Brown uncovers treason at the highest levels of the Union Army. He sends for the one person who can help him with the investigation, Cpt. Alphonso Clay but before Clay could meet with Brown, Brown is assassinated. Now it is up to Cpt. Clay to decipher Brown’s cryptic notes and follow his deductive instincts to solve the murder, unveil the traitors, and ensure the Union’s victory at Vicksburg, a decisive battle of the war. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jack-martin/ www.jackmartin.com
The Battle Hymn of the Republic is the 4th novel in the An Alphonso Clay Mystery of the Civil War series by Jack Martin (published by Fireship Press). The murderer of our late beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, is still at large. April 1865. Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia has surrendered to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse. The Civil War is all but over, the Union victorious. However, a sinister plot has been hatched to restart the war, and the assassination of Lincoln is only the beginning. The consequences could cost hundreds of thousands of civilian lives and tear the country apart forever. Colonel Alphonso Clay has been tasked by the Secretary of State to thwart this conspiracy at all costs. Aided by a beautiful, mysterious agent he embarks upon a dangerous journey into the heart of a cult even older than the United States that is determined to destroy the country. If they fail in their task, all that has been gained in four years of savage combat will be lost. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jack-martin/ www.jackmartin.com
This is the 5th novel in the An Alphonso Clay Mystery of the Civil War series by Jack Martin (published by Fireship Press). It is the summer of 1869. America is only four years removed from the end of the war that nearly destroyed it. Southerners groan under what they perceive as an unjust military Government, propped up by corrupt Northern civilian officials and recently freed slaves who, they believe, are not suitable for a voice in Government. Embittered Confederate veterans are forming an organization, the Ku Klux Klan, to fight what they perceive as the unjust oppression of the North and the Freedmen. However, Ulysses S. Grant, the newly inaugurated President, sees things very differently. He views the Klan as a terrorist organization, using arson and murder to destroy the newly won rights of former slaves and the newly re-established authority of Washington in the South. He is looking for a way to break the back of the Klan without returning to the slaughter and destruction of the Civil War. Desperate, he turns to his most trusted agent, Major Alphonso Brutus Clay. Clay accepts the assignment, not realizing that the Klan violence is being secretly encouraged by the Wall Street speculators Jay Gould and Jim Fisk. The sinister financiers are encouraging Klan violence, hoping to distract Washington from their plan to gain control of the country’s entire gold supply, and hence of the country itself. Clay also does not know that the plans of the speculators are in turn the merest smokescreen for an even more sinister, far-reaching plot; one that will encompass the entire world. Aided only by his friend the writer Ambrose Bierce, and by his lovely, terrifying mistress Teresa Duval, Clay embarks on his greatest challenge yet. Not just to preserve the unity of the country, not just to prevent corrupt financiers from gaining control of the United States – but to save the world from the designs of an organization far older than the United States itself. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/jack-martin/ www.jackmartin.com
CEO/President of Loiacono Literary Agency, Jeanie Loiacono Jeanie has over sixty authors. Her forte is mystery, romance, thrillers, historical/military/southern fiction, and all quality fiction/nonfiction. Her passion is to see her clients succeed. For speaking engagements or for submissions you may contact Jeanie @ jeanie.loiacono@loiaconoliteraryagency.com .
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