"Casting Call" 'Madison and State' TV Drama Friday Sep 18th 10:00AM - 5:00 900 N Dewitt Place,Chicago, IL 60611 Please prepare a short monologue, bring your head shots resume with you as well. Just in case you can't make it, we are accepting your online submissions as well, Please email your recent...
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"Casting Call" 'Madison and State' TV Drama Friday Sep 18th 10:00AM - 5:00 900 N Dewitt Place,Chicago, IL 60611 Please prepare a short monologue, bring your head shots resume with you as well. Just in case you can't make it, we are accepting your online submissions as well, Please email your recent head shots, resume and your demo reel if you have one, to ecpchcago@gmail.com Hey everyone, we are super excited to announce a new TV show Pilot which shall start production as soon as the first week of October in Chicago and burbs. Casting union and non union actors, please bring a resume and head shot which doesn't have to be professional as long as you have one. Please prepare a monologue of your choice, also be prepared to do a cold reading just in case the Director is requesting, so come out and have some fun and of course I sure hope to work with you on this TV show :) LOGLINE: Two half brothers struggle to find meaning in their complex and parallel lives. Synopsis: “Soul Food meets the Sopranos!” Madison and State is a dramatic series set in Chicago; inner city school teacher, Derrick Williams struggles to redeem and justify his brother’s life of crime, while trying to find meaning in his own. {Derrick Williams} African American- Male 43 is a steady conservative school teacher with two children, one a homosexual son who idolizes his uncle, and a young adult daughter who struggles with her sexuality. Derrick and his wife Sandra struggle with parenthood, and the peaks and valleys of marriage and life in general. {Pastor Fisher} African American – Male 62 Pastor and mentor, who loves Derrick and his brother Nate, but clings to Derrick because of his lifestyle and devotion to family and his brothers’ redemption. {Sandra Williams} is Derrick’s wife, grew up in a Chicago housing project, and desires a loftier lifestyle. She is often dissatisfied with their financial status and loves to keep up with the Jones’ much to the dismay of her husband Derrick. Samantha Langford is a white fellow school teacher and co-worker of Derricks that harbors secret feelings for him, and leans on him periodically which arouses the suspicions of Sandra Derrick’s wife. Nathan Williams is an upper echelon drug kingpin who lives an upscale, high end lifestyle, and commands respect and fear from hundreds of officials, politicians, and fellow gangsters in the Chicago land area. He is brutally honest and enjoys the gangster’s lifestyle; women and gross materialism. To many in the law enforcement community he doesn’t exist, a phantom of sorts and he would have it no other way. Everyone in his life is expendable except his brother and his daughter. Gabriella is the Columbian wife of Nate who enjoys her extravagant lifestyle and lives on the edge complete with deceit, drug use, and materialism. Her relationship is strained with everyone except her drug addict brother whom Nate hates and exploits often. Dana is the violent sociopathic lieutenant of Nate who kills and maims for kicks. She is sexy and strong willed, as she controls the West side of Chicago for Nate and is the face of Nathan’s drug and criminal empire. The police are convinced she exists, but can never nail her in court due to Nathan’s innumerable political contacts across the region. Mike is also the face of Nathan’s empire, but he controls security and the south side of the empire. He is mean but temperate, and he is blindly devoted to Nathan and will sacrifice his life to protect him. He works alongside Dana, but it is clear Dana is the most feared in the region. Jon Mullenrand is the financier of Nathan’s empire; he controls all of Nates money interest and launders money all over the country for him. He has a love interest on the north side of Chicago who is a black lawyer by the name of Eboni Thompson who loves him, but fears his lifestyle as she protects him and Nathan politically. Daniel Stringer is a CIA agent that assists Nathan and his cloak and dagger background for undisclosed reasons…. Detective Macy Jackson is a veteran detective convinced Nathan exists but cannot prove it; her repeated arrests of Dana never stick and knows somehow that Dana is more of a spoke than the wheel itself. Eboni Thompson high powered attorney that is the chief counsel of Nathan Williams’ empire and the love interest of Jon. Phillip Bergstrom [White Male] 40-50 Years old, Phillip is the younger brother of John Bergstrom. He is the head of the crime council but just under the influence of his brother. He is brash conniving, and bigoted. He hates Nate and appears to be jealous of his closeness with his brother. He secretly aspires to take over Nate’s operation and all the crime in the black community. John Bergstrom [White Male] 55-60 years old, he is the older brother of Phillip and head of the crime council. He has a closeness to Nate and a bit of a mentor. He loves his brother Phillip but appears to be ashamed of his ignorance and bigoted attitude. John appears to be very fond of Nate and seemingly wants him to take over the crime council at his death. Donna [White Female] 32-35 years old, school teacher and co-worker of Derrick Williams. She is very fond of him and jealous of his marriage to Sandra, she does all she can to make sure they spend time together. She harbors a secret desire to have him to herself. Deja Williams [Black Female] 19-22 Daughter of Derrick Williams, Deja is a young woman struggling to find herself. She has a wonderful relationship with her family, yet she struggles in dating and self identity. Her loving relationship with her father is only challenged by her admiration of her uncle Nate. Mack Williams [Black Male] 19-23 Son of Derrick Williams Mack is a gay young man who has a bad relationship with father due to his homosexuality. Derrick in the opening pilot is caught with a young man in his parent’s house, which kicks off their turbulent relationship. He has a great relationship with his mother and sister, as he also tries to find himself in a new lifestyle he has openly proclaimed.