Rich Karz's Lounge Discussions

Victor Titimas
A few questions...:)

1)If you sell a screenplay, do you have to move to Los Angeles? What if you're from another country?:)

2)How do agents/managers talk to people? Are they(acting) nice to writers or cold and distant, business-like?

3)I am still afraid of assignments(mentioned this on other forums), but if they come, how...

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Beth Fox Heisinger

Victor, all of this is relevant and determined on a case-by-case basis by those directly involved. It depends on specifics. It depends on context. It depends on an individual situation, project, job, circumstance, etc, etc, etc. ;)

Kristy Karczewski

I most recently got to chat, and network with The Founder of The Group Craig James Pietrowiak. Craig is an ama...

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Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Question 1:

Just because you live in LA it doesn't necessarily follow you will sell a spec script or be hired by someone. Most agents, producers and directors don't accept unsolicited material and I d...

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John Ellis

I'm sorry, but the only "dumb questions" - regardless of year - are the ones you don't ask. Everyone is at a different level here on S32, and to characterize anyone's questions as dumb is contrary to...

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Joleene DesRosiers

Victor Titimas Victor, John Ellis is right. There are no dumb questions. It's wrong for someone to make you feel like you're not at the right "level" to ask them. Don't let anyone's negative remarks k...

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Thomas Thorpe
Script Length

I received the following comments from a CI coverage reader. Do you agree?

"The general length of a feature is somewhere between 95 – 110. Cracking the spine of a spec script that’s only 87 pages long sends off warning bells in a reader, because it usually means there isn’t enough character/world se...

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Thomas Thorpe

Thanks, Dan. What are you up to these days?

Thomas Thorpe

If you don't mind my asking, how do you pay for all that?

Thomas Thorpe

Thanks Francisco. As Beth points out, script notes are far more helpful. Dan also reminded us that what was once a practice for screeners to give their bosses a quick summary, has become a cottage ind...

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Thomas Thorpe

Thank you, Dan Guardino. I've adapted four, each one in the series takes place in a different part of the world between 1820-1850 with the same protagonists, a husband and wife, aristocrats with crime...

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Margie Walker

I totally missed it -- coverage from Stage 32 - if it was sent on a screenplay I submitted August 16, 2017. I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake submitting.

Suzanne O'Keeffe
screenwriter and director who loves Stage 32

hi everyone! I've been to several events in LA put on by State 32 and I've been so impressed by the energy and knowledge passed along. I met some incredible people through them. I highly recommend the events -- participate if you can.

I'm particularly excited this weekend because I just submitted a...

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Allen Lynch

Good luck Suzanne!

Vladislav Nogin

Hi Suzanne! Welcome and good luck.

Suzanne O'Keeffe

thank you everyone! Do you mean the card game Rich? If so, I was taught it long ago but have no recollection of the rules

Zaff Malik

That's courageous of you to get that in the fest, credit to you. Huge good luck Suzanne. I'll be in LA in early September, so hope a Stage32 event is happening there that I can go to.

Alicia Norman

Hi Suzanne! Yeah, I was skeptical at first but there is a wealth of resources and info on here that has become just invaluable to me.

Victor Titimas
What do you think about this websites? Is it possible they could work?

I found some websites where you can send movie ideas to producers and agents or managers, without the " need " of having a screenplay. They accept scripts, if you have them, but their focus is solely on ideas. You submit your movie idea(for a price) and, if people are interested, they'll buy it...An...

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Danny Manus

To the OP, any website who says "send us your unwritten, unregistered_ ideas and if we like them we'll pay you" is probably NOT a place I'd send anything. its a bad idea. it's different if someone is...

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Victor Titimas

@Beth: Sorry for this late reply, I just saw your reply...Here are the websites I was writing about: An...

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Steve Scifi

@victor @Tony funnily enough I was just watching a youtube video on the timing of when to let others in on your idea for a script. The answer is not at the ideas stage. It allows others to shoot down...

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Bill Taub

Avoid them at all costs. The idea is the idea. The heavy lifting is the execution. There are a million ways to execute the same idea. If you're a writer -- focus on the execution. If you're not a writer -- then what are you?

Bill Taub

Sorry for the confusion, Tony. My response was ro Victor not to you. He was asking about selling just an idea he had when no script or anything else existed. That does not a 'writer' make. I often get...

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Corinne Friesen (Lovarra)
So why DO they Say "Pass"?

I can see that pitching is an art form separate from writing. So what are some of those "do's and don'ts" and some of the "red flags" I'm wise to avoid?

Dawn Murrell

Thanks Regina, but I bet you cant get the "homework" and the coverage of the first 5 pages like in the other class right?

Regina Lee

That's correct. As a trade off, the S32 on demand classes are offered at a lower price point than the live class for just that reason. They want to be fair to people who don't get the interaction with the instructor so they make it cheaper.

Regina Lee

You can always seek private consulting help from me or from other knowledgeable consultants.

Regina Lee

Hi all, in response to posts like this one, I started a new thread:

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