Darla Brown

Darla Brown


San Francisco, California

Member Since:
January 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Darla

Been in front and behind the camera for 18 years



  • 52 WEEKS

    52 WEEKS Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama After finding herself arrested on domestic violence charges, 33-year-old Girlie Brown must navigate through an unjust court system and an abusive past.  With 52 weeks of mandatory anger management classes, Girlie has to reach deep inside to get back to the one thing she knows...herself.

  • Hospital Shuffle

    Hospital Shuffle Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama  Kelvin is a trouble Black youth, who learns the truth about present conflicts as he gets a second chance after being shot for selling drugs with a job in hospital while going back to school. He overcomes his past troubles, by finishing school and comes back to the community to work in the hospital.

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