Cate is quick witted and acerbic always adding a dash of mince to her words. This trade mark style of writing is found in her published poetry, short stories, political columns and now screenplays. She has restrained herself on occasion as evidenced by her published books. A major online presence (just "google" her name) in the self help and metaphysical genres she has commanded the respect of many in these genre circles. Cate is available as a consultant in the metaphysical/supernatural/paranormal genres as well as for her own brand of storytelling in MAGICAL REALISM (A genre of her own creation.) she is also a talented voice artist specializing in accents.
I'll see You In My Dreams Other TAGLINE: Damn! Why does that magical quack always send fliers about his talks? LOGLINE: City Desk reporter Mike always tosses those damn magical and ESP flyers into the garbage. It's all bunk after all, isn't it? But a “dreamtime” encounter leads this seasoned reporter to learn that military applications using psychics are not urban legends leaving him with not only questions but answers about himself that he is not quite ready to accept.
Wizard Fantasy TAGLINE: What good can come of the student surpassing the master? LOGLINE: Sure, there were times Jesse would wonder what Noah would say but then again, Noah! Wimp ass of a mage daring to call himself a wizard! Yes, Jesse was beyond being an adept, beyond being a master. Despite being under the watchful eyes of The Demon's scurrilous spies, he believed himself to be a master wizard and demons did his bidding. But do they, really?
BORDERLINE Biography ⋄ Drama Tagline: A dash across the Borderline is way for criminals against the Moral United States to get to FreedomLand. LOGLINE: There's a deprogramming compound for those that speak and act against the Moral United States. To the East is FreedomLand—a place supposedly in the chaos of the immoral minority. If you can get there there no extradition back. Although agents have penetrated the compound, the problem is getting across THE BORDERLINE from “there” to there! Candace, a reporter, quickly learns that questions can be a dangerous thing. Confused she meets with a resistance organizer but is she recruitment material or potential spy?
HER GODMOTHER Family The coming of age story of a troubled young girl and the godmother that teaches her about everyday magic. This is a pubished novel for adaptation to screen.
THE BUS STOP Drama Tagline: With an education anything can be accomplished or so Ana believes. Logline: Brilliant Ana strives for the life that a good education can bring but with a gringo hating father she struggles to achieve and hides her love for the White boy who lives in the Co-op on the other side of the bus stop just out of reach of her poverty stricken neighborhood. Ana is scholarship materiel which triggers her father's rage. She maintains hope until she is shattered by horrific violence. This is a short story for film adaptation.
THE LAST STRAW Drama Tagline: It take everything young Dana has got to keep striving forward in the ghetto where she lives. Logline: Coping with a religious mother using the Virgin Mary to keep an otherwise well behaved girl in check and an alcoholic father Dana starves for attention from the father she adores. Too young to understand the oppression of poverty and the disease in her family she puts up a happy front. Living for rare outings with her father she endures disappointment until one disappointing birthday teaches her hate. This is a short story ready for film adaptation.
THE DOG THAT CAME TO DINNER Family Tagline: Angels come in all shapes and forms. Would you know one if you saw one? Logline: Mavis, a veteran advocate for abused and displaced women now finds herself facing foreclosure.
BLOOD OATH Thriller Magical Realism as Never Before Portrayed Tag Line: there's a new bad guy in town! Log line: A Santeria priest, is casting spells on people in an Hispanic community in Brooklyn, New York. He lures them away from doctors and into his den of deceit where, for a high price, he “cures” them of the ailments he gave them. When a young girl is hospitalized because of him, a shop owner, a doctor, and an attorney Witches all endanger themselves to stop him.
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