Victoria Vasylenko

Victoria Vasylenko


Kiev, Ukraine

Member Since:
March 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Victoria



  • Fire of Prometheus

    Fire of Prometheus Adventure Historical Development of the industrial espionage legend about Prometheus, who stole the greek fire secret, against a background of the first crusade epic saga.

  • Something is wrong

    Something is wrong Action Romance In this romantic story a career oriented young man meets a career oriented young woman. First they find each other useful only for promoting each one’s career. But further on they find much more in each other and their life priorities change.

  • The Beader

    The Beader Drama Fantasy A young woman, looking for her kidnapped daughter, learns how human destinies are controlled. She may lose everything and never see her child again, but she can give her baby a better destiny.

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