Jesse Dean's Lounge Discussions

Lisa Beuk

Am I the only screenplay writer who feels she is heading towards a dead end at a very slow speed? I have been writing for 6 years now and feel I am going nowhere, yet I know my writing has improved a great deal since I started. Is this just frustration setting in or maybe time to let it go? Does anyone else feel this way?

Jody Ellis

I feel this way at different times every day, like I am just spinning my wheels. But I can't see myself not writing so I keep on keepin' on. What else can ya do?

Kenya Branch

Writing can be a lonely and frustrating exercise at times, but I write simply because I have to.

Debbie Croysdale

Well said @Doug n Bill. @Lisa Frustration is a feeling we all get from time to time, whether writing one year or twenty years. Let it sweep over you, but not engulf you, changing the mindset to that o...

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Al Hibbert

Have you tried any consultants yet?

Jesse Dean

I can relate, try having an online platform "" accidentally dump all your work you worked on for three+ years and then politely apologies and blame it on them selling out to the next compa...

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Jesse Dean
Hello my name is Jesse and I am a screenplay writer from Eugene, OR- feel free to explore my link's and resume'
Nikki April Lee
Does it really take a year?

How long does it truely take to complete a screenplay?

Jesse Dean

No,.. not if you are writing your ten (10) pgs. a day minimum~ [Stephen King- On Writing]. I would personally the most grueling the probably is my re-write and of course all of us writers experience t...

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Nikki April Lee

Dan Guardino Agreed! I believe the same thing.

Raymond Zachariasse

Could be. It all depends on the size, the genre and how many rewrites. Also, if you need to do extensive research, you also need to take that in account. For me a first draft of a short usually takes...

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Richard F Roszko

The reason it takes so long for people to write something is that most people don't have a story. Wait, what!? This is how it happens: they start writing and figuring out things as they write it. Then...

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Amazing Kacee

If you have a story and know the characters it will take you two weeks. I just wrote my 65 page TV pilot in eight days. I wrote my first feature film 99 pages in two weeks.

Rob Little
Protecting a Script & Shopping

I am preparing to shop around my script for an animated project I am working on and wanted advice on how to protect my work. Also what steps will I be going through during the shopping process? Any recommendations on how to get noticed quicker? Our script has been under 4 revisions and countless dra...

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Karen Comer

Amen to that

Rob Little

I really do need to look into WGA, if only to protect my content. Would you guys recommend producing some shorts first? I have also been thinking about crowd sourcing and doing much of the initial sta...

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Brian McAndrew

It's 5% to 10% not twenty.

Karen Comer

I'm British and lean towards writing for the UK market. Many British agents charge 20% if they have to deal with writers like me, resident in the US. So we're both right.

Karen Comer

Thanks for the link to TVWritersVault too. I've been thinking about trying that market - it looks very useful.

Jesse Dean
Finding an Agent

I have been thinking about getting an "Agent" however, I do not know the steps for finding one. I would also like to know how their fees work etc. If anyone can give me a run down on what to expect and general information I should know in getting an agent I would be grateful for some info. peace!

Sandra Campbell

I've heard that most managers get 15 percent. My good friend got a manager first, so it's probably a good rule of thumb. But, how do you find a manager? I'm an actor and screenwriter, so could a manager cover both career tracks?

Chris Keaton

Write something that sells. Or write something that is produced and is a hit. Then you won't have to go looking. :0

Jesse Dean

That all depends Chris... some agencies still will not even look at it unless you are represented on a professional level and standard. You are correct though- your chances are even greater if you are good.

Chris Keaton

What I meant was that you can get one once you prove you don't need one. :)

Chris Keaton

So if I have a script with a Producer/Director attached and ready to go they would check me out?

Jesse Dean
Eisha Marjara
Reading it after you're done

I don't know if this has happened to anyone of you, but sometimes I read a hard copy of my script that I've just completed and think it is the most dull, unimaginative piece of %$#@ I've read, and then pick it up the next morning and say, 'what the hell was I thinking? This is good!' ...What is that...

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Karen Comer

I've been working on one particular screenplay for 2 years. Most of that time it's sat on an external hard drive in a drawer. I figure if I still get excited about it when I read it a few months later...

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Sandra Campbell

Karen, I have to work on the marketing part as well. When I get ideas for a script, I write it down and just come back to it later. Right now, I'm researching a script that I want to write later this...

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Karen Comer

Hi Sandra, It's completely finished now. While it's ripening on my external hard drive, I try to totally forget about it and brainstorm ideas for others scripts. But I can never work on two at the sam...

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Lisa Clemens

I try to write as much as I can and not read over it as I go unless it's to check that details match from earlier scenes. I find if I go over and over a script, I zone out on it. The only way to expla...

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Nathan Ross Freeman

You don't know how good your script willl every ... sound ... until it's casted. Your cast is the final author and eternal for your audience. Now a good or great script has a little somewhat of how it ... reads ... or sounds to you on any given day.

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