"Nuvole" is a short film inspired by the homonymous story by Antonio Tabucchi: a dialogue between an Italian officer who suffered radiation from depleted uranium in Kosovo and a little girl, to whom he teaches the art of reading the future in the clouds.
www.methodvisuals.com Methodvisuals is a Florence-based film production house that believes in art, creativity and passion We produce films and music videos with a focus on innovation and authenticity From conceptualizing the script on a storyboard to producing on set, we strive to ensure your vision becomes reality on screen We are always excited to work with new artists to create visual poetry Music : 20syl
www.methodvisuals.com Methodvisuals is a full-service production company that specializes in the creation of high-quality, custom content across the spectrum of film and video production. Founded by the director and cinematographer Julien Vannucchi, the company aims to provide high quality content telling unique stories for the media challenges of the new century.
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