Ellison Wright Baldwin: Actor, screenwriter and graphic designer in San Francisco, California.

Christopher Frka
HI guys!

Hi Guys! Brand new to stage 32, so still getting used to the site. I am a New York Based film and TV actor, with some directing and writing under my belt, and a degree in Psychology. I am here with the intention of networking, Making new friends, and offering my talents to make some magic happen! Ca...

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Ellison Wright Baldwin

Welcome dude.

Rosalind Winton

Hi Christopher, welcome to the site. It's absolutely great here and the trick is to connect, connect, connect :)

Sonya Edwards


Lisa Blaney

So this is my company: Filmatick is pleased to host a virtual lunch & learn on January 6, 2021, from 12 pm-1 pm (EST). Emmy Award-winning director, Mike Gasaway, will be presenting on the importance of previsualization in a post-covid world. We will treat you and a guest to an Uber Eats lunch that y...

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Ryan Christiansen

Hi Ellison! :) How are you? Thanks for accepting my invite :)

Ellison Wright Baldwin

This is without a shadow of a doubt, a great message to entail to other artists around. That having supportive people in your life that brings out the best in you, is what we need most. After all, filmmaking is a collaborative process, filled with passionate people who wish to put this all together.

Mihaela Ivan Holtz

Thank you, Ellison!

Ellison Wright Baldwin

This really hits the nail in the hammer with the current situation in Hollywood. They're regurgitating just about every well-known franchise to death. To the point where streaming services are gaining even more momentum. Right now, the most recent thing that I've read up is that Disney is launching...

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Ellison Wright Baldwin

How's it going Anthony? Thank you for adding me to your network.

Seth Kashdan

Hi Ellison, nice to meet you. Are you looking for a Music Composer?

Alfredo Bravo de Rueda

I need a producer with whom I can partner to bring to life the following project. It's about immigration and totalitarian regimes scapegoating immigrants as well as about the people developing a sense of ownership over their own government, which they take from the hands of aristocrats and Supremaci...

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Ellison Wright Baldwin

https://www.stage32.com/loglines/18306  The intent is to have the trailer first, before I'd decide to release the Pilot Episode. And even still, my intent is to have it as Netflix distribution. I'll be using Toon Boom Harmony 16, Krita, and Pencil 2D to animate it as best as I can.

Chad Stroman
Just for fun. Complete the thought...

Writing a new screenplay is like...

Tony S.

boofing in the Devil's Triangle while ralphing many, many times during a FFFFFFFourth of July Beach Week.

John Iannucci

When i get to the end - torture - like watching the news channels this week

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

taking a deep breath, like a whale, then submersing for hours, weeks, months, a whole universe unto yourself, then finally, you rise, break the surface, spout a stream of story for the world to see, and hope someone catches a glimpse of it, appreciates the beauty...

Thomas Jamieson

Hi all. My name is Tom and I just joined Stage32. Glad to be here.

David W. King

Welcome, dude.

Ellison Wright Baldwin

Welcome to the group.

Sonya Edwards

Welcome Thomas!

GENRE: Action, Animation

-Aretha, a rouge in her mid-30's, saves a teenage girl from an illegal trade; gets involved with infamous kunoichi's named the Razorblade, who's aim is to be one of the four powerful tribes in the world of the mega-prosperous planet named Empyrean. The natural balance gets upset when not only two of the "Four Noble Animal Tribes" face off, but also awakens the Serpent of Chaos-Apep.

Based on the Novel & Graphic Novel of the same title. 

The aim is Netflix, Hulu, HBOMax, and Amazon Prime Video distribution.

Feature Length: 2hr 20min.

Nathaniel Baker

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Nathaniel Baker

LOVE IT!!!!!

Kevin Harman-Thomas
Screen writing

Does anyone have any tips on getting ideas down on paper to make some sort of sense before starting the screenwriting process.

Martina Cook

Chris, I’m the same. I use an excel spreadsheet to write a detailed outline. It’s easier to edit than a full 100 pages script.

W Keith Sewell

Kevin you seem old school" ... keep a pad and pen by you at all times...

Dianne Politud

They said that there are different ways for every story. Try a lot of things, and choose that will work best on your story. Good luck!

Ellison Wright Baldwin
Ambitious Introduction

Allow me to introduce myself. My pen name is Beckett Wright Baldwin, the author of the young-adult, sci-fi/fantasy adventure novels "Celestial/Terrestrial Warriors" or "Heavenly-Earthly Fighters" & "Saintly-Angelic Warriors" series. My real name is Garland Jones Bennett, III.

I'm also a Graphic Arti...

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Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"
Screenwriters, what do you wish for Christmas?

Hey folks, it's that time of year again. A time to make Christmas wishes and New Years Resolutions. Though I'm not one to make resolutions, I do have a Christmas Wish. I'm looking to get a nice deal made for a screenplay that nets me a sizable payday. And with one script currently optioned and two o...

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Doug Nelson

For Christmas this year: A really nice smokey single malt Scotch. 2017 was pretty hectic with a lot of irons in the fire. I moved, I built a new studio, I wrote a handful of (award winning) shorts, se...

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Roberto Dragonne

I want good deals for the scripts I've written. I wish everybody tons of happiness and memorable moments for 2018.

Ellison Wright Baldwin

For Christmas this year, in terms as a TV writer, a couple of six packs of Smiroff's, & to make up for this super rough year, with building an animation/music studio, from the comforts of my own room. Even it means using the money to pay for more equipment, to make it happen.

Ellison Wright Baldwin
Adapting the Screenplay to either Novel or Graphic Novel?

I have two screenplays that I've finished, and I've read an article on "Scriptmags" about adapting your screenplay into an IP (Intellectual Property), in order to increase your chances for a sale. And I've read it somewhere in David Troitter's "Screenwriting Bible", about doing Transmedia and adapti...

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Debbie Croysdale

If you have time I would do all three. Don't procrastinate but get to the desk and start. You are in a terrific position being able to draw yourself, so you can put your exact own personal stamp on yo...

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Vasco Phillip de Sousa

Personally, when I was in the market for a script, I found the best screenwriters focused on screenwriting. Those who also wrote books of the same story were generally unreadable.

A screenplay is Inte...

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Cherie Grant

I have an old comedy/sci-fi pilot that I have never felt was quite right to pitch any where. I decided to turn it into a graphic novel, which is something i am now doing, and having had to change aspe...

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GENRE: Action, Sci-fi
  • Half a year has passed after her colossal, climatic battle with one of the powerful four leaders, Aretha recovers & journeys to the valley to find self-reflection & achieve the power of "ISIS". Meanwhile, the world of Empyrean is in political chaos due to the disruption of the "4 Animal Leaders", and now...the Grigori, who possessed the last two "4 Noble Animal Tribes", are engaging in a global-scale invasion. And the Coco's are nowhere to be found.
James Drago

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James Drago

What is the conflict and the challenge to be overcome? That's missing from the logline

Ellison Wright Baldwin

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Ellison's network

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Myriam B
Daan Van 't Einde
Silvia Mcclure
Timothy Shireman
Matthew Parvin
Robert Sacchi
Shayne Carney
Rajasekaran Bose
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