Dale Sumner's Reel

There Is Something Beneath Us by Beats and Bars

Horror track very suitable for TV and film syncing. A blend of electronica with additional choir and a quick tempo: fast and dramatic.


This is a demonstration track exploring light's reflective properties - on water, the leaves of trees on a bright summers day or cut glass or a jewel (as examples). Floating between different time signatures, the musical structure represents the visual spectacle, as well the mystery. Featuring a combination of orchestral, choir and electronica arrangement.


A group of strangers are stranded on a lonely highway after a vehicle pile up, to find they are not alone and some very disturbing and horrific creatures are lurking nearby in the dark wilderness.


Crime thriller about a professional hired killer who, after committing a brutal murder and is on the run, resorts to kidnapping his main contact in an attempt to escape. The story centres on the relationship between the hired killer and the hostage negotiator.

A Very Talacrest Christmas

Christmas video from Talacrest - the world's number one classic Ferrari dealer.

Graduation Afternoon (extracts)

On the afternoon of their graduation, a couple, who after a misunderstanding come together again, face an imminent end in a most unexpected way. A short film directed by Calum Chalmers based on a short story by Stephen King.

Southampton Story PART 2.wav

This is Part 2 of the musical theatre production for 'Southampton Story', a production for E-QUIP Community Arts and Matt Bunday Events Ltd. This music was composed for the pilot show, performed on 27th November 2014, and so far has received very good reviews. The plan is to create a bigger, longer production for 2016. The story is told through a narrator, speaking characters, dance and music and Part 2 tells the story of the Titanic through song, and a waltz for dance to reflect the World Wars and the impact these events had on the city.

What's Up With Seth?

One of my latest projects: 'Whats Up With Seth' a sitcom pilot seeking interest. I wrote the music - enjoy!

Codename Libra

Library track composed for album release (date TBA). Thriller or suspense genre, dynamic and emotive. (For details on how to licence this track please contact Dale Sumner by sending a message via Stage 32).

Territory Soundtrack -1st Take (music track extracts)

Four cars lie stranded on a dark and desolate country road in the middle of the night - the aftermath of a car crash. Tensions run high as the survivors struggle to resolve the situation, but they soon realise that the worst is far from over... Tired, cold and miles away from the nearest town, the true danger begins to dawn on the passengers as they find themselves being picked off by a group of demonic creatures, enraged by the fact that humans have strayed into their murky territory... This...

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